I Am Not The Second Generation Of Immortals

Chapter 332: Horrible illusion

Before departure, the ruthless thief Di Ying has five people, the four heroes of the cold year, the master and apprentice of Wen Yuanzi, plus Liu Yuntong and Rong Banshan, and the four of Yang Lie. The lineup is luxurious and powerful in the half-step world There are 17 people!

However, after breaking through the underground cold lizard to block, Di Ying killed two people, and the "Chrysanthemum" among the Four Hanshou also died. In a blink of an eye, three strong men were lost!

The danger of this Dongtianxin nuclear deposit has exceeded everyone's previous imagination! But this is the end of the matter, not to mention shrinking back to life, just thinking about the price paid is also unwilling.

Therefore, a group of people do not need any agitation, and they are ready to move on.

What appeared in front of everyone was a winding mountain road. The road was very narrow and could only accommodate three people walking side by side at the same time. On both sides are unfathomable abysses, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

In the abyss, a deep and deep silence, faintly with peerless murderous intent, is daunting!

If a mortal sees this kind of danger, he will be scared to death. But the rest of the people are all those who are successful in spiritual practice, so it's natural to wade through the dangers.

Moreover, compared to the underground cold lizards and blood-sucking lice before, this place is undoubtedly a place in heaven.


Yang Lie stared at the mountain road, and for some reason, there was always a trace of anxiety flashing in his heart. However, after careful inspection, he could not find any signs, so he had to say, "Wait and be careful."

Including Wen Qingfang, Su Xi's two women already had absolute trust in him, and immediately nodded when they heard the words and raised their spirits.

Although Di Ying and others didn't say it clearly, they all quietly focused their attention on Yang Lie. Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but shudder, and their hearts tightened!

Go forward, keep going forward.

This mountain road went surprisingly smoothly. Not only did it not encounter any danger along the way, it even brought a little breeze, which was quite enjoyable.

Gradually, everyone's minds relaxed, and the exhaustion after the war arrived here, and finally got a little rest.

"It seems that some yellow-mouthed rumors just like to sensationalize, relying on some ghost tricks they learned from unknown sources, all day long thinking about ostentatious ostentation, shameful!"

The little old man Liu Yuntong sneered. He hated Yang Lie very much in his heart——

The most outstanding of the Wen family's generation is actually Wen Qingfang. Although the latter is young, but the business talent and cultivation endowment that he has shown have completely surpassed his peers, making him feel a great threat.

Liu Yuntong is foreseeable. If Wen Qingfang is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that it will not be long before there is no room for Liu Family Refining Pavilion!

So when he saw an opportunity outside the Palace of Origin Value, he was extremely excited, and immediately used the killer to kill the Wen family's hope!

But he didn't expect that he would meet Yang Lie and be kicked.

Therefore, if there is a chance to laugh at this moment, he will naturally never let it go.


Suddenly, Yang Lie shouted sharply.

There was a trace of tension in his voice that was hard to erase, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his expression!

Everyone stopped immediately, even if it was Liu Yuntong!

The experience of breaking through the underground cold lizards before, Yang Lie gave everyone an extremely deep impression. Although he was mocking, he would never make fun of his life.

"what happened?"

After stopping, I looked around and couldn't find any threat. Everything around is still peaceful and peaceful, except that the abyss on both sides is slightly hideous, there is no danger.

"Boy! Although the old man's evaluation is a bit sharp, but you are still young, as long as you can hear it, there may not be no room for improvement in the future."

Liu Yuntong sighed, and smiled scornfully, "It's ridiculous, instead of introspection, you have become stronger! With such a temperament, your achievements have stopped here."

After careful investigation by others, they didn't notice anything unusual, and they couldn't help looking at Yang Lie suspiciously. A faint anger has appeared in the impatient eyes. In their opinion, this kind of pass is used to intimidate in a vain name. It is not only unreasonable, it is simply ignorant!

"Since stepping on this mountain road, a total of 36,000 breaths have passed! Every 7,200 breaths is an hour. We have walked here for five full hours." Yang Lie said calmly.


Liu Yuntong jumped up and said, "We have just set foot on this mountain road, and we have not even had time for a cup of tea. What did you say about five hours? It's a laugh!"

The eyes of Di Ying and others flickered, and they also did not believe in the "five hours" theory. Although they didn't deliberately remember the time, they still had some numbers in their hearts.

If it has been so long, it is impossible to feel nothing!

"Before seven thousand two hundred breaths, I used to mark underground."

Yang Lie didn't refute, he just pointed to a rock at the foot of which a notch was cut at some point. He frowned, "Then, in this hour, we passed this place twelve times!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's faces changed. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that everyone has been spinning around in place? And he didn't realize it at all?

