Lord Leiyin's phantom looked at Shen Tian, ​​and then at Kuduo Buddha's son.

The more he thought about it, the more sour he felt, the more sour he thought, how could such a handsome young man not go home!

To be honest, if it wasn't for the Divine Sky Holy Land being one of the Twelve Holy Lands, he would have wanted to forcibly cross Shen Tian into Buddhism.

Of course, although Lord Leiyin is very sour in his heart, he has always maintained a majestic image on the surface, just like a true Buddha!

He looked at Kuduo Buddha calmly: "Kutuo, since Shi-nephew Fang Chang is safe, come back!"

Kuduo Buddha's face fell down: "Master, it has been a long time since my disciple and Fang Chang have not seen each other."

"Can you stay in the Holy Land for a few days and go back later?"

Lord Leiyin smiled, smiling very kindly: "You still have Buddhist scriptures that you haven't finished copying."

"There is a lot of suffering, you need to know: The body is like a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a bright mirror. Always wipe away diligently, and don't make dust."

"You are a Buddhist son of Leiyin Holy Land, and you bear the responsibility of promoting Buddhism. You need to cultivate your own body, and you must not slack off!"

"As for reminiscing about the old days, it will take a long time to come to Japan, so don't worry."

Listening to Lord Leiyin's nagging teaching, Kuduo's face became even more broken: "Yes, this disciple understands!"

He turned around and looked at Fang Chang reluctantly: "Fang Chang, see you next time."

The Buddha's light on the main body of Leiyin Buddha fluctuated slightly, and the Buddha's heart was burning with panic.

His figure slowly dissipated, and he didn't want to look any more.

Good apprentices belong to other people, this feeling is really bad.

The light of the rosary slowly dissipated, and the Buddha image and vision of Lord Leiyin also slowly dissipated.

Only the voice faintly sounded on the White Lotus Peak: "Brother Long Yuan, the poor monk Guangui's holy son has not shallow roots."

"If you are interested, you can come to enlightenment under the Bodhi tree of this sect in the future, or you may gain something."

As soon as Leiyin Buddha's voice fell, he heard a burst of cold air from all over.

Because the Bodhi Buddha tree in Leiyin Holy Land is extremely extraordinary.

It was the supreme tree of Buddhism transplanted from the deepest part of Buddhism in the Western Desert.

According to legend, this Bodhi tree has long been psychic, and it is the top ten supreme treasure tree in the spiritual wood list.

If you sit cross-legged under the Bodhi Buddha tree and realize the Dao, your understanding will be multiplied, and you will be blessed by any cultivation method.

Legend has it that there was a Buddha Lord in Leiyin Holy Land who had an epiphany under this tree for seven days and seven nights.

In the end, he thoroughly comprehended the "Da Lei Yin Zhen Sutra" and became a Buddha on the spot!

That era was the most glorious era of Leiyin Holy Land!

The Bodhi Buddha Tree has also become the treasure of the Leiyin Holy Land and is extremely revered.

Generally speaking, only Lord Leiyin and his disciples are qualified to enlighten under the Bodhi tree.

Unexpectedly, today, Lord Leiyin just glanced at Shen Tian and promised such a big temptation.

His appreciation for Shen Tian is self-evident.

The main body of the Divine Sky Sage fluctuated slightly, and it was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

Tianxiu, ah, Tianxiu, digging the corner of this seat in front of this seat?

Hehe, don't think you have a daughter?


Kuduozi was reluctant to part, but he was still saying goodbye.

After all, rushing back to the Holy Land in time may just be just copying the Buddhist scriptures 1,000 times.

If it is brought back by the law enforcement monk of Leiyin Holy Land, I am afraid that it will have to be upgraded to 10,000 times.

He bid farewell to Fang Chang and came to Shen Tian: "Son Shen Tian, ​​you have given a lot more holy liquid of Nirvana."

"The poor monk will distribute it to the brothers and sisters in Leiyin Holy Land according to what you said."

"And the poor monks will call on them to pray for you by chanting sutras and chanting Buddha."

"Of course, poor monks don't like reciting sutras, so they stop reciting them."

