Chapter 385

Time is faint…

The time in the prehistoric world has passed one after another, and the entire prehistoric world has fallen into a weird atmosphere.

Battle of the Shemales…

Can’t fight anymore!

At least……

Di Jun can’t fight anymore!

The prehistoric human race is damaged, so his emperor’s interests in the human race will also be damaged.

If something happens to the Yaozu, Dijun’s interests in the Yaozu will also happen.

For a while, Di Jun didn’t know how to do it, and he really wanted to do it, what should the daughter-in-law do?

Don’t do it…

How does Little Brother cope?

Such a difficult problem caused the great and wild to fall into tranquility strangely, even if Fuxi snatched something from them, they still did not do anything.

Of course, at this time, they are also very difficult to get started!

not in the mood!

Recently, Taoist ancestors assigned tasks to each of them. The entire Primordial Land is constantly linking new worlds, countless worlds are connected, and the laws of the world are conflicting, making the Primordial Land bear the pressure it should not bear.

There are three thousand loopholes, each of which is connected to one world, and every day, three thousand worlds have ascenders from outside come.

These ascendants, as the bridge connecting their respective worlds to the prehistoric, appear in the prehistoric world one by one as the pioneer practitioners.

Originally, the worlds were connected one by one, and with Hong Jun’s sorting out, the Primordial World could still bear it.

However, in the eyes of the many Celestial Immortals of the Primordial Immortals, the Taoist ancestor seemed to be stimulated, constantly accelerating and constantly linking the new world, making the Primordial Land difficult to maintain and merge in many different laws.

The number is too large, even in the prehistoric world, which has already started a perverted road, it is somewhat unbearable.

There is no way, the pressure that the Primordial World can’t bear can only be borne by their group of people.

That Dao ancestor, using the three thousand worlds as the hub, trapped the negative effects of different worlds in the sea of ​​the world within one world, and the creators of each world bear part of the pressure, and their group of Celestial Immortals have become Hit the workers.

Become a Taoist person who sorts out different world laws.

Why did Fuxi go to Shenqin?

It’s not because you want to thoroughly analyze the laws of the Shenqin world, it is best to prove the position of Taiyi in the Shenqin world, so that it can be used as a tool to guide the Shenqin world into the prehistoric world.

A tool man like Fuxi can’t escape every prehistoric Celestial Immortals.

As for why Hong Jun didn’t do it himself, many Celestial Immortals have become accustomed to this.

Moreover, that Taoist ancestor is also making other preparations.

In the sea of ​​the world, outside the prehistoric world, Hong Jun looked at the prehistoric world led by him, and was in awe.


At this time, the wild world, all around in this world sea, had already been cleared out by him, and even the power of chaos could not flow into it.

As an environment of absolute vacuum, standing still in the sea of ​​this world.

Around it, there are densely packed other worlds. In each world, there is an exclusive channel connecting the land and the wilderness. It is the “Ascension Channel” built by Hong Jun.

The ascendant is taken in as a precursor of world integration.

Hong Jun was indeed planning to come to Poland. Originally, his speed shouldn’t be so fast.

Because, with his alone strength, there is really no guarantee that Honghuang will not be blown up under the conflicts of so many worlds.

Do not!

It should be said that if it were him in the past, these worlds would inevitably blow up with Honghuang!However, it is different now!

Hong Jun did not do this alone.

Some of these worlds are very close to the primordial world. For example, the Doraemon world, nearly half of it has been integrated into the primordial world, and has a tendency to transform into a Buddhist kingdom.

Another example is the world of God Qin, where the five emperors are vaguely visible, and the creatures of the entire world are in a state of sublimation.

Behind it, there is a liar who is creating ancient history, who has inherited the power of heaven.

There are more worlds, a little farther away from the prehistoric, Hong Jun needs to slowly straighten out, in order to integrate into this prehistoric little by little.

Vaguely, Hong Jun could see that in the world farthest from the prehistoric, there was a little bit of a little bit, controlling the weirdness, possessing ominous power, and becoming an unpredictable and unpredictable existence.

But the original ominous world of that side was eroded by this ominous force, and in madness, civil strife, and fighting oneself, an unprecedented turmoil occurred.

The battle between ominous and ominous, although it has caused damage to that world, it has also brought the original ominous power of that world into an unprecedented low.

One world after another, people who inherit the name of “Hong” are born in the world and then become stronger.

Some of them died on the road, some became the strongest, and some were detached from the world. No matter what their ending was, they all had something in common.

Study the world! Explore knowledge!

This is the essence of everything and belongs to the essence of Hong Jun.

And these people who were born with the essence of Hong Jun, in the end, whether it is transcendence or death, when they reach the end, all they can do is to add a heritage to Hong Jun himself.

