I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 164 The actors are all here, and the big show is on! (The third update, please subscribe!)

Zhenyang admitted that the previous sentence was simply pretending to be 13!

But the latter sentence was indeed made by him, because sometimes, he himself couldn't tell who he was.

A street dog who writes novels?

Or Qianshou Zhenyang, the son of Qianshou Feijian?

Or is it Uchiha Shinyo who has been emphasized countless times by Madara?

Maybe it's the leader of the Akatsuki organization 'Master Yong En'?

Or is it all just a dream

Who knows, this kind of question is too abstract and philosophical, and it is not something he can figure out at all.

So he is going to find the answer from time.


Suddenly, a chain broke through the ground and wrapped around Zhenyang's body.

Orochimaru didn't have time to think about what happened, and almost instinctively used the fastest attack.

"Shunker snake limb!"

Several black snakes directly bit Zhen Yang's neck

Immediately after, a colossal beast also drilled out from the ground, opened its mouth wide, and spewed out terrifying purple poisonous gas!

It wasn't over yet, a figure immediately slapped the ground with one hand, "Fire Escape, Explosive Flame Formation!"

Boom boom boom!

The ground under Zhenyang's feet began to explode one after another!

The accident happened in an instant, and no one could have imagined that Sanshoyu Hanzo, who had disappeared for so long, would choose to launch a sudden attack at this time, and the target was not Konoha, but the new patron saint of the Land of Rain, organized by Akatsuki. Leader, Yongen!

Countless people were overwhelmed by it, but Konoha's side showed joy, while Xiao's side was shocked and anxious.

When the poisonous fog and explosion smoke dissipated, everyone stared intently at the center of the explosion.

Then Hanzo's expression suddenly changed!

Under the eyes of everyone, there was no human figure there at all, only a charred wooden stake remained in place, and a pile of charred dead snakes and Hanzo's chains were on the ground next to it.

"Substitution?! When?"

Hanzo originally thought that the assassination this time was absolutely sure, and it was impossible to fail.

After all, when people pretend to be 13, they usually have no brains!

That's why he chose to make a move at this moment, in order to kill with one blow, without giving the opponent any chance to counterattack.

Unexpectedly, someone actually kept a stand-in technique when pretending to be 13

This f*ck is a bit too goofy!

So the question is, where did the person go in that short moment?

and many more!

that mask!

Orochimaru's pupils shrank suddenly, and his scalp was numb due to the extremely strong sense of crisis, and the hairs all over his body exploded!

Almost without thinking, the grass pheasant sword was thrown out immediately, aiming at the mask that was thrown not far away.


The rapidly extending Kusanagi sword directly shattered the mask that Orochimaru regarded as a scourge.

But to his extreme surprise, nothing happened. This is actually a real mask?

What does this strange pattern represent?

Orochimaru was attracted by one of the small fragments, which had a boxy pattern printed inside.

Then poof!

From behind, a samurai sword was nailed to his chest, and another samurai sword pierced his lower abdomen.

"The insight is good, but it's still far away. You fell down before I tried my best."

Orochimaru's eyes widened instantly, and suddenly recalled a memory that had long been dusty.

In his memory, there are guys who have never tasted the taste of failure, and they always like to say such a sentence when defeating him

"XX is good, but it's still far away. You fell down before I gave my best. It's a pity, you missed it."

The voice in memory seemed to overlap with the voice in his ear, but Orochimaru was sure he heard it.

"Unfortunately, you missed... the only chance to beat me most likely."

With a buzz, Orochimaru's head seemed to explode.

"You are."


Before he could finish speaking, Orochimaru fell into a pool of blood with two samurai swords stuck in his body.

Then Zhenyang put on Susan again, and directly entered the second form. In an instant, a sharp trident condensed in his hand, and then, while the sansho fish was fleeing in panic, he nailed it to death with a precise blow. On the ground!

Originally, the salamander was seriously injured, but Hanzo was forcibly summoned.

This time, he was directly stabbed at the vital point, the poison sac in his body burst instantly, his body froze, and he fell to the ground with a loud crash!

The terrible psychic beast Sanjiao fish just died.

Hanzo couldn't accept this fact, and stopped trying to escape, his eyes fixed on Zhenyang.


Jilai also seemed to have lost his mind, watching this scene in disbelief.

Although Jing couldn't bear it, he still devoted himself to blocking Jiraiya's way, preventing him from disturbing Zhenyang's carefully prepared stage.

At the same time, I don't want to come and die on that stage.

At this time, Hanzo, who was the most important role in the drama, asked coldly: "You were the one behind the design of all three parties?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone is firm.

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Zhenyang to admit these things, and then slap himself in the face.

So he stood directly on the moral high ground, looked down at Hanzo and said: "You have brought this country into the abyss, and I am saving this country."

"In the face of the enemy, you fled and abandoned everyone. In the face of the people who are trying to save the country, you secretly attacked and killed them!"

"Hanzo, you are not the patron saint of this country, you are a sinner of this country! A sinner who will be spurned by the people for the rest of his life!"

"And I, in the name of God, the land of rain, will give you a fair trial today, use your blood to wash away the sins you committed, and pay homage to the souls of those innocent people who died because of you!"

Every time Zhenyang uttered a word out loud, Akatsuki's other people would look at Hanzo with even more disgust.

Especially when "Master Yongen" was fighting life and death with Konoha's people just to protect these people, Hanzo suddenly appeared and came to assassinate the only hope of the Rain Kingdom!

This behavior is simply unforgivable!

It can be said that Hanzo's final choice wiped out his last vestiges of innocence and ruined his chances of regaining the trust of the people.

No one will believe him again, a coward who betrayed his promise and betrayed the whole country!

Hanzo suddenly understood something under the gaze of this kind of gaze, saw his body shake slightly, and said:

"You are right, I am indeed a sinner in this country. But before I die, I must take off the mask of hypocrisy on your face!"

"You are not the savior of this country, let alone the god of this country! You are just a bastard who deceived everyone!"

"Go to hell with me, and repent of your sins there forever!"

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