Jin Yu was stunned by Kong Meng's words.

It's not a good idea to say that before departure, it's a little effort!

Why is Fairy Kong Meng now speaking for this Son of God, is there any position?

"Fairy, you have to call the shots for us, you can't go back!"

Jin Yu looked very aggrieved and couldn't beat him, so he could only reason.

After all, without Kong Meng's support, he wouldn't even be able to beat Qin Yundi, who was full of firepower.

Why does this damned ancient battlefield only suppress the powerhouses above the Jindan stage? It's too unfair!

If it wasn't for his strength being suppressed, Jin Yu wouldn't be so jealous, he is confident to destroy everyone by himself!

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

If he wanted to catch the Son of God, he could only rely on Kong Meng.

Kong Meng didn't seem to hear Jin Yu's words, but just stared at Shen Tian.

She could sense that the man in front of her had extremely abundant and hot essence energy.

She looked at Shen Tian, ​​feeling as if she was looking at a volcano, and she might be submerged by the gushing lava at any time.

"During the foundation-building period, the body refinement of gods and demons has only reached the extraordinary realm, but it can exude such a momentum!"

Kong Meng muttered to himself: "If you succeed in forming an elixir, I may not be your opponent."

"Holy Son of God, can you tell me your name?"

While Kong Meng was looking at Shen Tian, ​​Shen Tian was also looking at Kong Meng carefully.

But what he thought was not how strong Kong Meng was, but whether this guy was a man or a woman.

In other words, only male peacocks can open the screen! Why is there a screen-opening vision behind this peacock girl?

Could it be that this girl is like Kong Xuan in the prehistoric world, a proper women's clothing boss?

Thinking of this, Shen Tian's face suddenly became strange: "Who are you?"

Kong Meng said: "It's my rudeness, I should introduce myself first."

"I am Kong Meng, the contemporary young master of the Peacock Protoss in the Southern Border. I have heard that there are many arrogances in the East Wilderness, and I hope to learn a thing or two with them."

"Saint Son, your strength is very strong. Now everyone in the ancient battlefield has been suppressed in the foundation-building stage. Kong Meng hopes to fight against you and experience the strength of the Eastern Wilderness Tianjiao!"

Kong Meng's voice was much gentler than before, but the challenge to Shen Tian was still not put away.

Obviously, this is a real strong woman.

She has tasted invincible loneliness, and her desire for a powerful opponent has reached its peak.

Looking at Kong Meng, who was staring at him with hot eyes, Shen Tian felt a little uncomfortable all over.

This girl's eyes are too aggressive, are you sure she just wants to fight?

It is said that in the story of Journey to the West, it seems that the peacock likes to eat people, and even the Buddha was swallowed.

Hiss, this bitch doesn't want to eat this holy son in the name of sparring!

Thinking of this, Shen Tian suddenly became vigilant.

He had a faint smile on his face: "The fairy is the arrogance of the southern border, and has come to the East Wasteland all the way. As the son of the gods, Shen Tian should fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

"How can we take advantage of the fairies' exhausted boats and vehicles to discuss with the fairies? It's too dangerous to take advantage of others, so let's give up this battle!"

Listening to Shen Tian's 'bright and aboveboard' words, Kong Meng's eyes became more and more appreciative: "Sacred Son of God, it is worthy of you!"

"But Kong Meng was looking forward to a hearty battle. It's been a long time, and I can't help it!"

"Sacred Son of God, let's do it! I am looking forward to a real opponent, please conquer me!"

Please conquer me!

The four words came out, and the gentle color in Kong Meng's eyes disappeared.

It was replaced by an incomparably strong fighting spirit, and the five-colored divine light suddenly spread out behind him.

The overwhelming five-color divine light was like a peacock king with a height of several dozen feet opening its screen, which was extremely gorgeous.

But the biggest crisis is often hidden in the ultimate beauty.

As the five-color divine light spread out completely, Shen Tian clearly felt a strong warning sign in his body.

Obviously, this five-color divine light is very extraordinary. If it is really brushed into it, I am afraid that I will encounter great trouble.

Seeing the five-color divine light blazing towards him, Shen Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, and dozens of Yin-Yang Thunder Burst Talismans suddenly shot out.

The yin and yang thunderbolt talismans that were shot out pierced the sky like divine swords, lasing towards the five-color divine light.

Its speed is not inferior to the five-color divine light.

Zhao Hao's eyes narrowed slightly: "What an exquisite swordsmanship, skillful and clumsy, almost to the extreme!"

Looking at the thunderbolts with sword energy, he muttered to himself, "As expected of Senior Brother Shen, just be quick!"

Eunuch Gui and Qin Gao both stared at Shen Tian: "His Royal Highness has become stronger again, to be able to use the Thunderbolt Talisman to display such a sword technique!"

"Could it be that this is the highest realm recorded in the "Magic to the Sun", plants, trees, stones and flowers, everything can be a sword?"

Shen Ao looked down at the sword in his hand, and sighed helplessly: "I don't deserve it!"


A piece of thunder bursting talisman hit the five-color divine light, carrying a sharp sword energy, and it ripped apart the five-color divine light forcibly.


Boom boom~!

Boom boom boom boom~!

There were repeated explosions, and the five-color divine light was forced to slow down for a moment.

And in this fleeting moment, Shen Tian's body had already left the shrouded range of the five-color divine light.

Looking at Kong Meng who was aroused and eager to try, Shen Tian said helplessly: "Fairy, why do you want to fight this senseless?"

