I Am Overlord

Chapter 637: Zhu Changchuang's Scheme

Diao Hao was the name of the person tailing Xiang Shaoyun. He was an excellent tail. Unfortunately for him, he had encountered Xiang Shaoyun. Whatever skill he had, it was completely useless. 

After putting Diao Hao under his control with the Nether Dragon Soul Curse, Xiang Shaoyun made him confess everything. He learned that Zhu Changchuang was the person who had drawn the plan to kidnap Lady Shura. With Zhu Changchuang being the number one expert under Di Lin, it was clear that the kidnapping definitely had something to do with Di Lin. 

Zhu Changchuang is only in charge of kidnapping Lady Shura. The Di Clan's lackeys are probably the actual ones in charge of killing me, thought Xiang Shaoyun.

After thinking about it for a bit, Xiang Shaoyun decided to play along with the scheme and use Diao Hao to inform Zhu Changchuang that Xiang Shaoyun was coming with a group of helpers and would arrive in about three days.

Of course, the so-called helpers referred to only the academy disciples with no outsiders involved. The reason for that was to keep Zhu Changchuang and his people settled so he could find a chance to sneak into the Nisha Range and rescue Lady Shura. 

After telling Diao Hao to travel by himself, Xiang Shaoyun rushed toward the Nisha Range at top speed. He couldn't imagine how those people would treat Lady Shura with her in their hands.

If you dare harm even a hair on her, I will make sure all of you die a horrible death, Xiang Shaoyun inwardly vowed. While he traveled, he fed the ghostrunes the devil cores he had accumulated.

"Gui Qi, what is your rank right now?" Xiang Shaoyun asked.

"Master, I am now a sixth-stage Emperor," answered Gui Qi.

"A sixth-stage ghostrune Emperor? That's fast progress, but it's still not fast enough," Xiang Shaoyun sighed.

In the past, Gui Qi was only a peak King. To reach his current level in only about three years could be considered a rapid improvement. Xiang Shaoyun was hoping that Gui Qi could have reached peak Emperor Realm by now. That way, he would be a threat to even Sovereigns. Perhaps they would even be able to assassinate a Sovereign or two. That way, rescuing Lady Shura by himself would be much easier.

Unfortunately, it seemed impossible to push Gui Qi to that level immediately despite his fast growth. More importantly, the ghostrunes' bloodline power wasn't too powerful. It hadn't been easy for them to reach this level. For Gui Qi to reach the Sovereign Realm, some time would still be required.

Even by feeding them a large number of high-level devil cores, it still wouldn't be possible to increase their strength rapidly within a short time frame. After all, just digesting the devil cores required time.

Xiang Shaoyun regretted not feeding the ghostrunes the devil cores earlier to push Gui Qi into the Sovereign Realm. 

Traveling while thinking, Xiang Shaoyun finally arrived near the Nisha Range proper. Once again, he entered invisibility. He was sure there must be some people waiting for him to deliver himself to his death at the Nisha Range's entrance. Apart from the nether prison devil puppet, he really had no way of dealing with a Sovereign for now. Rescuing Lady Shura wouldn't be an easy feat.

Nisha Range was an ancient mountain range that was still comparable to the Hundred Beast Mountain Range Xiang Shaoyun had seen before, even though it wasn't as massive as the Dragon Phoenix Mountain Range.

Numerous ancient trees dotted the mountains, making it hard to see the happenings in the mountain range. At a certain mountain near the range's fringe, Lady Shura was tied to a big tree. Her mask had been taken off, yet the face she showed was incredibly ugly.

Thus, regardless of her alluring figure, the men lost all interest in her. This was a face she got using a human face mask before leaving the academy. Her caution had paid off, as it had now saved her from humiliation.

Zhu Changchuang wasn't standing guard. Instead, there were two Emperors, and they were no pushovers. One was a peak Emperor, while the other was a ninth-stage Emperor. However, they weren't the actual guards. The true guards were hidden nearby, lying in wait. 

As for Zhu Changchuang, he was staying with the two old men in charge of dealing with Xiang Shaoyun. At this time, he received a letter from a flying mouse messenger. With the mouse in hand, he read the letter before saying to the two old men, "Xiang Shaoyun is on the way and will be here in about three days."

The two did not even bother opening their eyes. One of them answered, "Ok. You may also return after this is dealt with."

Zhu Changchuang answered obediently, "Yes."

The two old men were the same ones who had once hunted Duo Ji, the two known as Winter Frost and Summer Flame. After all this time, their cultivation level had grown stronger.

The Ziling Sect's determination to end Xiang Shaoyun could be seen just from the fact that they had sent over two late-stage Sovereigns. Since Zhu Changchuang did not want to continue staying with the two old men, he headed toward Lady Shura.

"Brothers, can you allow me to have a chat with that woman? Xiang Shaoyun will only be here after three days. You guys don't have to keep standing guard here all the time," Zhu Changchuang said to the two Emperors watching over Lady Shura.

The ninth-stage Emperor smiled. "What? Are you interested in a woman like that? Your taste is quite unique, heh?" 

Zhu Changchuang laughed awkwardly and said, "This place is insanely boring. It feels terrible to not have a way of venting myself. Brothers, please allow me this. I believe the two elders won't mind either." 

"Haha, everything is fine so long as the two elders are agreeable. Come, let's go take a piss," said the ninth-stage Emperor with a chortle before leading his companion away.

That left only Zhu Changchuang and Lady Shura there. With a lusty look, Zhu Changchuang approached Lady Shura and smiled. "You think you can fool me with a human face mask? You're probably quite a beauty underneath that mask, right? How can you be Xiang Shaoyun's woman otherwise?"

Some emotions finally appeared in Lady Shura's eyes.

Zhu Changchuang gently caressed Lady Shura's face and smiled. "Before Xiang Shaoyun comes to save you, let me have some fun. He's dead for sure anyway. If you can satisfy me, I might let you live."

He then reached for Lady Shura's bosom.

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