I Am Overlord

Chapter 540: Repairing the Overlord Skyslaying Saber

Xiang Shaoyun was blanked out for quite a while before asking, "Is there nothing we can do about this? I mean, is there a way to let them live longer?"

In truth, even if he couldn't bring them into the Dragon Phoenix Academy, he still wished to change their fate of dying young.

"It's hard. The fetal frost energy is innate, and it has already intruded into all their internal organs. It's impossible to fully remove the energy," said Devouring Ghost.

Xiang Shaoyun was going to sigh when Devouring Ghost continued, "However, if they are lucky to find a place of extreme yin and frost, absorbing the extreme yin frost energy there will help them assimilate their fetal frost energy to form true Yin Frost Physiques. It will solve their crisis and reform their talents. But it is also an exceedingly dangerous method. There were people who tried doing the same before, and nine out of ten died."

"In other words, without using that method, they can still live till 50, while using the method is risky but still holds a tiny hope?" Xiang Shaoyun clarified.

"Yes," Devouring Ghost sighed. "The Dragon Phoenix Academy is one of the Four Great Ancient Academies. They occupied the ancient lands surrounding the Dragon Phoenix Mountain Range. Perhaps there's a land of extreme yin and frost there."

Xiang Shaoyun swept his gaze at Devouring Ghost before sinking into contemplation. He was clear Devouring Ghost would not lie to him. In that case, should he attempt to help the sisters? He would be the one making the decision, not Devouring Ghost. Devouring Ghost did not say anything and waited for Xiang Shaoyun's decision silently.

After spending an hour in thought, a resolute look covered Xiang Shaoyun's face as he said, "Since I have made them a promise, I will give them this chance. I hope they can seize it."

Xiang Shaoyun wasn't one to randomly change his mind. His initial thought to give up on the sisters wasn't due to the follower spots that would go to waste. Rather, it was due to their short lifespan, which was as short as a blink of an eye for a cultivator. With such a short lifespan, he wished for them to live a happy ordinary life instead.

He ultimately decided to let them stay by his side and to give them a chance to change their fate of dying young. Perhaps there would be such a chance in the Dragon Phoenix Academy. Otherwise, Devouring Ghost wouldn't have bothered mentioning it. If they really ended up not encountering such a location or ended up failing the transformation, that could only mean that their short lifespan was their destiny.

No matter what, he wouldn't regret it so long as he had tried his best to help them. Devouring Ghost wasn't surprised that Xiang Shaoyun would make such a decision. He also didn't believe that Xiang Shaoyun was the kind of man to act recklessly for a woman. In his opinion, Xiang Shaoyun simply wasn't attaching much importance to the two follower spots.

In any case, the Dragon Phoenix Academy was filled with geniuses. His young master would have plenty of time to gather followers during his time there. After spending some more time talking about their future plans, Xiang Shaoyun returned to his room. His current plan was to refine his Overlord Skyslaying Saber in the remaining three days he had left.

He had a lot of emperor and sovereign materials accumulated. It wouldn't be hard to use some to further refine the Overlord Skyslaying Saber. Although the original grade of the Overlord Skyslaying Saber was high, he did not have materials of corresponding grades to fully restore the saber. Thus, he could only slowly refine it bit by bit.

After nurturing the saber in his body for an extended period of time, he had fully become one with the saber, which indicated that the Overlord Skyslaying Saber had formed a certain connection with him and that the saber was now akin to an extension of his body he could freely control. Thus, he could easily refine it.

For others, refining their own fate weapons would require the help of outside forces to temper the weapons. That was not the case for Xiang Shaoyun. He had Yun Flame in his astral cosmos sea and could refine the saber right inside his astral cosmos sea using the materials that were also stored in the same astral cosmos sea. He didn't need to take anything out of him and could control the refinement process with a thought. It granted him a massive advantage over others.

He first needed to submerge the saber amid Yun Flame, softening the saber, before burning and mixing the various materials with the saber. The materials would then fuse into the saber and slowly restore the saber. Emperor and sovereign materials were top-tier treasures for many people, but for the Overlord Skyslaying Saber, they were merely some insignificant materials. After the refinement process, the Overlord Skyslaying Saber looked much better than before.

Xiang Shaoyun then proceeded to further nourish the saber with his innate lightning energy and vicious gold energy before feeding the saber with some of his essence blood, increasing the spirituality of the saber.

With the current strength of the Overlord Skyslaying Saber, it was capable of unleashing the might of a peak emperor weapon and withstanding the attack of sovereign weapons without being destroyed. In short, this round of refinement had allowed the saber to recover even more of its original might. After gathering more sovereign materials, Xiang Shaoyun would be able to repair the saber back into a sovereign weapon.

"This much will be enough for quite some time. After getting some more better materials, I will continue upgrading it," muttered Xiang Shaoyun to himself.

Done with all that, he did not leave his room. There were two more days left, and he did not wish to waste any free time. His gaze landed on Yun Flame as he thought, Time for it to return. He then willed Yun Flame to return to the flame star. After fusing with the devil flame seed, Yun Flame had reached a brand new level in power. Not even an Emperor would dare to lightly touch a flame of its level.

One could say that Yun Flame had further evolved from its original form, and perhaps only one or two more types of flames were required for it to evolve into a flame equivalent to a ten millennia flame. At that time, it would become a sacred flame. Of course, it was far from that level currently, but its current destructiveness was scary enough.

Prior to this, Xiang Shaoyun had entered the seventh stage by borrowing the power of the silver lightning core and the yin devil wind. To consolidate his gains, he hadn't allowed Yun Flame to return to the flame star.

Now that he was done with consolidating and was growing once more with the expansion of his stars, it was time for Yun Flame to return, which would also further improve his cultivation. As Yun Flame returned, the flame star erupted with power, fusing once again with it.

Bang! Bang!

The star burned, and it felt like cracks were going to appear due to the intense heat. It was a sensation Xiang Shaoyun had experienced before, but that did nothing to alleviate his current pain. After all, the Yun Flame had also grown, and its prowess wasn't something one could easily withstand.

A layer of red enveloped Xiang Shaoyun's body, as if he was being cooked. Steam rose from his body, making it look like he was in terrible suffering. This state lasted a day and a night before it ended. Fortunately, he had outstanding willpower. Otherwise, he would have fainted from the pain. Naturally, his cultivation level had grown from the process.

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