"It's ridiculous, Brother Di, Brother Rong, do you believe this kid's nonsense?"

Liu Yuntong laughed and said, "I'm still waiting to get that Dongtian core, but I don't have time to listen to this kid's nonsense here."

Yang Lie didn't defend himself, but stood still quietly, staring straight ahead.

Di Ying's eyes flickered, and he commanded: "Pirate Three, you keep going with Pavilion Master Liu."

Thief San hesitated, but after touching the faint tyrannical expression in Di Ying's eyes, he shuddered in his heart and nodded.

Regardless of whether they believed it or not, the rest stopped in place at this moment, watching the two figures of Liu Yuntong gradually disappear into the darkness.

Soon, the two completely disappeared, and there was no sound from the darkness, and the silence was frightening.

The light breeze blowing around can no longer bring everyone any comfort at this moment, but cuts on the body like a knife.

"Three hundred times...four hundred times...five hundred times...seven hundred times!"

Counting softly, suddenly Di Ying's eyes widened!

Everyone who was waiting opened their eyes with horror on their faces--

There was a sound of footsteps, and the two Liu Yuntong, who had just left, walked out of the darkness again!

Moreover, looking at their expressions, they seem to be totally unaware, and Liu Yuntong can still be heard sneering softly: "A bunch of idiots are frightened by such nasty children. It's ridiculous!"

terror! Horror!

In an instant, all the negative emotions rushed into their hearts, and they sucked in a cold breath, unable to speak a word.

Liu Yuntong was also ignorant, walking until everyone's eyes, and only suddenly realized when he looked at each other! He couldn't help but explode his scalp and shivered violently.

At this time, no one dared to doubt Yang Lie's judgment anymore, frightened, and looked at him with hopeful eyes!

"Yang Shaoxia, I don't know what the situation is like now?" Rong Banshan broke the dullness, lowering his posture and humbly asking for advice.

The thoughtful expression in Yang Lie's eyes flickered, and finally he pondered: "We should now be caught in a power of illusion. This power will confuse our perception and make us completely ignore the surrounding environment and just walk passively."

After thinking about it carefully, everyone found that it was so!

If it weren't for Yang Lie's reminder just now, they would probably have to keep spinning so tirelessly! In the end, it is possible to exhaust the last bit of strength abruptly and die on the road!

Thinking of the terrible results, they couldn't help taking a breath, and their hairs stood up.

"Fortunately, this illusion power is only instinctively activated, not deliberately directed at us. As long as the will is firm and the martial arts is solid, it will not be easily affected."

Yang Lie frowned, he had encountered similar situations in the Nether Jedi!

Outside the demon tail cemetery, it was shrouded by the power of illusion. However, the illusion power there is undoubtedly the difference between the cloud and the mud!

At the beginning, the sword intent had only taken shape, Yang Lie was able to easily crack that magic power. But now, the sword intent is half-step and third-order, but facing the immediate situation, it is still useless!


Liu Yuntong hummed heavily, Yang Lie's words clearly meant that his will was not firm anymore. But in fact, even if he wants to refute, he still has no confidence.

Among all the people on the scene, his and Wen Qingfang's martial arts roots are the most shallow. Because the two were practicing weapons and martial arts, their strength largely relied on foreign objects.

Therefore, their martial arts will not be fully tempered!

But Wen Qingfang agreed with Yang Lie from the heart, and even established a sentiment of worship. He chose to believe everything Yang Lie said unconditionally, so he was not easy to be fooled by illusion.

The same situation as him is Xiao Qiushui. She has more subtle feelings for Yang Lie that she doesn't want to face, and naturally it is less likely to be deceived.

"Then how should we break this illusion now?"

Rong Banshan asked again, "I'm halfway there now. If you can't keep going, there is only one dead end!"

At this time, they discovered that not only did they lose sight of their way of coming, but even the way back was hidden in the darkness. There was a strong hunch in my heart--

No matter if they move forward or backward, they will always be spinning around in place!

Di Ying, Wen Yuanzi's master and apprentice, Sui Han's three knights... they watched Yang Lie together. They had lessons from the past, and they were afraid of making good ideas, and they plunged themselves into desperation.

On the contrary, it was Su Xi's trio. They knew that if they found a way to escape, Yang Lie would never leave themselves and others, so they waited calmly. At this moment, Wen Qingfang was once again complacent about his wise vision.

"The so-called illusion is nothing more than a magic word! The one born may be a dead end! The desperate situation will be the only life."

Yang Lie murmured softly, a trace of firmness suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he stepped out.

After seeing his behavior clearly, everyone was shocked! Liu Yuntong couldn't help but screamed: "You, you lunatic! Complete lunatic!"

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