Chapter 382

“Is that him? The guy who was lucky enough to get the pregnant spirit tree.”

“It’s him! The pregnant spirit tree that Master Li Si’s nineteenth grandson Li Wu admired, no matter how you say it, will not be sold. Even if Master Li Wu initiates the Realm battle against it, there will be no concessions!”

“That being said, Master Li Wu chose to go to the ring to snatch it. I’m afraid Master Li Si’s reputation is a bit bad, right?”

“What do you know, this is a sinner!”

“Oh? The criminal?”

Before a huge projection, there stood a group of people watching the excitement.

Shen Qin established the country by God’s way, with a sharp blade in his heart, he would be willing to kill, and if he had the power, even if he would be restrained by reason, he would inevitably choose a quick way to solve the problem under impulse.

Even if you know that there will be endless troubles, this is inevitable.

Even ordinary people have the impulse to kill, let alone the people of the god Qin who have the power and practice the divine way?

Therefore, Shenqin’s decree, after discovering that violence is really unstoppable, let go of a part of it, and the Realm battle can be carried out.

The two gods agree to place the battle between the two gods’ Realms, and the respective believers fight for the gods they believe in. The winner gets all agreed, and the loser loses everything except for the agreed things. You will also lose believers!

After all, believers who have always lived in the Realm of Life are different from those who are kept outside by Shenqin. They have limited vision. In their eyes, the deity they believe in is the only deity. As such a deity, it is naturally impossible to fail. It should not fail.

It is natural to imagine what kind of blows it will cause to the believers in Realm.

As for the winner of the Battle of Realm…

That is naturally a winner takes all.

In the eyes of the believers of the victor, this is just their god, leading them, defeating a false god, and defeating a group of heretics.

It only makes faith more fanatical.

And at this moment, in this projection, it is Hong who is fighting the Realm battle with Lord Li Wu!

The reason for everything lies in the spiritual tree.

A spiritual tree that only exists in these populations.

“Your divine way is really arousing emotions! Use the pregnant spirit tree as a bet and ask me for divine power, don’t you think you are too greedy? I obviously bought the pregnant spirit tree from you at a premium. Arouse my emotions in a vain attempt to get divine power from me through battle.”

Li Wu’s face was not good-looking. As the nineteenth grandson of the god Qin Prime Minister, he had outstanding talents. Although he had not yet entered the prime minister’s eyes, he was ultimately a member of the Li family, a member of the Legalist family.

Even if it is only a fourth-level god, there are countless nephews and grandchildren in terms of seniority, so how can it be possible to do something to grab it?

This is fame!

Although he wanted the Yun Ling Tree, and it was considered rare, he didn’t want to do such a thing for this.

The only possibility, there is only one, the guy on the opposite side used his divine way and affected own judgment.

No one else knew about this man’s divine way, but Li Wu, who had done an investigation, did.

To become a god, you must have faith and power, and this guy in front of you, from the place of sinners, has no faith at all, how can he become a god?

According to Li Wu’s investigation, he disturbed the situation in the place of criminals, was called a genius, and was envied by countless criminals.

Most of the abilities shown by it are moving people’s hearts to darkness.

Therefore, Li Wu has long suspected that most of this man’s divine way is a study of the human heart.

Of course it’s not about splitting the heart, but about studying the seven emotions and six desires of the human heart.

On this point, Li Wu had long guessed. In fact, many sinners in Shenqin left their birthplace in this way and became gods and people of God.

Such a divine way can turn the emotions of others into its own divine power. In the land of sinners, even if there are no believers, they can still have the opportunity to become a god.For example, there are people who regard happiness as their god, bring happiness to others, absorb this emotion and turn it into divine power. Fighting is generally a way to affect people’s hearts.

It can quietly make the enemy feel happy, reduce hostility, and even turn the enemy into a friend.

In fact, such gods who practice the way of happiness are often the least likely to become enemies with gods.

Will you fight against the people who bring you happiness?

Unless she dances as a fairy!

There are also those who practice the way of anger. They only need to make people angry and they can grow up.

People of this kind are often not willing to offend. After all, quietly making people angry and losing their minds is also a terrible ability.

