Chapter 54

Hong Jun stayed on the long river of time and space, looking towards the upper reaches of the world of Doupo, the world’s biggest weirdness.


Fighting emperor ascends!

Just like Hong Jun’s jokes in the group before, whether speaking Chinese or other, this world is not so much Doupa, it is more of Doupa fan world.

Today, Hong Jun found another evidence.

He couldn’t find the way to the great world.

In other words, the ascension channel does not lead to the so-called Great Thousand World, but an unknown place.

In the upper reaches of the long river of time and space, in the ancient times of the Dou Qi Continent, the heaven and the earth were formed, and the source energy permeated the heaven and the earth.

One after another Dou Emperor was born, and then soared away, followed by Yuan Qi.

Hong Jun continued to move his sight upwards, a scene that opened up the world before ancient times.


Chaos opens up, heaven and earth are born!

Just like a big explosion in Universe, it exploded like this.

Matter, energy, time and space, all things are generated.

Hong Jun has seen a similar scene in this scene, just in the long river of time and space in the prehistoric world.

Hong Jun frowned and discovered something was wrong. It seemed that something else had exploded in the explosion.

Hong Jun looked at this scene again, his face turned weird, and then he looked down from the beginning of the sky and down the long river of time and space.

“No wonder… No wonder this Doupo World is so strange, even the language is Chinese.”

“How can it be unsurprising that there have been so many traversers before?”

Yes, those who have been in this world have come in groups.

At the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, part of the world’s fetal membrane was also exploded together. The fragments of fetal membrane combined with the other Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth, and gradually formed Origin Qi.

This makes this world have a huge loophole in the beginning.

Do not! It should not be said that it is a hole, it should be said that the door is not even closed at all.

For the traveler, this world is like standing at the door, constantly greeting: “Master, come and play!”

Therefore, in ancient times, this world ushered in a large number of traversers.

Together with the natives of the world, these traversers created the practice of fighting spirit.

Some of the traversers were bleak and mixed, and under their influence, they brought Chinese to the world.

At the same time, because they are distributed in different eras, under the influence of those power-traversers, the Chinese language has continued in this way.

This situation continued until the appearance of the first fighting emperor.

A mortal enemy of a traverser, he was forced to merge his origin energy and became the Emperor of Dou.

After he killed the enemy of the traverser, he spread the law of fighting the emperor.

One after another Dou Emperor appeared, and then they felt a kind of attraction, as if the world of higher existence was calling them.

They chose soaring, and then…

At the moment of stepping through the world’s fetal membrane, Genesis Qi flew out of the body, repairing the world’s fetal membrane on its own, and Doudi who stepped outside the world would naturally not survive without the protection of the world.

Whether it is a native or a traverser, at the moment of choosing to ascend, the ending is doomed.

As far as the world is concerned, there is no difference between the two, anyway, they are just film repair tools.

Every Dou Emperor since his ascension, he will never return.

Gradually, some people were able to detect the anomaly and questioned this.

However, no one can resist the temptation to become the emperor of Dou, with powerful strength, and the entire family of Fukuzawa.

There are also Doudi who don’t want to ascend, but when their life is about to end, how many can resist the temptation to ascend?

Even if you look through the world and don’t miss the world anymore, your Origin Qi will still come out after you die. There will also be the next Emperor Dou undertaking the mission of replenishing the “Heaven” with this part of Origin Qi.

Therefore, with the passage of time, there is less and less source of energy in the world, and the loopholes in the world’s fetal membranes are gradually repaired.

Although due to the existence of the imperial clan, the language of this world has changed very little, but the number of people passing through has dropped.

After countless years, there is only a fish that slipped through the net like Xiao Yan.

“Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the Great Thousand World.”

Hong Jun sighed softly. No wonder the “flying” suction on him is so small that there is no tendency to drive people away.

It turned out that he hadn’t used Origin Qi before, but he shouldn’t be able to sense it, but he was too strong, so strong that he could detect that kind of anomaly, he was actively aware of it, rather than passively “flying”.

However, if there is no Big Thousand World, this trip to fight and break will come to an end for the time being.

The seeds have been sown, but he will have to wait for a while to see the results.

Although the mystery of Genesis Qi replenishing the sky was amazing and gave him the inspiration to repair the wild world, he did not intend to completely plug the three thousand loopholes from the beginning.

Therefore, its usefulness is not great.

In this way, Hong Jun was ready to go back.

Reconnecting Xiao Yan to the network cable, this avatar waited for the seeds to germinate in the long river of time and space, and consciousness returned to the body again.

Xiao Aotian: “???”

Xiao Aotian: “Am I back in the group again?”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Have you retired from the group?”

Xiao Aotian: “The owner of the group unplugged my network cable. I haven’t spoken in the group for a long time. Didn’t you find out?”

I want to live long: “I just feel a lot quieter in my ears.”

Everyone is like a dragon: “I feel the same!”

Xiao Aotian: “Damn it! Although I still can’t beat Hong Yi, but I have been cultivating hard for a month. Is it okay to beat you Dashewan?”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Are you very strong now?”

Xiao Aotian: “According to the protagonist’s words, it is to slaughter you like a dog!”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “???”

I want to live a long life: “A month’s time, has Aotianjun changed so much?”

Everyone is like a dragon: “It’s worthy of the group leader’s personal guidance!”

Revitalizing Huashan: “Envy. jpg”

I want to live forever: “I am really curious about what changes have happened to Aotianjun.”

Seeker: “Not much change! This person is unbearable, and I can only change him with blood and bones, so that he can make up for Xiantian.”

Xiao Aotian: “The boss of the group, the blood and bones of the fighting saint you transplanted to me seem to be of no use? I will fight the fighting emperor now.”

Seeker: “…”

Seeker: “You are too food! This time I hid the blood in the bones. Only by your own efforts can you cultivate the strength in the bones and generate new blood.”

Xiao Aotian: “Don’t! The leader of the group, I am a waste material, you understand me, you have forced me to cultivate during this period of time, you are gone, I have no motivation to cultivate!”

“Group lord, you should directly transform me into a Doudi! I don’t want to work hard anymore! I can bear no matter how painful I am.”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Bah! Not wanting face!”

I want to live long: “I finally meet someone more annoying than Zilai.”

Everyone is like a dragon: “You can never reach the highest without relying on yourself!”

Xiao Aotian: “As a boy under the seat of the master of the group, I only need to follow behind the master of the group. Welfare is indispensable for me, and longevity is indispensable for me. What do I want to be invincible for? Too tired!”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Boy?”

Revitalizing Huashan: “Envy. jpg”

I want to live long: “What happened?”

Everyone is like a dragon: “Boy? You? Why?”

Seeker: “…”

Seeker: “@萧傲天, I sent you back to the Magical Beasts forest for your safety. But I still recommend you to cultivate!”

Xiao Aotian: “Don’t worry, my lord, I will be able to cultivate well! But I have to go back to Xiao’s house first.”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Why are you going back? Homesick?”

Xiao Aotian: “Of course it’s retiring! Although I haven’t been angry with the original, I still can’t bear it after thinking about it!”

“Haha! Little Niangpi! This time it’s my turn to divorce! I’m dumbfounded!”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Are you going to divorce? Are you old-fashioned, willing to let the little girl go?”

Xiao Aotian: “Hey! I have retired, just go to lie to her. And there is no marriage contract, I have a large number of girls waiting! How can I lie to girls with a marriage contract? I’m not stupid!”

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