I Am Overlord

Chapter 730: Lady Violence An Lulu

The restricted space was not small, and it seemed to be breaking down everywhere. After the month was up, it would probably break down completely. There was about half a month left before that, and the stable areas were starting to collapse one after another, signaling that the restricted space was going to be completely destroyed.

Every single group was looking everywhere for gleamstar water. They were trying their best to collect enough gleamstar water and leave within the remaining half a month. 

After joining up with Tang Longfei's group, Xiang Shaoyun set off again.

Relying on his extraordinary senses, he once again found a stable area. The place looked incredibly stable, not showing any signs of collapse for now. A small body of flowing gleamstar water could be seen, a sight that was endlessly dazzling.

Also, a young sprout was growing amid the gleamstar water. It was tender and lush, looking like a sprout that had freshly grown after the rain. Initially, everyone thought it was an extraordinary herb. But when they focused, they found that it was more likely to be an incredible sapling.

Tang Longfei's eyes lit up as he said, "Overlord, we're rich. We need to collect all the gleamstar water here."

The others also had a look of excitement. They all concluded that after collecting the gleamstar water here, they would be able to withdraw from this space safely.

"There are powerful force fields surrounding it. I'm afraid entering and collecting the gleamstar water won't be easy," said Lady Shura.

"How will we know without trying? Let me give it a try," Ma Qihao volunteered in excitement.

"Ok, go try. But remember, be careful," said Xiang Shaoyun.

Not only Ma Qihao, others were also getting eager to try charging through. After getting permission, Ma Qihao charged toward the stable area with his weapon in hand.


He charged right into it, and he was sent flying away with a rumble. He was coughing blood. It was evident he had suffered injuries. Fortunately, he had erected his defenses before charging, or his injuries would have been more serious.

"The force field is too scary. I can't get through," said Ma Qihao gloomily.

"Let me give it a try." Someone else stepped forth and charged the force field impatiently.

An odd circular weapon appeared in his hand. The weapon had some unique effects, and he thought it would help. Unfortunately, he was similarly sent flying. When the others saw that, their expressions turned anxious and solemn. If they could not get through as soon as possible and collect the gleamstar water within, this might be a missed opportunity for them.

"Alright, don't waste any more of your strength. Let me give it a try," said Xiang Shaoyun.

"Overlord, remember to be careful," said the others with expectant looks in their eyes.

They pinned their hopes on Xiang Shaoyun, hoping that he could bring them a pleasant surprise. Otherwise, they would only be able to look at the gleamstar water without being about to touch it.

Just as Xiang Shaoyun was about to make a move, a group of over 100 people headed toward them. The Overlord Legion members all looked over at the newcomers.

At the sight of them, Tang Longfei's expression turned gloomy as he said, "It's the Crushing Sky."

Xiang Shaoyun frowned as he cursed inwardly, Annoying.

Previously, the Overlord Legion had suffered losses under the hands of the Crushing Sky. Now that the Crushing Sky had appeared, they would definitely trouble them and ruin their plan of collecting the gleamstar water.

After a slight hesitation, Xiang Shaoyun said, "Big Brother Tang, try to slow them down. I'll come help you after collecting the gleamstar water."

He then took out the chakram and charged toward the stable area without waiting for Tang Longfei's reply. The chakram was a saint-grade weapon, and it was also a unique spatial weapon. It possessed the ability to split space, which was something he was sure about. 

He only needed to exert a slight force with the chakram, and it brought him right through the force field into the stable area. The moment he entered, he used his trait of invisibility and vanished right before everyone's eyes. The sight greatly frightened the Overlord Legion.

"D-didn't the overlord enter? Why is he gone?" 

"Did something weird happen? What should we do now?" 

"The overlord is a remarkable individual. He will be fine. Let's deal with the Crushing Sky."

"It hasn't been easy for us to find some gleamstar water, yet here they are again. What kind of bullshit luck is this?"


A beautiful woman was leading the Crushing Sky group. She wasn't tall, but she had a seductive figure. The armor she wore was unable to fully cover her bountiful bosom, revealing a deep, incredibly enchanting canyon.

Hanging on her back was an axe, her entire person radiating unique charm. In the Dragon Phoenix Academy, her fame was second only to Yu Caidie, Han Chenfei, and Huang Xiaoyue.

She was Lady Violence, An Lulu, one of the four great guardians under Zhan Wushuang. Leading the Crushing Sky group, she stood before Tang Longfei and the others. 

Someone beside her pointed at the stable area and said fawningly, "Lady An, there is a lot of gleamstar water there. After collecting it, we will be able to complete the leader's mission with more to spare."

"Um. This place is decent, as it will stay stable for a bit. We need to collect the gleamstar water as quickly as possible," said An Lulu indifferently.

The person beside her said, "Yes. Let me drive off these irksome fellows."

After saying that, he stepped forth and shouted, "The Crushing Sky is here on official business. All outsiders, get lost or suffer the consequences."

One ought to admit that this person was truly arrogant, using the name of his faction to scare those from the Overlord Legion. His name was Huang Xing, and he was a peak second-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator and one of An Lulu’s loyal attendants.

"This place has been booked by the Overlord Legion. You guys can go somewhere else," said Tang Longfei after mustering his courage. In truth, he feared An Lulu greatly. Prior to this, he had suffered in her hands.

"What in the world is the Overlord Legion? If you don't get lost now, you won't be able to leave anymore," said Huang Xing arrogantly.

"If you want to use force, bring it on! At worst, both of us won't get anything!" replied Tang Longfei firmly.

Inwardly, he prayed, Shaoyun, oh Shaoyun, you better come out fast.

"A defeated foe like you dares to act tough like that? Interesting," said An Lulu with a sneer. "I heard Xiang Shaoyun is here, right? Tell him to get his ass out here. This young lady is going to take him in as my attendant."

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