These messages spread from the Hong Jun to the heavens and all realms, and the born creatures, even if they are not the same person as the Hong Jun, everything they receive at the end will become the nourishment of the Hong Jun.

Just like Sanqing and others in different worlds.

Taishang, daddy, Taiqing, Laojun, different names, different styles, some follow the path, some are enchanted, these similar guys naturally cannot be the same person.

It’s just that it originated from the original Sanqing, who sprinkled its own information throughout the heavens, and has some common characteristics. It was born as a derivative of the original supreme being, a tool man.

Everything about them will become resources.

Even, as a derivative, when the source wants to invade their body, they can’t have the slightest resistance.


With their great power, most of the creatures in the world cannot resist.

But this is different!

This kind of embezzlement, even if the tool man becomes Celestial Immortals, as long as this connection cannot be cut off, it is impossible to resist!

It’s as if the former great people were occupied by the ancient old gods.

Even if in the future, some of Hong Jun’s toolmen who have some of his characteristics in the name of “him” can become Celestial Immortals, as long as they don’t cut the connection, they will still be his fruit.

And to cut this connection, you can do more than just change a name.

Unless you give up the traits born of Hong Jun, it is almost abandoning everything to be able to do it.

Regarding Hong Jun’s research characteristics, he gave up his curiosity about everything in the world, cut everything, cut the past.

Just like, a Taishang needs to cut off everything, give up the name of Taishang, abandon the group of Sanqing, abandon its natural compatibility with heaven and earth, abandon the Tao of Taiqing, and forget the situation.

However, in everything in the past, its growth trajectory has long been inseparable from this.

Therefore, if you want to cut the connection, you can only cut everything and everything.

Perhaps, this method can be called…reduction for shortness!

Zixiao Palace.

“Taozu, are you saying true or not?”

It was Taiqing who said this, and this question was a question shared by everyone in the Zixiao Palace at this time.

Without him, what Hong Jun just told them was too horrible. Above them, there are still one, or even several, different powers, just like Dao Ancestor, and even stronger than Dao Ancestor.

And those great abilities, as long as they think, can occupy their bodies at any time, swallowing their consciousness and everything they have.

“Tao Ancestor, even if we continue to grow stronger and keep diligently working on the way of Celestial Immortals, can we not get rid of this bondage?”

Fu Xi forced his mind and asked.

“Can’t do it!” Hong Jun shook his head, “Everything about you is derived from them. Even if it is not their clone, your way is their fruit.”

“All your practice, while strengthening your own way, is also giving them new branches on the towering tree-like avenue.”

“They are the source of the avenue!”

“It’s the source of your Tao!”

“For you, they are Taoist ancestors!”

What Hong Jun said was very clear. In fact, this is the third preaching that Hong Jun wants to tell them.

After all, he had been mixed with him and had been a tool man for so long. If he was unexplainably occupied by those guys and harvested, it would appear that Hong Jun was too ruthless.

Therefore, Hong Jun decided to let them be a ghost.

Oh no! They have no chance to be ghosts.


Hong Jun had no plans to stop it, and it was impossible to risk a big deal to stop it.

Just like Nuwa, Fuxi, Sanqing, Dijun, and Taiyi, it’s okay. The source has been determined. It is only necessary to negotiate with one person to protect one person.

However, such as Styx, Kunpeng, the Five Emperors…

To save them, do you know whom to call?

Is it to find some old Demon Chen who opens a trumpet in various worlds, or something else?

Behind Kunpeng, should we talk to Zhuang Zhou?

Not to mention the name of the Five Emperors!

The Five Emperors are not five people, let alone six people!

That is a group of people!

It was impossible for Hong Jun to fight against that group of people.

In fact, Hong Jun not only has no intention to stop, he will merge the prehistoric world into many worlds at the fastest speed, even ignoring the possible explosions. Within the predominance, reappearing the grand scene of the ancient heavens is somewhat The meaning of adding fuel to the flames.

This kind of predicament is the most suitable environment for those people to withdraw from their entanglement. They only need to find an own tool person and occupy the body, and then this predatory world can be a springboard and return.

Why is Hong Jun so anxious to make the prehistoric world what it is now?

Wasn’t it because he had been an old bustard and had made a wave of silent transactions in the previous meeting?

As for why Old Bustard Hong said these words again, it was naturally because these words had no effect on the return of those people.

Even if the people in the Zixiao Palace, according to Hong Jun’s words, do nothing but reduce and abandon everything, they will not be able to prevent the return of those people.

For one thing, not everyone has the courage to reduce short-sightedness.

Moreover, it is not something you can reduce if you want to reduce.

