I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 624 Noisy, noisy, don't pull your hair

The arrest operation against Loki was so smooth that it felt unreal.

And not only is the Rubik's Cube not in Loki's hands, but even the controlled Barton and others are missing.

Everything looked like Loki was just throwing out a bait on purpose.

On the way back, Steve hesitated, but said his opinion anyway.

But Tony didn't think so.

The two agreed again, and then suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

Loki couldn't help showing a helpless expression, which happened to be seen by Tony.

"What's the matter, don't tell me that 'God' is also afraid of thunder."

"I just kind of hate the guy behind these thunderbolts."

As soon as the voice fell, the cabin was forcibly broken open by an external force, and then a figure with a hammer took away Loki directly.

Natasha is the only person who has seen Sol here, but Tony is a proud master.

Don't care what you are, you snatched my captive in front of me, are you not giving me face?

So he chased it out.

And Steve was quite entangled in the question of whether it was an enemy or a friend, but because of Loki, he really didn't have any good impressions of those so-called "gods", so he jumped off with a parachute on his back, reckless!

After that, there was nothing to say. Thor was teaching his younger brother Loki, but Iron Man and America fell from the sky, and the three of them fought together.

If this was based on Loki's previous behavior, he would have disappeared without a trace.

But the problem is that Loki deliberately let them catch him, how could he just run away like this.

So he had no choice but to sit on the side, waiting for the group of people to finish fighting and continue to lead him on the road.

To be honest, Loki was really afraid that Thor would take him back to Asgard directly.

In that case, all his plans will be in vain.

However, Lady Luck lifted her skirt slightly, and the three of them finally stopped after smashing a forest.

On the space carrier, Chief Black Braised Egg was very happy because of Saul's arrival.

That means Asgard isn't going to stand by and let Loki do it, either.

Although they have captured Loki now, the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube are still unknown, and Dr. Banner is working hard at this moment.

"I've heard Agor talk about what happened here, but in fact the current problem may be more serious than what you see." Saul said with a serious face.

And the topic that Tony cares about is, "Who is Agor?"

Steve pricked up his ears too.

Natasha said: "Like Loki and Thor, he is also a 'god' from Asgard, in charge of the ocean and disasters. And Thor, Agor, and Loki are brothers."

Tony laughed at the time, and it was still the hehe kind.

Even Steve thought it was outrageous.

But now is not the time to discuss this, Nick Fury asked directly: "What is it?"

"Loki has a Chitauri army under him, and the purpose should be the Rubik's Cube. Once Loki is allowed to use the Rubik's Cube to open the space wormhole, the Chitauri army waiting on the other side can attack the earth wantonly."

"Why did he do this? If he just wanted the Rubik's Cube, wouldn't it be faster and easier to take it away from Earth?" Coulson asked with some doubts.

Then I saw Sol smiled wryly, "There should be my reason for this. In addition to demonstrations, Loki wanted to destroy the earth. He also had a reason to take revenge on me and Agor. After all, on the earth, Agor and I There are things you can’t let go of.”

Sol refers to his woman Jane, while Zhenyang refers to his territory on the earth.


For revenge!

It all makes sense at once.

But at the same time, the eyes of Tony and others looking at Sol became more and more wrong. This earth is completely an unwarranted disaster!

Fortunately, Sol has a much higher emotional intelligence than he used to, so he took the initiative to say: "So after learning about the specific situation, I rushed over as soon as possible. I have no shirkable responsibility in this matter, and I will definitely not Let Loki's plot succeed."

With these words, everyone looked better. After all, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is meaningless to find out who is responsible. We still have to find a way to solve the problem.

And Sol's identity and strength are there, and now he even has an attitude, so it's hard for everyone to complain.

It's just that no one noticed at the moment, while everyone was not paying attention, Tony secretly pasted a metal button on the computer, and then Jarvis started to sneak in silently.

After a while, Tony, who was tracking the Rubik's Cube together with Dr. Banner, discovered something extraordinary, so he generously shared it.

Then there is a fierce quarrel!

"Who can explain why the S.H.I.E.L.D. has been using the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to create weapons of mass destruction?" Dr. Banner asked angrily.

After a slight silence, Nick Fury pointed directly at Sol and said, "It's all because of him and his brother!"

"Me?" Sol was stunned for a moment, I just came here on Rainbow One today, how can I blame me?

Then I heard Nick Fury explain: "Last year, the arrival of Thor let us know the existence of another planet, and learned that the gods in the myths are not fictional, but are real people handed down from ancient times. true story."

"Just because of some personal vendetta that caused a small town to freeze into an ice age."

"This lets us know that the life forms in the universe are not only us, but also much stronger than us, more advanced and more developed."

Thordau: "We have no ill will towards the Earth."

"But Asgard is not the only alien life in the universe, and you are not the only threat, and in fact, some of our fears have become reality. Loki, the god from Asgard, is now endangering the earth safety."

Thor immediately retorted angrily: "It was your development of the Rubik's Cube that attracted Loki and his allies! For other planets, such behavior means that you people on Earth are ready to meet the advanced A signal of war!"

"But we must have the means to deal with threats!"

Regarding this issue, everyone in the room was arguing. Some agreed with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approach, while others were very disgusted and extremely opposed.

And while they were arguing, the mind stone scepter placed aside was emitting energy fluctuations that normal people could not perceive.

Then the next moment, there was a loud bang!

The space carrier suffered a powerful attack and was severely damaged!

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