Shen Tian really doesn't understand, isn't cultivating immortals to live longer and live a better life!

Why do all those arrogant people like to fight with someone so much?

If you win, people will hate you. If you lose, you may die. Anyway, no matter whether you win or lose, there is no benefit, so why bother!

Kong Meng looked at Shen Tian, ​​and the fighting spirit rose to the extreme: "This is not a meaningless fight. In the demon clan, the strong are respected, and only the strong can be respected."

"Sacred Son of God, although you have a peerless appearance, if you want to win my respect, please use your strength to defeat me head-on!"

"I long for a close battle, preferably defeat, please be sure to satisfy me!"


The five-color clothes suddenly unfolded, like a peacock opening its screen.

More and more five-color divine light was released from Kong Meng's body and shot towards Shen Tian.

"Why are you forcing me!"

Looking at Kong Meng who was constantly attacking him, Shen Tian was helpless.

If this were an ordinary demon clan, he would have pulled out the Tianzhu sword long ago, chopped her off with one sword and made soup.

The problem is that this guy has a pure golden halo on his head, and the color is even brighter than Zhang Yunxi, and even a purple light is derived.

This kind of existence is obviously an absolute big luck person, and is one of the protagonists of the demon clan in this era.

In addition, she is the only pure-blooded five-colored peacock for thousands of years, and the hope for the rise of the Peacock Protoss is obviously the most valued existence in the clan.

To say that such a person has no life-saving trump card, and can be easily killed, Shen Tian would not believe it.

And at present, Kong Meng is not hostile, but the soul of the second middle school is burning, and she has to compare herself with Shen Tian.

Shen Tian felt that there was no need to make enemies casually, especially a strong enemy whose luck was obviously higher than his own.

After all, wretched development is the purpose that Shen Tian pursues, and this is definitely not cowardice!

The green dragon thunder armor slowly condensed on his body, and Shen Tian's hands continued to condense the armored wood green dragon thunder.

But this time, instead of condensing the divine thunder into a thunderball, he condensed it into a long sword of thunder.

The long swords of thunder are like small cyan snakes, constantly hitting the five-color divine light, tearing these five-color divine lights apart.

"What a strong sword!"

Looking at the five-color divine light being torn apart again and again, Qin Yundi muttered to himself.

No one knows better than him, the tenacity and terrifying of the five-colored light, after all, he has faced it.

In front of the five-color divine light, even a salvo of more than sixty Yin-Yang Demon Smashing Spears was unable to shoot out the slightest crack in the divine light.

However, in front of Senior Brother Saint Son, this indestructible five-color divine light was frequently broken. This was naturally not because the divine light became weaker.

Instead, Shen Tian used the Thunder Talisman and Thunderbolt as his sword to increase the power of Thunderbolt Talisman and Jiamu Shenlei to a terrifying level.

In the hands of Shen Tian, ​​who has the 'Sword Divine Body', these seemingly ordinary attacks are sublimating!

Sublimated to a level that most cultivators at the Foundation Establishment stage would not even dare to imagine!


"You really can satisfy me!"

"But this attack is not enough, force, force!"

The five-color divine light was torn open again and again, and Kong Meng showed a satisfied smile.

She has been invincible for too long, and none of her peers in the southern border can tear her body-protecting divine light apart.

How lonely Wudi is and how empty Wudi is, she knows better than anyone else.

It is enough to meet the Son of God on this trip to the ancient battlefield!

Feeling the crack of the five-color divine light that was broken open by Shen Tian, ​​Kong Meng knew that it was the flaw and weak point of her five-color divine light.

During the battle, Kong Meng's ability to understand and control the five-color divine light was improving at an obvious rate.

As the so-called retreat for a hundred years, it is better to fight a battle, fighting is always a shortcut to improve strength!

Not only is Kong Meng's divine light getting stronger, but Shen Tian's understanding of the sword is also deepening.

"No tricks win with tricks, no swords win with swords, all things can be swords!"

"All martial arts in the world are invincible, only fast is invincible!"


A lot of the kendo theories that he had seen in his previous life were actually being understood and absorbed by Shen Tian and transformed into the foundation of kendo.

In the constant battle, Shen Tian felt that he had never learned any swordsmanship, but his understanding of swordsmanship was constantly improving.

If this is seen by those monks who practice kendo, it is estimated that they will doubt their lives.

"Nice to meet you, fellow Taoist Shen Tian."

Kong Meng looked at Shen Tian with a bright smile on his face: "But if you only have this kind of strength, then you will definitely lose today!"

"Draw your sword! With such a superb swordsmanship, I don't believe you don't have a peerless divine sword in your hands."

"Conquer me with your sword, or let me conquer your sword. Come and satisfy me!"

"If you can defeat me, you will gain the respect and friendship of the Peacock Protoss!"

With a cold drink, the wings behind Kong Meng flapped suddenly.

Her figure shot towards the sky, and the five-colored divine light behind her recreated the vision of heaven and earth as if it condensed into reality.

Then, it condensed into an incomparably gigantic dome of divine light, and came to suppress Shen Tian.

Looking at Kong Meng, who was in charge of the five-color divine mask and suppressed him.

Shen Tian sighed helplessly, and slowly stretched out a long emerald vine in his right hand, with silver heavy water attached to it.

In the next instant, the Immortal Devouring Vine suddenly grew longer and shot out through the afterimages in the void.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations, the Immortal Devouring Vine and the mask collided.


Cracks appear in the indestructible mask!

This five-color divine light, cracked!

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