I am Really not a Child of Luck (I Am Really Not The Son of Providence)

Chapter 172 Look, is this the holy liquid of Nirvana?

Facing the Holy Son of the Big Dipper, Shen Tian was very tangled in his heart!

He was thinking about how he should slap his face in the most natural way.

And this is shown in front of the Beidou Holy Son, it is an expression of 'indifferent and aloof'.

A good son of the gods, he is not only arrogant, but also not arrogant or impetuous, with an open mind.

Chen Zhongtian secretly admired in his heart, although the Beidou Holy Land and the Divine Sky Holy Land were not very harmonious.

However, the evaluations of the major saints on each other are still roughly the same, and they will not deviate too much because of their positions.

The Beidou Holy Son's view of the true disciples of the Divine Sky Holy Land is that they are basically unusable.

Just like today, he came with Qi Shaoxuan's luck, that is, using Yang Conspiracy to suppress Shen Xiao.

Those true disciples all showed anger on their faces, and they would not hide it at all.

Their aspirations are far worse than that of the old fox, Holy Master Shenxiao!

On the contrary, this new holy son did not have the slightest anger on his face.

He just looked at the Big Dipper Holy Son indifferently, his expression neither sad nor happy.

Rao is the Beidou Holy Son, and he knows how to figure out people's hearts, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

More importantly, the Beidou Holy Son has already broken through to the Nascent Soul stage ahead of his peers.

However, even so, when facing Shen Tian, ​​he still felt that he was completely unable to figure out the depth of his cultivation.

Standing in front of him, Shen Tian was like a vast ocean, like a black hole, mysterious and unpredictable.

This is simply a terrifying existence comparable to Senior Brother Shaoxuan!


Do not!

Chen Zhongtian forcibly shook his head.

This is an illusion, it is the illusion that this guy casts on this Son!

How could Ben Shengzi question the authority of Senior Brother Shaoxuan because of his handsome appearance?

Senior Brother Shaoxuan is unique. Even if this guy is not weak, what can he do with his immortal temperament?

In this world of cultivating immortals, after all, we still look at the fate of immortals. The fate of immortals is deep and long, and only the way of heaven will always bless and protect.

Just like Senior Brother Shaoxuan, he can harvest hundreds of catties of Nirvana Holy Liquid if he goes out to practice at will. Could this kid do it?

Thinking of this, Chen Zhongtian finally calmed down the depression in his heart: "Senior Brother Shen, have you looked back for a long time?"

Shen Tian was struggling to slap his face at this time, so he reflexively said, "Where did you look up?"

Chen Zhongtian:  …

This holy son told you that he has long admired, and it is purely a courtesy.

Where does God worship? Are you taking advantage of this holy son?

Chen Zhongtian took a deep breath: "Senior Brother Shen, Chen means it's nice to meet you."

Looking at Chen Zhongtian with a bright and fake smile on his face, Shen Tian reluctantly muttered: "You are too happy too early.

Frankly speaking, if Chen Zhongtian was just dissing Shen Tian himself, Shen Tian might just smile and ignore it.

After all, this guy also has a pale golden halo on his head, so there's no need to compete with him for a while.

The problem is that the Beidou Holy Son is now in the diss Holy Land, which is difficult!

The Holy Master Shenxiao called and asked Shen Tian to come forward to solo with the Holy Son of Big Dipper.

If this wave of operations is not good enough, what should I do if I wear small shoes?

In the end, Shen Tian secretly adjusted his mentality in his heart.

This wave must be innovative and critical!

But frankly, it's not easy to do that.

Just when Shen Tian was thinking hard in his heart, a big change occurred on the White Lotus Peak.

A female disciple in white ran out of the treatment room, and her face was full of panic and confusion.

"It's not good, it's not good, the golden pills of the Holy Master, Uncle, Master, and Senior Brother are beginning to crack again!"


The female disciple's words were like boulders falling on the surface of the lake, causing stormy waves.

The main body of the holy god, the fairy light and thunder, slowly fluctuated and walked towards the secret room.

