I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 61


Chapter 61 Calm down

At present, Lin Yuan himself does not know what he can do.

Cangsong Academician believes that with Lin Yuan's sense of tools, there is no need to calculate and aim in the future, raising his hand is a precise attack!

As the test progressed, Cangsong Academician became more and more terrified.

"This kid..."

"How strong is willpower."

Looking at the scores recorded in his hands, Cangsong Academician couldn't help thinking.

Lin Yuan's overall results are extremely stable.

Generally speaking, with the consumption of spirit strength, response and shooting time, the accuracy will drop significantly.

However, Lin Yuan's strong sense of mechanics allowed him to gradually find the rhythm and feeling of shooting, coupled with a strong willpower.

Because of this change, the performance did not show much decline.

"There is no empty gun!"

When the hundredth iron ball was smashed by Lin Yuan in the air, Cangsong Academician's hands trembled with excitement.

Lin Yuan has an innate calmness!

This coolness refers to the mind, not the emotions.



Lin Yuan gasped heavily, feeling exhausted from the inside out.

Cultivation Machine Department Spiritual skills are bound to face such pain.

Academician Cangsong walked up to Lin Yuan, "How is it?"

"Do you feel there is any progress?"

Under exhaustion, Lin Yuan resolutely nodded .

Only 100 iron balls made Lin Yuan feel the real progress and the immediate effect.

"In combat, you don't know what's going to happen."

"This kind of capture ability exercise is not just for photon pistols."

"Whether it's hot weapon shooting or cold weapon melee combat, your neural response and capture ability will have a qualitative leap."

Cangsong Academician kept saying:

"As a Machine Department Martial Artist, there will be many options for combat in the future."

"This half year is enough time for you to master the mechanics, but there are many items you need to train, which may be very difficult. Tired."

Cangsong Academician smiled, "Because you are my student of Cangsong."

"So I will be strict."

"I will ask you the most perfect request."

Lin Yuan nods, "I understand."

For Lin Yuan, the current cultivation does not have any pressure , on the contrary, it is full of energy!

He wants to see this world!

"Okay, let's move on."


More than a month later.

Technology room all around.

This is the only one film in the military academy where Lin Yuan can unscrupulously let go of practicing Machine Department magic.

The quiet night.

Lin Yuan crouched in a hidden weed, motionless, and even the sound of breathing was extremely slight.

About 1000 meters away, three robots made by Academician are moving quickly left and right!


shua shua ——

These high-speed robots do not have the high-level consciousness like Luo Ling, also because Academicians are not good at it.

But it's not a problem to just use it as a target to spar with.

In Lin Yuan's hand, he firmly held a silver-gray photon sniper rifle.

This is the basic sniper rifle of the Machine Department Craft.

The overall length of the frame is 1340 mm.

The barrel is 791mm long.

Weighs 4.1kg.

The limit range is about seven kilometers, and the effective range is about four kilometers.

Lin Yuan's concentration was extremely concentrated, he accurately calculated the speed of these robots, and calmly pulled the trigger.


The sound of sniper gunshots suddenly sounded in the dark night!

The bullet swept through the sky frantically and smashed directly into the head of one of the robots!

Because these robots were relatively crude, the first robot's head exploded almost immediately.


The other two robots, under the control of Academician, began to run wildly and randomly, with amazing speed.

Lin Yuan did not hesitate, and quickly gathered mechanical energy.

The second shot didn't wait too long, and the moment the condensation was completed, the trigger was pulled again!

The head of the second flying robot was bombarded by the energy of the chrysalis stone again, and it was blown into a pile of scrap iron.


Lin Yuan's eyes are cold, his speed is faster, the third mechanical energy bullet condenses, shoot!


Seeing that all three robots were successfully headshot.

Lin Yuan let out a long relaxed breath, got up in the weeds, and was almost exhausted.

"Not bad, there is progress."

When Lin Yuan got up, Cangsong Academician smiled and walked over from not far away.

They are simulating actual combat.

On the real battlefield, the one who really fired the first shot of the battle was either a sniper or a French Martial Artist in the team.

However, the movement of the French Martial Artist is too great.

As long as the opponent is not stupid, it is difficult to fall into the trap.

Snipers are different.

An excellent Machine Department Martial Artist with a great chance to shoot an enemy in the first instant of their encounter!

This constant concentration is extremely difficult to maintain, and Lin Yuan practices it almost every night.

Cangsong fulfilled his promise, and his demands on Lin Yuan were the highest.

Even so, Lin Yuan was still able to complete the exercises well.

Cangsong at first wanted to pick on the thorns, for fear that Lin Yuan would be too proud, and later found that he was overthinking.

A Martial Artist must have a strong spirit and a cool mind at the same time.

Lin Yuan has both.

Cangsong said solemnly, "But for a true expert."

"As long as the barrel of your gun is aimed at him, he can feel the danger."

"Don't think you have the ability to snipe."

"Real combat is completely different from this simulation exercise."

"Sniper rifle , Compared with Spear Art, the test is more psychological!"

"When your comrades are fighting the enemy at high speed, you must have the courage to kill the enemy with one shot!"

Speaking of this, Cangsong Academician's voice trembled.

"Even if you kill a thousand enemies, as long as you kill a comrade by mistake..."

"This kind of guilt, regret, nightmare."

"It will be with you for the rest of your life."

"You can't even lift your sniper rifle again."

A gust of wind blew through the night.

At this time, Lin Yuan seemed to be able to feel the sadness in Cangsong's heart.

"Academician, you..."

"I killed someone by mistake."

"Not just me, almost all Machine Department Martial Artists..."

"All of them killed by mistake!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's heart suddenly trembled, and he gradually clenched his fists.

The Martial Artist fights so fast that no Machine Department Martial Artist can guarantee to stay calm and never fail!

There are so many factors.

Both forced and unforced.

It is also an important reason why the Martial Artist of the legal system is always less than that of the military.

The Martial Artist of the legal system also bears this huge pressure during the battle of the squad.

So the cooperation between the squids is especially important.

Cangsong Academician took a deep breath, unwilling to remember that scene again.

Even if it did not directly kill the comrade-in-arms, it also directly led to the death of the comrades-in-arms.

Even if his comrade didn't blame him when he died.

But when he raised his sniper rifle again, he was no longer as calm as before.

"So no matter what the situation is, as a Machine Department Martial Artist, you must maintain absolute calm."

"Only calm can change everything!"

Calm down, these two words have been engraved into Lin Yuan's deep in one's heart forever from this moment.


It has been three months since the 2022 class of Budo Academy officially started.

In the past three months, countless new talents of the Martial Arts Academy have come to the fore.

There is another wave of discussion across the country.

That is, at this time, a news that shocked the whole country came out.

The sixteen-nation alliance has announced its participation in the world martial arts tournament in September next year!

This is definitely exciting news for the freshmen of the Class of 2022.

Because of the world martial arts tournament, the required age must be under 20 years old.

After all, once the Martial Artist's level reaches Level 6 Level 7, the scale of the fight is too grand and uncontrollable, not to mention the appreciation of martial arts.

By next September, they will be just the right age.

Able to go to war for the country on the world martial arts tournament, showing the young generation power of Tianshui Kingdom.

It sounds like this group of young geniuses are already excited, and they are about to become the top genius Martial Artist in the country.

But what they didn't think of at all.

The lord of Tianshui Kingdom, including the military, did not put their hopes on the new students of the Martial Arts Academy at all.

The eight military academies finally began their rigorous selection.

(end of this chapter)

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