Seeing this iron Hanhan in front of him, Shen Tian couldn't help but laugh.

What a miserable baby, it took a long time to come out to find a friend to play, and then I had to go home and do my homework.

Thinking of this, Shen Tian pulled Kuduo Buddha aside: "Senior Brother Kuduo, Shen will send you a poem."

"You go back and tell Lord Yu Leiyin to listen to him. He may not punish you for copying the scriptures after listening."

Kuduo's eyes lit up: "Really? Holy Son, don't lie to me."

Shen Tiandao: "But Shen is not sure if it will work."

Kuduo happily said: "Try it! Anyway, you won't suffer."

Shen Tian nodded and whispered: "But you have to promise, you can't say that I gave it."

Kuduo's face showed embarrassment: "But what if the master asks? Monks don't lie."

Shen Tian said helplessly: "If that's the case, then forget it. Senior brother, go back and copy the scriptures!"

Kuduo Buddha's face was abrupt and firm: "The monks are informal!"

"Son Shen Tian, ​​does the poor monk say it was a dream?"

Shen Tian smiled with relief, this little monk doesn't look stupid!

He urged his spiritual mind to pass a message into Kuduozi's mind, but he didn't read it out.

After all, who knows how Lord Leiyin reacts when he hears that verse? It would be better if you understood.

In this way, the realm of Lord Leiyin will become higher, and he should reward the son of Kuduo.

In this way, Shen Tian and Kuduo can be regarded as forming a good relationship.

But what if Lord Leiyin thinks this is heresy? This holy son can't bear the blame.

Anyway, this Holy Son revealed this Buddha to you, and this Buddha verse has nothing to do with me after leaving this holy place.

Whether you keep it secretly or tell it to Lord Leiyin, you can choose.

In the spiritual thoughts that Shen Tian passed on to Kuduo Buddha's son, the first statement was to throw the blame.

Only after approving the statement of attribution of responsibility of several hundred words can we see the Buddha Reveal.

Kuduo Fuzi read the statement of responsibility in a daze, and his bald head was a little heavier.

Fortunately, he finally reached the Buddha verse.

Bodhi Verse

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

The Buddha-nature is always pure, where is there any dust!

The body is a bodhi tree, and the mind is a mirror stand.

The mirror is clean, where is it stained with dust!

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

Originally there is nothing, where is the dust!

Bodhi only seeks in the heart, why bother to seek mysticism outside?

I heard that practicing according to this, the West is only at present!



Wonderful, this Buddha verse is wonderful! Wonderful! Brilliant!

After reading this Buddhist verse, Kuduo felt that the whole Buddha's heart was baptized.

He had read a lot of Buddhist scriptures and verses before, but he felt it was a mess, and the reading was very confusing.

Not to mention understanding its Buddhist rhythm, even when I read it, my tongue keeps knotting.

But this Buddhist verse given by Shengzi Shen Tian is completely different.

Although Kuduo Buddha did not understand it at all.

But it doesn't read at all!

Still pressing the rhyme!

Ah, such a good verse.

Be sure to tell the master and let him listen.

Thinking of this, Kuduo Buddha hurriedly bid farewell to everyone.

He wanted to rush back to Leiyin Holy Land as soon as possible and give this Buddhist verse to Lord Leiyin.

In the heart of Buddha Kuduo, he has a good wish that he will not need to copy Buddhist scriptures in the future, and he is full of expectations.

However, Shen Tian looked at the direction Kuduo Buddha was leaving, and gave his blessings secretly.

This Tie Hanhan has a bright halo on his head, and stupid people have stupid blessings.

It should be fine to give him the Bodhi Buddha verse.

After all, tiger poison does not eat children.

He is a Buddha!


After Kuduo Buddha's son left, there were no outsiders in the White Lotus Peak.

The Holy Master Shenxiao looked at Shen Tian with relief, the thunder and immortal light on his body rippling gently.

He calmly said: "Tian'er, you follow me to the Holy Main Peak, and I entrust you with important matters in this seat."

Have something important to entrust to this Holy Son?

What's the matter? Your daughter's life event?

Hey, hiss, why does this holy son think about which way!

Strong women and weak men are miserable!

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