Moreover, you must not underestimate this kind of people, it seems that their combat effectiveness is very weak.

However, killing is often invisible, for example, directly depriving a person of all happiness, what will this person do?

No matter what you do, you can’t feel fun!

Visiting the god network, boring!

Pinching the lamb, boring!

It’s boring to make friends with God!

Even learning divine art and working hard will be boring. How terrible is this?

Such a person, the final outcome, is doomed to self-demise.

Of course, in Shenqin, it is against the law to kill God for no reason!

Qin Lu protects all the people!

Therefore, the normal way for the gods to practice the path of emotions is actually to be a doctor and a psychologist.

Even gods will need some psychotherapy. Who hasn’t been unspeakable yet?

“Your divine way should be more than anger!” Now Li Wu, without Hong’s influence, has recovered his sanity. Although the Battle of Realm has started and cannot be stopped, he can continue to analyze.

“There should be jealousy, and even greed, no! Maybe even desire…”

Li Wu frowned, recalling that when he met before, there was a feeling that everything was under the control of the other party.

It seems that at the beginning, his emotions have been grasped by the other party.

Thinking of this, he looked at Hong’s eyes and couldn’t help being filled with jealousy.

Emotions together, it is really terrifying!

It seems that there is no majestic power of nature, but for people, it is the best weapon to kill.

“Could it be that… you are practicing all emotions in vain to become the god in charge of people’s hearts?”

Li Wu seemed to have thought of something, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed when he looked at Hong.

In charge of people’s hearts…

Today’s Shen Qin, this group of priests has not yet appeared, because if this kind of divine power were fully controlled by people, it would be too terrifying.

Therefore, that position is still empty. If Hong can use his own practice to take the path of the godhead to a very high point, His Majesty First Emperor, he may not really give him this godship, and let him become a senior official of the gods.

As for whether Hong Neng could get there, Li Wu actually believed a little bit.

For one thing, if you really practice all the ways of emotions, then the guy in front of you can still advance at such a fast speed. There is no doubt that the grasp of the human heart has reached an absolute level.

You know, according to Li Wu’s investigation, it took him only two years to go from a first-level god to a fourth-level god like him.

And Li Wu, as a member of the Li family, as a genius who skipped grades, became a first-level god at the age of twelve, and now he is nearly fifty, and barely a fourth-level god.

This speed is already very fast, or he is inherently talented and has the resources of the Li family.

The guy in front of him is simply terrifying.

As for whether Hong wants to become a high-ranking official of Shen Qin, Li Wu has never thought about this. Who can refuse such a temptation?

Even if the laws of God and Qin are still strict, the official governance is still clear, but…

When you become a cadre, you will inevitably pass the test. Even if you don’t want it, the test will come.

And who can resist the temptation of trials?

Even if it refuses, that’s great!

Hearing Li Wu’s words, the corners of Hong’s mouth curled slightly, his eyes closed and he focused on the divine power that represents his own power attribute.

I saw that it was originally dark, gray, or dark, and the overall tone was dark, which could arouse people’s envy, anger, envy, greed and other negative emotions. There were a few other colors in the divine power, and it was a kind of motivating pleasure. The ability of positive emotions.

And the somewhat illusory “spiritual tree” in his God Realm was finally completely solidified.

Become a real spiritual tree!

The so-called spiritual tree is not the Spiritual Qi, but the elves…

The Spiritual Qi is not worthy of being moved by the gods. What God cares about, besides his own Shinto, is always the incense faith that can help them in their practice, and they are their believers.

And the pregnant tree…

To put it another way, it is the Mother Elf Tree!

It can breed elves that contain the power of nature and belong to the power of the wood element. There is a spiritual tree, which means that there will be endless elven believers.

This is a treasure naturally bred after the change of heaven and earth. It may not be so powerful, but it is absolutely rare.

Similarly, there are Lei Chi, Yan Nest and other places, which are all rare things.

Naturally, Hong hadn’t had such a treasure before. He even managed to make up the budget for the vegetable family. He couldn’t even afford the cost of interstellar travel. How could he get the spiritual tree?

Of course, now he has!

