Darkness enveloped the entire Wushan City, and the night was silent.

Shen Tian sat cross-legged, and the spirit stone was spread on the bed as if he didn't want money.

The military man beside him stared blankly, his eyes full of envy and yearning.

When will he be able to squander his spiritual energy to cultivate like this! Just can't even dream.

You must know that although for the true disciples of the Holy Land, hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones are like pocket money.

But for the vast majority of sect disciples, this is already a huge amount of wealth.

After all, in the mortal world, a single spirit stone can be exchanged for a thousand taels of silver.

Those who can consume spirit stones without pressure are all super rich!

And people like Jun Han who were born in ordinary families, every spiritual stone must be saved.

This man was at the level of captain in the Osan Army, and was already the middle level of the Osan Army Camp.

However, even so, his monthly salary is only half a spirit stone, which is 500 taels of silver.

If the Wushan army can go out to the city to hunt for extra harvest, maybe they can make some extra money.

But now there are blood demons and mosquitoes in the city from time to time, making people panic.

The Osan Army could only be on guard at all times, guarding the city every day.

If the spiritual stones used by Shen Tian for cultivation at night were converted into military salaries.

It is estimated that it is comparable to the fact that he did not eat or drink in this Wushan City, and he lost hundreds of years of savings!

It has to be said that a rich person's cultivation is worth the life savings of a poor person, which is the same in any world.

When the last big week was over, all the spirit stones around Shen Tian lost their lustrous luster.

Shen Tian exhaled turbid air, and the energy originally consumed by the journey finally recovered a little.

He looked at the military man and said, "Lady, what's your name?"

The burly big man said carefully: "The villain's surname is Zeng, and the single name is Biao."

Zeng Biao?

Shen Tian was thoughtful, a mere qi-refining third-level heaven dared to stop this holy son in the foundation-building stage.

Shen Tian took out a large red sword from the Cangming Ring: "This is a low-grade magic weapon."

"Next, I will ask you something. If you answer well, the knife will be yours."

This low-grade magic weapon was picked up on the ground by Shen Tian during the chaos in Misty City.

Shen Tian's body is piled up with spiritual tools, and he even has a whole set of holy tools. To be honest, these magic tools are simply useless.

But for Zeng Biao, a low-grade magic weapon is worth at least hundreds of spirit stones.

According to his income, he can afford it without eating or drinking for decades.

And for him, the low-grade magic weapon is just enough to exert its power.

Even stronger middle-grade magic tools and high-grade magic tools, he is not very able to control.

On the contrary, it is easy to assume the guilt, causing some high-cultivation people to covet, and may be robbed.

As long as he can get this low-grade magic weapon, Zeng Biao's strength can be improved by at least 50%, and he will be reborn.

In the future, he can go out to hunt more safely, and his life-saving ability will increase many times.

Thinking of this, Zeng Biao quickly said: "Senior, just ask, I know everything!"

Shen Tian nodded with satisfaction: "Tell me everything you know about Mosquito Jing."

Although the time and place have been completely determined in the opportunity screen of Beidou Saint Son before.

However, Shen Tian still felt that he was not safe enough after the lesson of the last time the car overturned in the foggy plain.

Therefore, he must know everything about this mosquito essence, and he knows it like the back of his hand!

It's that simple? Zeng Biao was overjoyed, isn't this a gift?

Sure enough, I had always praised the senior immortal master for being handsome before, and the immortal master was happy.

Let me just say, the handsome senior immortal master must be generous, and he must be very forthright!

While Zeng Biao was extremely grateful for his decision to stop Shen Tian before, he began to introduce Mosquito Essence.


From Zeng Biao's mouth, Shen Tian learned that the mosquito sperm appeared suddenly in recent months.

At first, it just attacked the cattle and sheep pastures outside Osan City to suck the blood of cattle and sheep.

Moreover, its cultivation base is not very strong, and it is only around the Qi refining period.

Wushan City sent some elite soldiers in the Qi refining period to search and hunt it down.

I thought I could easily solve the evil spirits.

