I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 48 Lao Tzu defeated Hokage! (Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

Bang, bang, bang!

In the Qianshou Family's private training ground, two figures, one big and one small, are fighting fiercely. There is no bells and whistles between their fists and feet, but the one that stands out is Quick, Accurate and Ruthless!

Both of them used strange power, but under the circumstance that one of them deliberately suppressed it, there would not be an embarrassing scene of accidentally killing someone with one punch.

But even so, the opponent's physical fitness and combat experience also made him firmly control the rhythm of the battle.

At this time, Zhenyang jumped high and swept the whip leg towards Tobirama's face, but was easily blocked by Tobirama with one hand. At the same time, the other hand directly grabbed Zhenyang's calf and threw it hard out.

"Faced with an enemy stronger than you in speed and strength, once you leave the ground, it means death!"

Zhenyang's face was stern, and he didn't say a word, but when the man flew out backwards, his hands began to seal with extremely fast movements.

"Water Escape, Water Bullets, Machine Gun Fire!"

Extremely skilled in controlling Chakra to carry out uninterrupted output, from Zhenyang's hands condensed the 'water bullets' shot at Tobirama like a torrential rain.

If you add sound effects at this moment, it will probably be chug chu chu chu chu

This move was originally intended to inject more chakra at one time, the more 'water bombs' that would condense and kill the enemy.

However, in an accident, Zhen Yang discovered that as long as the speed of chakra delivery is controlled without interruption, the attack of this ninjutsu will not freeze, but will become very flexible.

In theory, as long as he has enough chakra, he will keep the delivery state and not be interrupted, and he can shoot until the end of the world.

Hey, it seems that someone is playing with colors?

At the beginning, Tobirama didn't care about the water bombs flying in the face. After all, this ninjutsu was developed and improved by him. He naturally knew the power and consumption.

Although Zhenyang's growth rate has broken common sense again and again in the past six months, it is definitely Shi Lezhi who wants to use this kind of powerful ninjutsu to deal with him.

So Tobirama, who had already agreed not to use any ninjutsu, took out a handful of kunai and started waving it like a ghost.

Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood!

The water bombs were smashed by Tobirama with precision, and the impact force couldn't even shake his body.

However, Zhen Yang did not give up this ninjutsu when he saw this, instead the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, showing an excited look.

The power of the water bombs, whose power is controlled by him to the size of normal bullets, is naturally very poor, but it can't hold a large amount of water!

And he has already tested it on Uchiha Breeze. Don't look down on this thing, it still hurts to hit him.

Since then, Zhenyang has two uses, while maintaining the stable output of chakra, not to let this ninjutsu finalize, while excitedly circling the field and began to run.

Da da da da da da da!

Big wood, big wood, big wood!

Mayang is like a 'machine gun' with infinite magazines, and he keeps shooting, Tobirama is like a Genji who has turned on the counter, and he blocks all attacks with an extremely gorgeous and ghostly beast.

Then, a minute passed.

Tobirama's face was expressionless, and there was not even a single trace of water stains on his body.

two minutes passed

Tobirama is still expressionless, but his heart has begun to be impatient, why are you still here?

three minutes passed

Tobirama frowned slightly, feeling a little sore in his wrist, and then quietly changed his hand.

five minutes passed

Tobirama finally realized that the problem was wrong, this bastard actually has Chakra?

However, due to the burden of idols, Tobirama still chose to continue to persevere. Otherwise, if he was really hit by Zhenyang's attack, wouldn't he lose face? !

Swish swish swish!

"Ayako said to eat grilled fish at night, obviously fresh sashimi is more delicious"

Swish swish swish!

"It's all to blame Zhenyang that bastard! He always said there were parasites in it, and he described it as disgusting."

Swish swish swish!

"Huh? Why is there no movement?"

Tobirama, who returned to the soul, was still mechanically waving Kunai at the air, that was called a fierce!

However, Zhenyang stopped a long time ago, he just didn't expect the dignified Senju Tobirama to be distracted in the battle?

Tobirama's rare old face turned red when he met Zhenyang's strange gaze.

Just when he didn't know how to end it and save face, a fly happened to fly by.

I saw a murderous look flashing in Tobirama's eyes, and die!

Swish swish swish!

An innocent fly passing by was instantly dismembered!

What the hell!

Zhenyang looked at it blankly.

"Cough cough. Did you see it? When your control over your body reaches the limit, you can do it casually like this."

Tobirama started talking nonsense in a serious manner, just to keep his dignity and face.

Zhenyang nodded with admiration on his face, although you look like you are rudely scratching at the air, but you are really handsome when you are holding Kuwu and slashing flies!

"Watch out! Here comes another fly!"

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Tobirama threw it out as soon as Kunai, just right to nail the fly.

However, before the applause sounded, the four shadow clones of Zhenyang hung on his hands and legs at the same time.

"The battle is not over yet, you are too careless, Tobirama!"

One of them, Zhenyang, shouted loudly, and then a figure immediately emerged from behind Tobirama.


"Profound Truth, Millennium Kill!"


Tobirama, who shouted badly in his heart, only had time to throw off the four shit plaster on his body.

But the next moment, he froze in place.

"Hahaha! You lost, Tobirama!"

At this moment, Zhen Yang, who didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, laughed loudly.

Then he saw Tobirama silently turning his head, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he gritted his teeth and said, "Thousand! Hand! True! Yang!"

Zhenyang, whose scalp was numb, didn't even think about it, and immediately turned around and ran, "Aunt Mito, help!"

"Flying Thunder God Fist!"


How many pia!

Zhenyang's whole body was directly stuck on the wall.

Seeing Tobirama walking towards him like a messenger from hell, Zhenyang immediately shouted helplessly, "Don't come here!"

A few minutes later, an unidentified lifeform with a bruised nose and a swollen face walked out from Tobirama with an ugly face.

Tsunade's eyes widened instantly, what is this? Not so good

Zhen Yang, who barely opened his right eye, raised his hand feebly and greeted Tsunade, "Hey, can you please call a doctor for me? I feel like I can still save it."

Although his words were a bit leaky, Tsunade, who was taken aback, recognized him.

So Tsunade immediately covered his mouth with tears in his eyes, ran out, and shouted loudly: "Guo Guo was beaten, haha. Well, can't laugh, Guo Guo was beaten into a pig's head, hahaha."

Zhenyang: "."

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