I Am Overlord

Chapter 762: Here to Create Trouble

Feng Xiaosha was listening to the reports of recent updates from his subordinates when he suddenly heard some disturbance outside. Soon, someone ran inside and said, "Reporting to the chief, Xiang Shaoyun from the Overlord Legion is here."

"So wha—What?! You're saying that bastard, Xiang Shaoyun, is here?" Feng Xiaosha exclaimed, jumping to his feet after he had instinctively spoken nonchalantly.

"Yes. He is requesting to see you, chief," his subordinate replied.

"Good. What a courageous fellow. Let me see if there is anything special about the renowned Xiang Shaoyun. He actually dares to come here?" Feng Xiaosha said with his eyes narrowed. "Everyone, heed my command. If Xiang Shaoyun dares to take even a single step into the villa, beat him up. Show no mercy."

Everyone replied together, "Yes, chief."

They then left the hall. Apart from Mu Qing and Wang Xin, there were two fourth-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivators and about a dozen third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivators among them. These were the elites of the Squall.

Following behind them was Feng Xiaosha. He even had someone carry a chair out. Sitting on the chair, he looked like he was waiting for a good show to unfold.

Xiang Shaoyun, it doesn't matter how strong you are. If you dare to step inside my villa, I will ensure you leave on stretchers, thought Feng Xiaosha with a sneer.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun was right outside Feng Xiaosha's villa. Looking at the disciples blocking the entrance, he smiled. "Is this how the Squall welcomes your guests? Wow, you guys are quite an enthusiastic bunch, aren't you?" 

It was quite a surprise to Xiang Shaoyun that he would stumble upon their meeting the first time he was here. This was really lucky!

"Xiang Shaoyun, to see our chief, you need to get through us. Otherwise, feel free to scram," shouted a third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator while pointing at Xiang Shaoyun.

Everyone in the academy knew Xiang Shaoyun was strong. He was now ranked 15th on the Dragon Phoenix List. Nobody would dare lightly offend someone like that. But because the Squall currently had numerical superiority, they showed him no fear.

"So you mean I can't see Feng Xiaosha if I don't beat all of you up?" asked Xiang Shaoyun with a sneer.

"Audacious! You dare call our chief by his name?" berated the third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator.

"Oh, you definitely haven't seen the extent of my bravery," said Xiang Shaoyun with contempt. He abruptly turned into a gust of wind and charged forward.

Before the third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator could even react, he felt a burst of wind against his face.



A crisp sound rang out, followed by a wail.

The Squall members were shocked. Looking at the third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator, who was also a captain, they found that he had collapsed on the ground with his hands clutching his face.  He cut a miserable figure. As for Xiang Shaoyun, he was back where he was standing, as if he had not moved at all.

"Y-You bastard! Everyone, go! Beat him up!" shouted the infuriated third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator when he saw the sneer on Xiang Shaoyun's face.

At his command, the others attacked. These were second-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivators. When they attacked together, they were indeed quite imposing. As for the third-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator, he held nothing back and attacked as well. Multiple powerful beams shot toward Xiang Shaoyun.

There were fist attacks, palm attacks, kicking attacks, and so on. Each attack was launched with nothing held back. It was clear these Squall members truly thought little of Xiang Shaoyun. 

Narrowing his eyes, Xiang Shaoyun attacked as well.

Havoc Dance: Finger!

He sent several finger beams out, each of them aiming at an opening. The finger beams arrived at the openings before the attacks reached him. All his opponents' attacks were thus disrupted, and painful wails rang out. One should never look down on these finger beams. The vicious energy used to power them was astonishingly destructive.


After a series of wails, they hastily retreated. Xiang Shaoyun took the chance to press forth and entered the villa. It might seem like Xiang Shaoyun was striding forward slowly, but for some reason, the Squall members couldn't get a good look at him before he was already inside.

Xiang Shaoyun was discovered the moment he entered. The people inside surrounded him without any hesitation. There were about 100, each a prodigy in his own right. They were confident Xiang Shaoyun wouldn't be able to escape with them attacking together even if he had a pair of wings.

Regardless, they were still in a core disciple's villa. They would most certainly not attack with zero inhibitions. Seated right at the middle of the courtyard, Feng Xiaosha questioned, "Xiang Shaoyun, what is the meaning of this?"

"What is the meaning of this? I'm here to create trouble," said Xiang Shaoyun earnestly after flashing them a wicked smile.

"Who do you think you are? You dare challenge the Squall?" berated a fourth-stage Dragon Ascension Realm cultivator, his finger pointing at Xiang Shaoyun. He had an odd name, Linggu Gele, and he was on the Jiao Luan List.

"I'm nobody. Also, you're so ugly I wouldn't even want you as my son," said Xiang Shaoyun with contempt while lazily digging into his ear.

"Bastard!" Linggu Gele shouted before charging forth with a saber in hand.

"Gele, there is no point fighting him alone. There are so many of us. What can he do? Everyone, go. Cripple him!" commanded Feng Xiaosha.

With that command, the people in the villa started attacking Xiang Shaoyun. The few people nearest to Xiang Shaoyun did the same. While attacking, they took great effort to control the range of their attacks so as to not harm their own people or damage the villa.

Facing the incoming attacks, Xiang Shaoyun howled with laughter, "Today, I will wipe the floor with all of you! You shall learn that 'overlord' is not just a title!"

Instead of withdrawing, he stepped forth and rushed right into the incoming attackers. Attacking with both hands, he sent them into the ground before their attacks could even touch him.

The first person had all his teeth broken, the second person had his abdomen kicked, the third person had his testicles kicked...

Not only was Xiang Shaoyun fast, but he was also akin to a prophet capable of seeing the future. No matter how his opponents attacked, he seemed capable of reacting in advance and aiming his attacks at their weak points. It was truly inconceivable.

This was the true stage for Xiang Shaoyun's self-created Havoc Dance. It worked brilliantly in group battles.

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