The corners of Hong’s mouth couldn’t help but smile. Everything was as he expected. The “belief” of the gods was far stronger than that of believers.

As for Li Wuxuan, the genius of the Prime Minister Li Si’s family, even if it is still weak, there will still be countless gods who believe his guess in this kind of battle.

Moreover, the existence of Li Wu makes it easier to attract the attention of other gods.

Otherwise, if he fights this Realm battle with a little-known little man, how can he attract so many eyes?

How could the formation of his pregnant spirit tree be so smooth?

He also perfected his second divine way in vain.


It is the second Shinto!

Hong has a secret, a secret that he would never dare to tell.

His divine way is never emotions, but true or false, or…a lie!

Tell a lie, as long as someone believes it, under the infinite blessing of “belief”, his divine way can condense it into reality!

And this process of cohesion, the more powerful things are, the more “trust” is needed.

That’s how Hong’s pregnant spirit tree came.

The vegetable family’s letter condensed a rudimentary form, and then attracted a group of gods and people with this rudimentary form, which gradually made it real, and then attracted Li Wu to fight with him. In the battle, he took advantage of Li Wu’s fame. Promote it, accumulate more “faith” from the gods, and then turn lies into truth.

Hong’s second divine way also came in this way.

At the beginning, when he understood this power, he knew its horror, and he could never tell it.Therefore, from the very beginning, he has compiled a lie, portrayed himself as a genius among sinners, and even deliberately revealed that he can become stronger with the feelings of jealousy and envy of others.

In this way, when the first ray of emotional divine power was born, his lies would be turned into real capital, and then he became a god.

This power is somewhat similar to the way gods use incense.

It’s just that most gods condense their divine power through belief, and then use other tools or magic techniques to use divine power to achieve their goals.

However, Hong’s lie was turned into truth through the idea of ​​”belief”.

Naturally, Hong wouldn’t tell this secret, and the purpose of his and Li Wu’s right was naturally not just for a spiritual tree, a place for elves, and it was not worthy of him to provoke enemies.

“Master the heart? No! I don’t dare to be interested!”

Hong replied, then looked up at the sky again, and said, “I admit defeat!”

? ? ?

Everyone was shocked!

This competition has not yet begun, and the believers on both sides have not even come out yet, why did he give up?

Even if most people think that Hong will lose, there is no winning rate, but if you just admit defeat in this way, then what is the point of Hong’s previous provocation against Li Wu?

They don’t understand!

“Yes! Take the initiative to surrender and pay half the price!”

In the sky, there was an indifferent voice. The Battle of Realm is allowed to surrender, and it only takes half of the bet to actively surrender.

“Ah! What should I do? Except for the pregnant tree, I really don’t think I can pay anything. Should I cut the pregnant tree in half at half the price?”

Hong looked at Li Wu jokingly.

Sure enough, Li was in no hurry!


Wouldn’t it be abolished?

Isn’t this guy in front of him even wanting to disgust him?

“You give me supernatural power! Give half the value of the pregnant tree, and I will give you the entire pregnant tree.” Hong said.

Um? ? ?


Are you crazy? In the past, it was bought at a premium or not sold, but now it is used this way to give it to Li Wu at half price. Everyone does not understand what Hong means.

“Don’t think too much! I just remembered suddenly, I seem to still have a dragon’s lair, a lot of dragon eggs have not hatched, if it is destroyed in the Realm battle, then I will lose!”

Hong said so pretending to be distressed.

What? Dragon’s Den?

Is there not only a pregnant tree but also a dragon’s den?

Do you think you are the illegitimate child of Lord Li Si? So rich!

Do not believe! Many people do not believe it!

However, this person gave up so simply, is there really a dragon’s lair? Under the gaze of so many people, some people think so after all.

“Come on! Don’t be angry! This egg is for you, boil it and eat it! Let’s not know each other anymore, calm down!”

Suddenly, Hong took out a dragon egg and gave it to Li Wu.

Such behavior made more people believe Hong’s statement.

Therefore, after Hong lost his first egg, more dragon eggs appeared in his Realm one after another, and they really looked like a dragon’s lair.

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