I Am Overlord

Chapter 1705: Versus Three Freaks

Xiang Shaoyun released his aura, manifesting a dragon and a tiger around him. His temperament changed into one that was full of so much majesty that even the three freaks seemed slightly alarmed.

The three freaks knew that any of these young Gods possessed incredible combat strength. However, as veterans who had tempered themselves for many years, they were also confident in themselves. They did not think that some youngster below 1,000 years old would be able to defeat them.

"I can't take it anymore. This kid is too cocky. If you can really defeat us, so what if we become your followers?" said the red freak while pulling at his own hair.

The green freak also spoke impatiently, "When working together, we can defeat even fifth-stage Gods. This kid is courting death."

"No rush, no rush. This kid seems to have some sort of trump card. Don't get tricked by him," said the blue freak.

"Did you not claim that you were going to beat me up? Why are you afraid now?" challenged Xiang Shaoyun.

The elder nervously reminded him, "Young Master Xiang, according to the rules, you only need to pick one."

He knew how strong the three freaks were. Xiang Shaoyun was too careless. After all, this concerned the position of a young guild master candidate.

"Shut up. All three of us will fight!" said the red freak as he glared at the elder.

"Let's go. I want to see how strong this kid is," said the green freak eagerly.

"I'll go first," said the blue freak as he charged Xiang Shaoyun like a leopard. A powerful punch was sent toward Xiang Shaoyun's face.

The punch moved like a storm, arriving rapidly from a tricky angle that could catch anyone by surprise. No matter how one looked at it, this fellow had mounted a sudden attack. Too shameless. Fortunately, Xiang Shaoyun had an outstanding reaction time and instantly evaded the attack. At the same time, he slammed his knee into the blue freak.

The blue freak's pupils shrank as he pushed with both hands, sending his body bouncing away like a leopard. "This kid is strong. Stop staring. I can't deal with him alone!"

While speaking, he unleashed a storm of palm attacks. His attacks were powered by strong God Realm energy. No ordinary cultivator would be able to unleash an attack of this level. The red and green freaks stopped staring and rushed over quickly. One threw a fiery red punch while the other sent a green claw raking through the air. Two entirely different energies were unleashed, and the phantoms of two different beasts appeared. One was a lion, and the other was a tiger. As for the blue freak, a leopard phantom had also appeared around him.

The lion, tiger, and leopard were the strongest beasts of the forest. The three each imitated one of these beasts while attacking. One used the Divine Fiery Lion Punch, one used the Violent Tiger Tearing Claw, and one used the Stacked Pouncing Leopard Palm in his attack.

When the three worked together, they became much more dangerous. Not even a fourth-stage Rebirth Realm expert would be able to easily deal with them. Xiang Shaoyun remained calm as he easily saw through their attacks. With the Tai Chi Yin Yang Palm, he borrowed the force of their attacks and diverted it back to them.

In the blink of an eye, they had exchanged over a hundred moves. The three freaks were unable to gain any advantage over him. Rather, they looked more and more desperate, something that had rarely happened to them even when fighting against those with the same cultivation level.

"I refuse to believe you're really that good!" The red freak unleashed a lion's roar from his mouth. At the same time, he threw both his fists out, sending a rain of fiery punches toward Xiang Shaoyun.

The Divine Fiery Lion Punch contained a supreme fist intent and an unimaginably high-level flame that further empowered his punches, putting him at a level comparable to a late fourth-stage Rebirth Realm cultivator.

"Let me crush his balls!" screamed the green freak as he aimed his claw attacks at Xiang Shaoyun's crotch. His attacks were sinister and vicious, and he displayed none of the grace that one would expect from a God Realm cultivator.

The blue freak made a hugging gesture, sending out two streams of blue energy that formed a powerful seal around Xiang Shaoyun, bounding him and creating an opportunity for the other two freaks to land their attacks.

The three displayed enough strength to kill even a fifth-stage Rebirth Realm cultivator. Their combination wasn't something a regular young God could deal with. After all, at the God Realm, punching above one's class would become an extremely difficult feat.

However, Xiang Shaoyun was no ordinary young God. His prowess had reached an unimaginable level. As he formed several signs with both his hands, the tiger and dragon around him converged into a seal that was then sent toward his three attackers.

Celestial King Seal.

The seal emanated a domineering and noble aura, as though it had gathered the power of an entire imperial dynasty. The aura spread out, clearing everything around it and turning the sky above the ring into a vacuum. Even the god-grade formation around the training field shook.

The seal then flew out and knocked against the three beast-shaped phantoms.

Rumble! Rumble!

As the powerful attacks collided, a massive explosion erupted. The Celestial King Seal was incredibly powerful, instantly reducing the three beastly phantoms into nothingness. The three freaks were sent flying away while coughing blood before crashing into the god-grade formation. Rivers of blood flowed out of their mouths as their God Realm energy started withering.

Xiang Shaoyun looked at the three indifferently and asked, "Do you submit?"

"Don't get too cocky, kid. We were careless. It's your turn to suffer!" said the blue freak after getting back on his feet.

The green freak said, "That's right. Now that we're getting serious, you will suffer."

"Cut the crap. If we can't defeat this kid even after working together, we will be forced to obey him in the future," said the red freak.

The three then underwent astonishing changes.

"They're undergoing their beast transformation," muttered the elder with a complicated expression.

Yes, the three freaks were transforming into beasts. The clothes on the red freak's body were ripped apart as lush lion fur grew out of his skin. His body enlarged, and a lion mane grew around his face. His aura also increased sharply.

The green freak had green fur growing out of his body, and his arms turned into tiger limbs. On his forehead, tiger stripes became visible, showcasing the overbearingness of a tiger.

The blue freak grew leopard spots all over his body. His ears became sharp while his entire body became covered in thick fur. His body shape also became much weirder than before.

The three had the blood of beasts coursing through their veins. The transformation helped increase their strength considerably. In their current forms, they could easily contend against sixth-stage Rebirth Realm cultivators. A regular third-stage God would have no chance against a sixth-stage God.

"Ok. Kid, this is where it ends for you. Let's attack together," said the red freak as he charged forth with his companions.

Divine Fiery Lion Punch!

Violent Tiger Tearing Claw!

Stacked Pouncing Leopard Palm!

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