"No, no, no, President, you have to believe me, you want to save me, I really don't know what happened..."

The marine repair impatiently looked at the quality control personnel: "what? Are you in a hurry to get the person in charge? "

Although this was different from the order received, the evidence was conclusive, and they had no choice but to grab Lin Cong, who was shouting.

"Secretary Liu."


"Keep the call. An emergency meeting will be held in five minutes."


The news of harmful substances detected in Dihuang's cosmetics spread rapidly across t city like wings. All those who had bought Dihuang cosmetics were afraid to stop using them and went to various sales outlets to ask for returns and claims.

The abuse on the Internet is overwhelming, demanding that black hearted businessmen get out of the country.

But things quickly reversed.

Lin Cong colluded with the rival company of Emperor Huang and was bribed to frame Emperor Huang. At present, he has been arrested.

And Dihuang promised that all the cosmetics flowing out of the market will be recovered at the original price, and free treatment will be given to patients with allergies or poisoning until they are cured.

This move immediately won the favor of many people and expressed their belief in Emperor Huang.

Of course, some people also said that Lin Cong was just a scapegoat, and that Emperor Huang was blind to his conscience and devoted himself to black money.

There are different opinions, praise and criticism, but it is undeniable that the overall performance of Dihuang is declining.

The rival company took the opportunity to launch new products and gave unprecedented preferential activities. The original high-end brand had a small audience, but the activity price was almost free, which even the most ordinary people could afford, so they were almost sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves.

This also gave Emperor Huang the newest main product to cause the impact.

The partners took advantage of the fire and demanded double liquidated damages and terminated their future cooperation.

The first-line stars, afraid of losing their reputation, also stopped or refused to cooperate with Dihuang, and even more spokesmen turned to speak for their rivals.

"President, what to do? Without stars willing to accept the endorsement of new products, the sales situation of new products is simply unbearable. "

"Yes, if it goes on like this, this season will be very ugly."

"The key is that rumors about toxic products have not been broken. Even if some stars are willing to accept endorsements, no one dares to buy them. Who wants to have a hard time with his own face?"


All the people talked about it, and their faces were not good.

After working hard for several days and nights, it was hard to get the order out of the deadline, but a "poisoning incident" broke out. Not only did the partner terminate the contract and claim compensation, but also the market was lost, and a large number of cosmetics remained in hand

Lu Zhanxiu, however, seemed to have not heard of it. Jing asked himself, "have you found some of the so-called poisoned people who initially uploaded microblogs and videos?"

The manager of the technology department felt guilty: "president, I'm sorry, I can't find out at all. It seems that someone is deliberately hiding the information of those people..."

Lu Zhanxiu turned to Secretary Liu: "what about the information of the quality inspectors?"

"They are very careful. They haven't contacted anyone outside of work these days, and their accounts are normal."

"The more so, the easier it is to get hold of it and keep following."


"No matter what method you use, make sure you find out who originally uploaded the microblog and video."

The manager of Technical Department agreed without hesitation: "yes."

This is their chance to get rid of their shame!

"The meeting is over. We have been working hard these days. We all go back to have a rest. There is still a hard battle to fight in the future."

I didn't expect that at this time, the land war repair would let them rest. Some people were so moved that their tiredness seemed to be swept away: "yes."

"President, the board of directors

At this time, when the board of directors invited, it was certainly not good. Everyone looked at Lu Zhanxiu anxiously: "president!"

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