Thinking of this, Shen Tian nodded and said, "Junior Brother Li is indeed a talent."

"Since he wants to join the organization, let him join! But I have one condition."

"You make it clear to him that after joining the organization, you can no longer spread the secrets of the organization at will."

Liu Taiyi hurriedly took out the jade slip from his arms and wrote it down: "Heavenly Master doesn't like believers to spread core secrets at will."

Shopkeeper Song also nodded and said, "Don't worry, Holy Son and Heavenly Master, this old man has already told him this."

Shen Tian nodded and said, "That's it, the Holy Son of Japan is going to leave the Holy Land."

"During my absence, you must remember to practice hard."

"I have used all the Nirvana Holy Liquid, how much the strength can be improved."

To be honest, Shen Tian was still quite uneasy in his heart, after all, Zhao Hao was there for the disciple trial ten days later.

This guy used to be a typical sacrificial protagonist, sacrificing his mother to become a genius, sacrificing a master to achieve the Nine Suns Battle Body.

Although the halo on the top of the head has turned pure gold, who knows if there will be any moths?

Just watch it for a while! I won't take this kid with me this time, be safe.

After instructing everyone, Shen Tian made up most of the lost spiritual energy in his body.

He took a deep breath and put away the Longyuan Sacred Armor on his body and turned it into a simple inner armor.

This is the second form of Longyuan Sacred Armor, although it is not as strong and powerful as the first form.

But this form is better than being low-key, and it doesn't look special at all when wearing it, and it is not easy to attract hatred in dangerous situations.

After learning that Shenxiao had been rehabilitated by the shackles, Shen Tian became more stable than ever before.

If the exposed hole card is exposed, then the hole card will not be called. Shen Tian feels that he has to keep a hundred million hands.

After instructing all the affairs on the Holy Son Peak, Shen Tianyu Liao left.

This time out, Shen Tian didn't plan to lead a group of people like he did last time.

Because he found that no matter how many people you bring, you are still unlucky when it is time to be unlucky.

And you are on an adventure with a group of children of luck, maybe the danger is coming, and you will be backed in minutes!

Just like the last time when the immortal vines were bound to attack the city, Zhang Yunxi and the others were all fine, so Shen Tian was tied up and taken away.

Therefore, Shen Tian came to the conclusion that with the Europeans, we can only share wealth, not weal and woe!

Driving the lotus spear, Shen Tian quickly came to the teleportation formation of Shenxiao City.

Although this time it was a solo battle and adventure, Shen Tian was full of confidence.

First, although the Holy Son of the Big Dipper also has a golden halo, the brightness is still much worse than Fang Chang.

The second is that the halo above Shen Tian's head is also glowing red, not too far from the pale golden halo of the Big Dipper!

The third is the most important point, that is, after the halo glowed red, Shen Tian's ability was upgraded again.

Although Shen Tian was able to see the future opportunities for those with great luck, it was only a picture.

Just like the picture above Fang Chang's head, it should be a chance in a few days.

Shen Tian went to grab it in advance with excitement, but his head hit the immortal vine to attack the city.

If it weren't for the fate of Zhao Hao at the critical moment, Shen Tian might have gone to see his mother.

But after the luck was upgraded, Shen Tian found that he could determine when the opportunity occurred.

He just distributed the holy liquid of Nirvana to Fang Chang, and the dark green halo gave birth to red light.

Then I found that the Holy Son of Beidou, who had no chance above his head, suddenly had a chance.

Shen Tian guessed that this should be because his luck has improved, and the prediction time of the chance has also become longer.

For example, when Shen Tian has a green ring on his head, he can predict the chance within three days.

When the halo is born with red light, it can predict the chance within five days.

Why are you sure it's within five days? Because the opportunity of Beidou Saint Son is in five days!

Shen Tian made up his mind, this time he would eat the melon for five days quietly and watch it secretly.

After you have figured out everything completely, wait until five days later when the opportunity arrives.

He shot a moment earlier to cut off the opportunity of the Beidou Holy Son!

This should avoid encountering variables.

Hey, it's still quite troublesome to think about, and it's not as good as being a magician at all.

It was really impossible for the Beidou Holy Son to believe Shen Tian, ​​and at the same time he wanted to do an experiment.

Let's see if the big luck person will really be bad luck when he loses his luck.

Otherwise, Shen Tiancai would not have done such a risky thing! This is a dedication to science!

Constantly encouraging himself in his heart, Shen Tian slowly stepped into the formation.

There was a strangeness in front of him, and the space changed rapidly.

About half an hour later, Shen Tian appeared in a bright city.

Why do you say that this city is bright, because there is no sun above this city.

Seven silver stars were suspended in the sky above the city, casting a little silver light, which looked really beautiful.

This is the Beidou Holy City, a city attached to the Beidou Holy Land, where the Big Dipper Great Array is arranged.

The Big Dipper star above the city was formed by pulling the Big Dipper light.

Those who practice the Beidou Holy Land Cultivation Technique can get twice the result with half the effort when they practice in this formation.

Shen Tian looked up at the Big Dipper, while secretly admiring and speechless, not saying anything else, just talking about appearance.

The Beidou Holy City is indeed higher than the Holy City of God, and it looks like the world has changed.

Of course, it is impossible to really change the world, otherwise it would be too incredible.


The picture of chance above the head of the Beidou Holy Son is not near the Beidou Holy City, but in a remote barren mountain.

The only thing Shen Tian knew was that there was a mortal city next to the barren mountain called Wushan City.

With plenty of time, Shen Tian directly spent money to find the nearby local snake forces.

Two spirit stones were thrown, and the map was obtained in minutes.

After all, for the vast majority of people, two spirit stones are also money!

The map drawn by the local snake is very clear, from the holy city to the Wushan city at a glance.

And the distance between the Holy City and Wushan City is not very far, only a mere five thousand miles.

Just four days later, Shen Tian encountered a passing caravan and brought him to his destination.

Yes, four days! God knows how Shen Tian came over these four days!

He originally thought that according to the map, as long as the direction was correct.

Shooting a gun for 5,000 miles, you can easily reach the destination of Osan Castle.

However, the mountains, monsters, and sandstorms in the Eastern Wilderness taught Shen Tian a good lesson.

To know the distance of a full 5,000 miles, a slight deviation in the angle will produce a huge gap.

Shen Tian felt that he did not lose himself by flying according to the map, which was really awesome!

However, although the process was arduous, we finally reached Wushan City.

Next, as long as he's stuck in time to steal the opportunity.

This trip to the Holy Land of the Big Dipper has come to a successful conclusion.

With a good vision, Shen Tian entered Wushan City, ready to find a place to rest first.

This Wushan City is a small city. Most of the city is mortal, and there are very few foundations.

Shen Tian was too lazy to fly with his sword to cause trouble, so he pressed the gun head outside the city and entered on foot.

When he walked to the city gate, he saw something interesting.

That is Zhang Xuan's reward notice: a reward of 10,000 silver taels to kill the demon.

Why Shen Tian finds it interesting, because of the monster on the bounty.

It was the mosquito essence that Shen Tian saw in the screen of the Beidou Saint Child's chance.


Damn mosquito sperm!

It actually caused this holy son to get lost for four days.

Do you know how much this Son of God can make in four days?

Unforgivable! ! !

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