What’s more, seeking emptiness may not be able to get rid of the influence of the source. It is impossible to say that it is closer to the source. Instead, seeking emptiness is to actively integrate into the source?

Thinking of this, Hong Jun looked at the guide below with a slightly pitying look…


They are talking about!

I have to say that Buddhism’s bald man is ruthless and directly blocked the road.

The most important thing is that even if someone gets rid of the influence of the source and becomes completely independent by doing the reduction and seeking air, it is impossible to prevent the return of the corresponding person. It is nothing more than taking your body.

After all, if you can do reduced shorts, can you guarantee that everyone can do reduced shorts?

As long as there are fewer people entangled together, the battlefield will be less intense, and it will naturally be able to withdraw.

Now, the situation of that group of people is like a group of people communicating, and then some people are tired, tired, depleted, and want to quit.

But on the other side, people kept jumping out and pestering you, lying in your ears and saying continue, I still want to, don’t go.

In this case, who can resist the temptation of communication and study and get out?And Hong Jun took the initiative to bring some people out, so that others had a chance to get out.


Hong Jun is not doing good deeds. There is only one reason for doing this. He wants to join in!


Earlier, Hong Jun did not dare to join!

Now, Hong Jun has been able to use his own information to derive tool people in the heavens and all realms, and can use the tool people to appear in the heavens at any time. Naturally, it is impossible to miss this opportunity for communication and learning.

For the newcomer Hong Jun, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to get closer to others at the fastest speed.

Even if you were caught in that huge battle and couldn’t get away, you don’t need to worry, anyway, as long as others can return, he will naturally return.

Hong Jun took the initiative to lower the difficulty and created this great famine now, also for his future return.

“This is the third sermon! In fact, there is nothing I can teach you! Asking for the sermon, only you can walk out of my barriers by yourself.”

“The only thing that can tell you is this.”

“Before I leave, I will make up another Dao Fruit, the Dao Fruit opposite to Taiyi!”

“Da Luo!”

“Celestial Immortals is the highest! Like Taiyi, Da Luo is not Realm! It’s just a Tao fruit different from Taiyi, with other characteristics.”

“Taiyi is the One, the source of everything, the beginning of the world, and the beginning of all things.”

“The big one is wide, the one who draws the net is the net, and the big one is infinite and contains all things.”

“The so-called Da Luo is the heavens and the world, everywhere, all the time.”

“Luo and Taiyi are not Realm! It’s just a feature, not even a pursuit feature that Celestial Immortals can have!”

“One incarnation of the ten thousand realms, one consistent, but not conflicting, and even complementary to each other, can be pursued at the same time.”

“You, etc., incarnate into the world, and the road to the heavens is to embark on the road of Da Luo, but it is too shallow to go far.”

“At the same time, in many worlds, the same proof of Taiyi is also the way of Taiyi, complementing the road of Da Luo’s pursuit of Taoism, and making his own mixed elements intact.”

“Whether it is Taiyi or Da Luo, the ultimate goal is to gain Tao, seek Tao, master more, and know more!”

“Similarly, whether it is Taiyi or Da Luo, in the end, it is nothing more than a stronger Celestial Immortals.”

To transcend the world to become Celestial Immortals, on which there is no transition in the level of life. Therefore, there is no Realm, only the amount of knowledge and the depth of the avenue.

“If you can get rid of the source and cut everything off, maybe I still have a chance to see you again.”

After saying this, Hong Jun received a majestic force, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Then, each world merged into the prehistoric, but under the influence of that majestic force, there was no turbulence.

God and Qin merged, and the five emperors crossed the sky. The will of heaven named “Hong” took over everything in the prehistoric land and became the predecessor “Heaven”, and also became the springboard for the return of Hong Jun.

Hong Jun, never do things that are unsure, even if he wants to join in, he will leave a way out.

“Hong” is the retreat he left for himself.

Hong Jun’s will is infinitely lofty, and his entire consciousness has been integrated into the sea of ​​the world, and has penetrated into every place in the sea of ​​the world, and in a faint sense, he perceives the existence of the same level as him.

Endless joy gushes from the depths of Hong Jun’s heart, and it’s done!

I don’t know, who will be the first person he meets when he steps into this battlefield.

Just when Hong Jun thought this way, in his perception, there were several wills that were as great as him. Indoctrinate…

It was as if countless avenues and different rules could no longer make him feel the least bit confused.

Being immersed in this conflict, Hong Jun suddenly sensed a will and a voice next to own.

“Group owner! Welcome to join us!”

Hearing this voice, Hong Jun’s will could not help being surprised.

He should have thought of it long ago!

How could this person not exist at the same level? Yue-no-group! (end)

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