Unexpectedly, the mosquito essence was so tyrannical that it killed all the soldiers.

After killing all the soldiers, the mosquito spirit disappeared strangely, as if it left the vicinity of Wushan City.

However, two months later, it appeared again, this time directly in Wushan City.

At this time, the strength of this mosquito essence has reached the ninth level of Qi refining.

It sucks an adult dry in an instant.

It slaughtered wildly in the city, and madly sucked the blood of the people.

And the strength of Mosquito Essence has also broken through the bottleneck and advanced to the realm of foundation building.

During that battle, several foundation-building cultivators were sucked dry of their blood and turned into mummified corpses.

The old city lord of Wushan City in the Jindan period left the customs, but in the end he could only be injured and escaped, but he was not able to leave it.

I thought that the mosquito sperm would not come back after the injury, but I didn't expect that only two months had passed.

This mosquito essence appeared again, and its cultivation base was already half-stepped.

In that battle, the old city lord who had formed pills for hundreds of years actually lost to this mosquito essence.

He was crushed and beaten by the mosquito essence, almost draining the essence and blood, and he blew up all the magic tools to repel it.

Because of the serious injury, the old city lord fell within a few days, and there are no more powerful people in the city.

In the face of the mosquito sperm that may make a comeback at any time, everyone panics.

So they sent people to Beidou Holy City overnight to seek protection.

Wushan City is a vassal of the Beidou Holy City and provides a large amount of tax every year.

But in contrast, if Wushan City is in danger, the Big Dipper Holy City will also bless it.

Therefore, although most people in Osan City are afraid of mosquitoes, they are not particularly worried.

After all, every time the mosquito essence left, it would take two months to come, and there was still plenty of time.

As long as the immortal master of the Beidou Holy City arrives, he will naturally be able to subdue this evil beast!

However, Shen Tian knew that everyone in Wushan City had been deceived.

This red-winged black mosquito is not as simple as they imagined.

And the next time it appears is not at all two months away, just before the early hours of tomorrow!

Because Beidou Saint Son will arrive in the early morning tomorrow, and when he arrives.

The entire Wushan City has been turned into a dead city, and there are basically no survivors.

In other words, the mosquito sperm had already completed the sneak attack and slaughter before the early morning!


After listening to all the news about the red-winged black mosquito that Zeng Biao knew, Shen Tian had a rough idea.

He nodded and threw the low-grade magic weapon long knife to Zeng Biao.

At the same time, Shen Tian injected a spiritual sense into Zeng Biao's body.

It was a sword technique that Shen Tian had learned when he was in the Great Flame Kingdom.

It is naturally incomparable with the inheritance of the Holy Land Cave Heaven, but it can be regarded as a good practice.

Although the Thirteenth Prince went into trouble after cultivating, it was a matter of luck and really had nothing to do with this sword technique.

Zeng Biao is tall and tall, but he is kind, and the most important thing is to understand aesthetics.

After Shen Tian calmed down, he felt that he should reward this guy.

For this, Zeng Biao is naturally grateful, after all, this inheritance is much stronger than his practice!

Zeng Biao's future achievements will definitely be doubled if he converts to this practice. This is a great opportunity!

Shen Tian generously accepted Zeng Biao's thanks, and then let Zeng Biao go back to practice with peace of mind.

And he himself continued to meditate, adjusting the state to the most suitable for fighting.

Because Shen Tian knew that the enemy army could reach the battlefield at any time!

You have to be at your peak at all times.


The night gets darker.

A little bit of starlight, really beautiful.

Most of the people in Osan Castle were already asleep.

However, in the City Lord's Mansion, Shen Tian's eyes suddenly opened.

A golden thunder rushed straight to Xiao Han, and suddenly exploded over Wushan City.

The sound of thunder resounded throughout Wushan City, awakening countless sleeping people from their dreams.

A foundation-building cultivator rushed to Shen Tianfang and carefully asked what was going on.

Shen Tian took a deep breath, and his body was like a dragon.

He stood proudly on the tower, looking at the distant sky.

There, the bloody mosquito swarm of Wuyang...

It's coming!

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