I Am Overlord

Chapter 885: Shark Devourer Saber

Second floor of the armory.

This floor was similarly filled with numerous shiny weapons. The weapons here were even better than the weapons on the first floor, and almost all of them were peak emperor weapons. There were even some sovereign weapons here. The weapons were displayed in an orderly manner, and even without any astral energy applied to them, they were still shining with a dazzling luster.

Even Xiang Shaoyun couldn't help but stay and appreciate the weapons on the second floor. They looked incredibly impressive, giving one an urge to grab them all.

"Ten Directions Halberd, gold elemental peak emperor weapon, able to enhance one's offensive power by 30 percent."

"Crescent Moon Saber, water elemental peak emperor weapon, able to enhance one's offensive power by 30 percent."

"Bloodvein Sword, fire elemental peak emperor weapon, able to enhance one's offensive power by 35 percent."


Each weapon had its name, elemental property, and enhancement rate recorded below it, displaying how extraordinary they were. Han Chenfei was extremely excited to see all the weapons. She picked up an ice elemental sword and lightly swung it about. Immediately, frost energy rippled out, instantly dropping the temperature around her.

"Don't mess around," Xiang Shaoyun warned her.

"I couldn't stop myself. The weapons here are indeed impressive. They are perfectly forged," lamented Han Chenfei as she placed the sword back. Evidently, this sword was still not enough to fully catch her eyes.

"Um. Take your time here. I'm going to the third floor," said Xiang Shaoyun as he started heading to the next floor.

Since Han Chenfei wasn't in the top 10, she couldn't enter the third floor. She could only indignantly say, "I had been too arrogant during the battleground. It won't be long before I get to the top again."

She had always been known as a top-10 freak on the Dragon Phoenix List, but in the first battleground, she had actually dropped to 13th place. She was not reconciled with the result. With her talent and capability, she believed that she deserved a better ranking. Thus, she vowed to prove herself once again.

When Xiang Shaoyun reached the third floor, he found that the number of weapons was much lower. Even so, there were still over 10,000 of them. They were all displayed in an orderly fashion. The room was filled with shiny and dazzling weapons, but as a whole, the atmosphere felt much more oppressive than on the previous two floors.

Each of the weapons on the third floor seemed to possess some sort of sentience and released pulses that gave off an illusion that they were actually alive. They were incredibly extraordinary.

After touring the entire floor and looking over all the weapons, Xiang Shaoyun found himself satisfied with every single one of them. He muttered, "All of them are sovereign weapons, and all of them will be useful to me. But I already have the Overlord Skyslaying Saber and Radiant Saint Sword. What weapon should I pick here?"

In the past, he only aimed to focus on saber techniques. But after obtaining the Light of Wisdom, he could learn anything easily. His comprehension capability was monstrous, and he would be able to quickly grasp any weapon he decided to use. Thus, he wouldn't give up on picking a weapon he felt was right for him, even if it wasn't a saber.

At this time, he recalled the Seven Overlapping Waves Slash that he had obtained from an ancient stele at the battleground. It was a water elemental saber technique. He decided that picking a water elemental saber would be the practical choice. It would still be a saber, but only with a different element. He could still make use of his saber intent with it.

Shortly after, he stopped before a blue saber. The saber had the design of an ordinary saber with a blue edge. Markings of aquatic demons were carved on the blade, while the hilt was shaped like a shark's head. A top-grade demonic core was embedded onto the hilt, exuding a wild sensation.

The saber was named Shark Devourer Saber. It was a top-tier sovereign weapon. Although it wasn't quite as shiny as the other weapons, the edge of its blade was as sharp as shark teeth. It was most certainly an excellent saber capable of cutting through most things.

"You it is," said Xiang Shaoyun as he grabbed the saber.

He returned to the second floor with the saber. At this time, Han Chenfei was done as well. She had picked a rhombus ice shield. It was obvious she wasn't quite interested in the selection on the second floor. After all, she was the young palace master of the Glacier Palace. She definitely had a better weapon already.

The two left the armory together and registered with the elder standing guard outside. Only by doing so would they be able to leave with their selected equipment.

"Shaoyun, there are six months left. Are you going to cultivate in seclusion, or are you going somewhere to continue tempering yourself?" asked Han Chenfei gently, as though their argument from before never happened.

Xiang Shaoyun replied indifferently, "Address me as Overlord. I'm not too used to having my name called. I'll be going to the Book Pavilion to read some books."

"I'm going as well!" Han Chenfei decided to stick with him.

Xiang Shaoyun couldn't even be bothered to give her a response and started heading toward the Book Pavilion. It had been a while since he last read anything. Now would be the time for him to accumulate more knowledge to further enrich his mind. That way, he would be able to make the correct judgment if he was to encounter some weird opponents in the future.

Apart from that, he also needed to memorize more battle techniques so he could fully utilize his nine powers, increase his combat strength, and better prepare himself for the competition of the four academies. He was also preparing for his eventual return to the Ziling Sect.

The 10-year vow he made had arrived. Along their way to the Book Pavilion, many disciples saw them walking together. Because of that, their envy and hatred toward Xiang Shaoyun grew.

Han Chenfei was the number two beauty in the academy. Wherever she went, she would be the center of attention. In the past, she rarely moved around with men apart from Glacier Palace members. But now, she was practically Xiang Shaoyun's tail, obediently following him. In fact, she even looked like she was trying very hard to flatter him. Many people were taken aback.

A lot of people had the urge to ask Xiang Shaoyun one question: "I thought you declared Yu Caidie your woman? Why are you nabbing Han Chenfei as well? Are you going to leave us anything at all?" 

Unfortunately, none had the courage to say so to Xiang Shaoyun, who had the strength to fight Zhan Wushuang to a draw.

Soon, the two arrived at the Book Pavilion. After bowing slightly to the elder, Xiang Shaoyun said, "This disciple greets the elder."

The elder lazily raised his eyelids, and a sharp glint flickered in his eyes. He replied, "It has been a while since I last saw you here. Take this chance to properly accumulate more knowledge."

"Yes, elder," replied Xiang Shaoyun respectfully before stepping into the Book Pavilion.

He went straight to a certain corner, selected a few books that he had not read, and started skimming through them.

Han Chenfei was bored, and she asked, "I thought you were going to pick some battle techniques. Why are you reading these boring books on the first floor?" 

"When did I say that I'm here to pick battle techniques? Stop bothering me," said Xiang Shaoyun before he resumed reading.

In the past, he had a photographic memory. And now, he was capable of reading 10 lines of words with a single glance. His reading speed had increased by at least 10 times.

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