Chapter 2: The Boss Made Her Faint

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The hotel.

Her cold had worsened, and combined with the huge amount of alcohol that she had been forced to drink, Yan Susu was extremely dizzy.

“Miss Yan, come, let me toast you,” Mr. Li said, raising his glass and leering suggestively at Yan Susu.

Although she was so disgusted that she wanted to throw up, Yan Susu forced herself to appear composed and emptied her glass in one gulp. Trying her best to control her giddiness, she stood up slowly and said, “Apologies; I need to go to the washroom.”

If she did not leave the room soon, she would surely collapse.

Since it was obvious that Mr. Li had an ulterior motive where she was concerned, she feared that once she collapsed, Ling Xiusi would present her to Mr. Li…

In her hurry to get away, Yan Susu was running unsteadily, and she crashed violently into someone as she turned a corner. Whoever it was fell to the floor.


“Ouch——” Yan Susu moaned; her brows furrowed from the pain.

“Get up,” Lu Zhanxiu commanded, his face stern and dark.

“I’m sorry,” murmured the dizzy Yan Susu as she reacted to that low, pleasant-sounding voice, subconsciously grasping at his body to push herself up.

However, once she started to move, someone grabbed her hand and, once again, she fell down.

She frowned, her head pounding.

Holding Yan Susu tightly against his body, Lu Zhanxiu turned sideways and looked coldly at Secretary Han. “Turn your head and look away!”

Stunned, Secretary Han turned and looked away.

Placing one hand on the floor for support, Lu Zhanxiu held onto Yan Susu with his other hand and sprung upright.

“Ah——” Yan Susu made a startled sound at the sudden jolt. She felt her head spinning and wanted to throw up.

“Shut up!” Lu Zhanxiu commanded irritably; his face darkened.

“I’m sorry…” Yan Susu uttered as she shook her head, willing herself to stay alert. However, her head continued to spin, and she pleaded hoarsely, “Can you please ask the hotel staff if they have any cold medicine?”

When she raised her head, she noticed a breathtakingly handsome face and was taken aback.

Lu Zhanxiu!

Although she had only seen him from a distance on a few occasions, she recognized that face as belonging to someone who was so influential that he could turn T City upside down with a flick of his finger!

Did that mean that, a few moments ago, she had not crashed onto the floor but into Lu Zhanxiu?

A flash of clarity in her muddled mind…she had upset someone she could not afford to upset!

High fever, alcohol, and extreme shock took over; Yan Susu’s eyes closed, and she passed out.

Lu Zhanxiu scowled: she had the audacity to pass out on him!

“Secretary Han.”

“Yes, sir.” Secretary Han turned around just in time to reflexively catch an object that had been thrown at him–only to realize that it was a woman. “Boss, this…”

“Passed out. Fix it properly.”

Secretary Han: “…!”

What immoral deed had the CEO done, scaring the young lady and causing her to pass out?!

“I’ll dock half a month’s pay.”

With a resigned expression, Secretary Han looked at Yan Susu’s flushed face and instinctively felt her forehead. He jumped as he realized that it was burning hot!


Lu Zhanxiu raised his eyebrows, his expression clearly conveying the message: Do you really want to give me more trouble?

Keeping his head low, Secretary Han obeyed the order to send her to the hospital.

Watching the departing figure of Yan Susu, Lu Zhanxiu frowned slightly. His eyes emanated a trace of uncertainty as he mused… He had not felt repulsed by that woman’s touch. Did that mean that his aversion had been cured?

Feeling the wrath of his boss’s gaze, Secretary Han left for the hospital at lightning speed.

Alas, he had only just gotten away from one scary CEO only to bump into someone even more terrifying–the young heir of the Lu family, the CEO’s son Lu Xingguang.

Did he still have time to run away?

“Uncle Han, have you scared yet another pretty lady, making her faint so that you could have your way with her?” Lu Xingguang waved his hand enthusiastically, his clear voice spreading far and loud.

Everyone around them looked at Secretary Han with contempt.

Almost in tears, Secretary Han pleaded, “Young Master, please, spare me.”

Acting way beyond his age, Lu Xingguang patted him and said, “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. I will not tell this pretty lady that she is your hundredth victim.”

At these words, Secretary Han felt even more distressed. The people around him looked even more disgusted.

“Young master, on my next business trip to Australia, I will get you the latest model aircraft set.”

Eyes shining brightly, Lu Xingguang smiled sweetly. “Uncle Han is the best.”

With tears streaming down his face, Secretary Han lamented his no-win situation. What else could he have done? He needed to survive.

“Uncle Han, who is this pretty lady?”

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