The old Taoist priest and Tianzun Bailian followed closely and did not dare to neglect.

Seeing that no one was stopping him, the other true disciples followed closely.

Seeing this, Chen Zhongtian breathed a sigh of relief, and frankly said that facing Shen Tian, ​​he was under a lot of pressure.

"Senior Brother Fang Chang is in danger? Senior Brother Shen, let's get acquainted later, let's go and see Senior Brother Fang Chang first!"

Shen Tian nodded and walked straight towards the convalescent room where Fang Chang was, feeling very uneasy.

I will see Fang Chang soon, and frankly, Shen Tian doesn't want anything to happen to him.

I also don't want Fang Chang's going into trouble this time to have something to do with him.

After all, although Shen Tian often deceives people to get his luck, he is a good person.

Everyone filed in, and soon came to the core treatment site of White Lotus Peak.

At this time, the Holy Master Shenxiao and others have entered a special formation space, isolated from everyone.

However, the formation space is transparent, and Shen Tian and others can see the scene inside.

But at this time, Fang Chang was lying on a bed, and his body lost a lot of weight.

His face was also very pale, and his vitality looked devastated.

Of course this is not the point, the point is that the halo on his head has changed.

When Shen Tian met Fang Chang for the first time before, the halo on Fang Chang's head was pure golden.

But at this time, Shen Tian suddenly saw that the halo above Fang Chang's head had turned into a mixture of gold and red.

Obviously, Fang Chang's luck is declining, and the reason for the decline is self-evident.

Shen Tian secretly guessed in his heart that it seemed that it might really be his reason.

Those whose luck was robbed by him not only had their luck greatly reduced.

Even, it may also encounter a catastrophe!


At this time, in the formation space, the Holy Master Shenxiao took out the fist-sized nirvana holy liquid.

After a drop of Nirvana holy liquid was refined by the Holy Master Shenxiao, it quickly merged into Fang Chang's body to repair the crack.

It can be seen that on the golden core of Fang Chang's body, the hideous cracks are healing.

Facts have proved that the Holy Liquid of Nirvana is indeed useful to Fang Chang.

That's good news, but there's also brutally bad news.

That is, the injury has deteriorated, and a pound of Nirvana Holy Liquid is not enough to consume.

After the Nirvana Holy Liquid was completely absorbed, only a few cracks in the Golden Core healed.

According to the number of cracks in Fang Chang's golden core, it is difficult for the holy liquid of Nirvana to save Fang Chang's life.


The door of the formation space was opened, and Tianzun Bailian hurried out.

She looked directly at Chen Zhongtian: "Nirvana Holy Liquid, is there any more?"

"This seat can buy it at double the price and owe you a favor."

Bailian Tianzun is a famous doctor in Donghuang, and her favor is quite valuable.

It's a pity that there is indeed no Nirvana holy liquid left on Chen Zhongtian's body, which is a priceless treasure.

He sighed and said: "Tianzun forgive me, there is indeed no Nirvana holy liquid left in the younger generation, and I can't help."

"If you have time, this junior can rush to the Holy Land of Zifu to try to get the holy liquid."

Tianzun Bailian shook his head: "It's too late, if there is no holy liquid, I can't hold it."

Chen Zhongtian secretly said in his heart: It seems that this side is often considered dead today.

After all, judging from the current situation, Fang Chang was seriously injured.

No one has more than 50 kilograms of Nirvana holy liquid, so don't expect to be cured at all.

But how precious is 50 catties of Nirvana holy liquid? Even Senior Brother Shaoxuan would be hurt by this.

From Chen Zhongtian's point of view, Divine Sky Holy Land can already prepare for Fang Chang's funeral, so there is no need to insist.


However, at this moment, Shen Tian's voice sounded slowly beside him.

"Uncle Bailian, please help me to see if this bottle contains the holy liquid of Nirvana."

While speaking, a small jade bottle appeared in Shen Tian's hand.

It is filled with silver-white liquid, full of life.

At this moment, Chen Zhongtian was stunned.

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