Chapter 69

At Yue Buqun, I won’t go to the table for now.

With Wen Quxing’s ascending, the whole Ming had a vision.

All the students in the world felt it, and looked in the direction of Mount Hua.

Book after book moved without wind, and even some sages and Confucian scholars were going to fly towards that Wenquxing star.

Above the Ming Dynasty Hall, many courtiers felt their hearts and looked out of the hall.

And those courtiers who hadn’t sensed it, saw that the old patron and the courtiers were looking in the same direction, and they didn’t care about the etiquette in the hall, looking in that direction.

The emperor can leave it alone, but the elders must keep up with what they do!

This is their way of being an official.

The emperor sitting on the dragon chair looked at his own minister with a dim look.

Hey, why are you looking outside? Is it tired?

I was about to call someone who was respectful to ask, but I found out, hey, why are you looking outside?

OK! I remember you!

no? Why are you all looking outside?


“Ahem! Why are you Aiqing so rude during the court meeting?”

Many courtiers exchanged eye contact, and finally it was confirmed that own felt right.

Although it is strange and weird, but I don’t know why, but I feel that something has appeared in that direction that will affect the future of scholars in the world.

Over there, a Sage appeared!

A real Sage!

Just in Huashan!

This is how they feel.




The courtiers who were sensitive to kneel down one by one, and the courtiers who were not sensitive also knelt down.

“Your Majesty, please ask the holy to Huashan!”

“Your Majesty, please ask the holy to Huashan!”

With the opening of Elder Ge, many officials responded one after another.

Please, please, be sure to please!

It’s not Sage that can make all their scholars feel. What can it be?

What an honor is it to see a living Sage?

The most important thing is that they have already sensed what kind of changes this Sage can bring to scholars.

A Sage that can make all the scholars feel the change, naturally a kind of Transcendent power, a kind of power only belongs to the scholars.

How can this not make them excited?

Power, ordinary power is naturally not placed in the eyes of these high-ranking officials. The so-called Rivers and Lakes are just a group of lunatics who lick their blood.

But this kind of power is obviously transcendent, and it is naturally impossible for them to remain unmoved.

The emperor and the courtiers who didn’t know what happened were still in a state of bewilderment?

What? Sage?

What happened to these people?

Looking at the emperor who didn’t know anything, an old man had to stand up and take the initiative to explain to the emperor.

In Huashan, through the endless sky, Hong Jun saw the “Wenquxing” who had already conjoined with the Tianquan star.

At the same time, the sense of oppression that had been lingering around the surrounding area suddenly disappeared.

This is because the pressure from the long river of time and space has dissipated. In other words, he can already enter the river of time and space again.

This is of course not that the time and space is dead, nor is it that time and space can’t stick to it. It’s just that the world has taken a fancy to it, ah, bah, forgive him.

Because the Wenquxing he made is beneficial to the world, it helps the world’s inner beings and civilization further.

Moreover, he hadn’t really disturbed the long river of time and space, and the little contradiction of collecting the imprints of living creatures naturally opened one eye and closed one eye.

However, the world let him go, he Hong had no intention to just let it go.

It is impossible to stop the experiment just like that.

However, before starting the next step of the plan, Hong Jun still needs to clarify the matter of Yue Buqun.

After opening the chat group, Hong Jun entered, only to see that Yue Buqun was chatting with the group of friends.

Rejuvenating Huashan: “My lord has given me new power. Although I haven’t understood this power, it seems to be different from Martial Dao. I don’t know if there is a possibility of longevity.”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Don’t worry, Lao Yue, the power that the lord of the group bestows on you is naturally extremely suitable for you, and the upper limit will certainly not be low.”

Xiao Aotian: “That’s right! After all, he is the Dao Ancestor of the Primordial World, and the upper limit is too low, how can it be taken out?”

I want to live forever: “I also believe in the rewards of the lord of the group. After all, it is just a small content of a basic Qi training method that I handed out. It greatly enhances my strength. The group lord must be the supreme greatness of the heavens. exist.”

Everyone is like a dragon: “I don’t pay attention to power or something. I’m just curious. According to Lao Yue, after you summoned the group leader, how did you not meet the group leader?”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Yue Buqun, it’s not your hospitality that made the group leader dissatisfied, right?”

? ? ?

How can it be? He Yue had no chance to entertain the group leader at all.

He knew that if you were the first licking dog under the lord of the group, he didn’t expect to turn his face so fast.

Previously, Lao Yue and Lao Yue screamed, but because of a guess, he might not entertain the group host well, so he turned his face and shouted to Yue Buqun.

Simply ruthless!

However, he could not carry this pot on his back. He immediately explained in the group: “Impossible, my respect for the group leader, Yue Mou, can be learned from the world, and the sun and moon can be shown. How can the group owner reward me?”

I want to live forever: “With the mind of the group leader, even if you are not satisfied with you, as a group member, it is impossible not to give you a reward.”

Xiao Aotian: “Yes! Think about it, Lao Gao and I were directly made Dou Huang by the group owner, and the other was cultivated as a god by the group owner. Listening to you, I feel that your reward is a bit pulled!”

“Moreover, Lao Gao and I have never appeared before. In your situation, you can’t find the group owner. You won’t really offend the group owner, do you?”

Everyone is like a dragon: “Speaking of which, the time I called the group leader, I encountered a similar situation.”

Hong Yi said in the group, speaking of the few people summoning the group leader, he seems to be the worst?

Not only did the group owner ran away, but was also beaten to death during this period?

Xiao Aotian: “Oh? Hong Yi still has this story, let’s listen to it?”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “@萧傲天, I advise you not to jump too much. Even if you are now the Emperor of Dou, it is not difficult for Hong Yi to beat you.”

Everyone is like a dragon: “I remember someone who is practicing is Martial Dao?”

Xiao Aotian: “Hey! You guys do whatever you want!”

The tallest Zhao Gao: “Bah! Bah!”

Revitalize Huashan: “Bah! Bah!”

I want to live forever: “Bah! Ah!”

I want to live long: “…”

I want to live long: “This plus one… It’s fun…”

Seeing the content of their chat, Hong Jun interrupted.

Seeker: “@振兴华山, let me say a few points next, you have to do it well.”

Yue Buqun was very excited when he saw the group leader finally speaking, and replied: “Your lord, you speak! I will do it!”

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