I am Really not a Child of Luck (I Am Really Not The Son of Providence)

Chapter 285 Riding a dragon, what does it feel like! (8000 words)

Beihai, Dragon Temple.

Ao Ye, the contemporary Black Dragon King, sat cross-legged on the throne.

He was wearing black dragon-patterned armor, and his aura was like a bottomless abyss, unfathomable.

At this time, he was practicing the supreme inheritance of the Black Dragon Island, the "True Dragon Emperor Sutra", which is also the foundation of the Black Dragon Island in the North Sea.

Thousands of years ago, in the ancient times, the Black Dragon Island in the North Sea and the Nirvana Ridge in the Southern Border were the two supreme holy places of the Yao Clan, which respectively ruled the Bird Clan and the Sea Clan.

Originally, there were Qilin clan commanders and beasts, but it is a pity that the blood of the Qilin clan was almost cut off during the world-shattering war in ancient times.

In today's five domains, even if there are unicorns, they are only a few fragments, and there is no glory in the past.

And the Black Dragon Clan was also seriously injured in that war.

In that war, the biggest loss of the Black Dragon Clan was the loss of the eldest princess Ao Bing at that time.

It should be known that Ao Bing, the eldest princess of Black Dragon Island thousands of years ago, was the bloodline of the supreme ninth-grade black dragon, the highest bloodline of the demon clan.

She is as famous as the Empress of the Immortal Phoenix who has the bloodline of the Ninth Rank Phoenix. They are rivals on the road to rise, and they have always regarded each other as their only rivals.

It's a pity that the Immortal Phoenix Empress survived that tragic war, and has become the master of Southern Border.

However, Ao Bing was plotted against by a certain immortal who descended from the fairy world, and was suppressed and sealed before becoming invincible.

There were countless space cracks on the battlefield back then, Ao Bing was sealed in another void, and the Dragon Clan did not find it after several searches.

And this also caused Heilong Island to lose its greatest hope of rising. In terms of highest combat power, it was forcibly suppressed by the Southern Border Phoenix Clan for tens of thousands of years.

Although the Immortal Phoenix Empress didn't have much interest in power, she restrained her subordinates for ten thousand years and did not take this opportunity to invade the North Sea monster clan.

But the dragon clan has the pride of the dragon clan, and they don't want to rely on the mercy of their competitors to survive.

Over the past ten thousand years, every generation of Black Dragon King and Dragon Prince has been cultivating desperately, hoping to make the dragon clan stronger.

Even if his bloodline talent is limited and he has no hope of being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Immortal Phoenix Empress, but if he can't do it himself, he still has sons, grandsons, and grandchildren!

According to the genetic law of the Dragon Clan, the higher the cultivation level of the parents, the higher the probability that the offspring will have high-grade blood talent.

In order to let their children win at the starting line, those black dragon parents also have to work hard to become stronger.

Hope your child will become a dragon, this is to defend the glory of the Dragon Clan! ! !

"Although the taboo chapters of the True Dragon Emperor's Sutra are powerful, the blood talent of this king is still not strong enough after all."

After the completion of a big cycle, Ao Ye stood up with a sense of loss on his face: "That barrier still exists after all."

Compared with the human race, the monster race is more dependent on the blood talent.

If it is said that the upper limit of the achievements of human monks, innate roots and acquired hard work and resources each account for 50%.

So for the Dragon Race, the innate bloodline talent has almost determined 90% of your upper limit, and the higher your cultivation level, the more you can feel the limitation of your bloodline.

The bloodline of the eighth-rank black dragon is ultimately incomparable with the bloodline of the ninth-rank supreme, even if Ao Yeye practiced hard day and night, it would be difficult to surpass it.


Suddenly, a figure slowly condensed in the Dragon Temple.

Ao Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly bowed and said, "The child welcomes the father, what orders does the father have?"

This figure is Ao Lei, with an unconcealable smile on his face: "I'm here to tell you a very happy event for my father."

Ao Ye was stunned. In his impression, his father had always been an unsmiling dragon. It can be said that it was rare to see him smile once or twice in a thousand years.

Not to mention, smiling like a fool like now.

Ao Ye asked curiously, "I don't know what kind of happy event can make my father so happy?"

Ao Lei laughed and said, "Do you still remember your great aunt Ao Bing? She didn't fall, but was sealed on the ancient battlefield for thousands of years."

"Now that she has successfully broken out, she has been reborn from Nirvana. As long as she is given enough time, she will soon be able to regain the Holy Throne and return to her full glory."


Aunt Ao Bing is not dead?

Ao Ye worried reflexively, did his father practice too quickly and went mad?

However, after feeling Ao Lei's aura carefully, Ao Ye found that his aura was strong and stable, and he didn't appear to be insane at all.

It should be... not crazy... right!

"Father, do you remember your mother's name?"

Snapped! ! !

A loud brain crash knocked Ao Ye onto the ground.

Ao Lei snorted and said, "I'm very mentally normal. Are you a fool for being a dragon king? Even your father doubts it?"

Familiar feeling, familiar fatherly love.

Ao Ye rubbed the bag on top of his head, but his heart was full of joy.

The father is not crazy, which means that the news is not fake. Is the eldest aunt really alive?

Thick joy rushed into Ao Ye's heart immediately, making him instantly feel that the pressure on his shoulders was relieved countless times.

We must know that for the North Sea Dragon Clan, the title of Black Dragon King not only represents strength and power, but also represents responsibility.

Only by truly suppressing all the monster races in Beihai and deterring the other four regions at the same time can one ascend to the throne.

And sitting on this throne, you have to work hard to face threats from all directions, and consider all enemies that may threaten the Black Dragon Clan.

Frankly speaking, Ao Ye was under a lot of pressure and could not sleep every night, and even lost a lot of hair.

Now that Auntie Ao Bing is not dead, Ao Ye is like a helpless child who found a support in an instant, and the whole dragon is in good spirits.

After all, he grew up listening to Aunt Ao Bing's legendary stories.

"Father, where is Aunt Ao Bing now? My son will lead the elders to welcome her back in person."

Ao Lei said indifferently: "It doesn't have to be like this, the eldest sister has now found a boy from the clan in the Holy Land of the Heavenly Firmament, and has already signed a contract with the Dragon God."

"She sent me a spiritual message, saying that she has been in the ancient battlefield for too long, and she doesn't want to return to Black Dragon Island for the time being, and plans to play around in the human race."

Ao Ye was slightly taken aback: "Aunt Ao Bing signed a dragon god contract with the human race? This... isn't this nonsense!"

Although every time he walks in the world, he signs a contract with the core descendants of the Dragon Clan.

Who is Ke Aobing? That is the strongest arrogance of the Black Dragon Clan for thousands of years. Who in the human race can match her?

Ao Lei said helplessly: "According to what she said, this human race is the holy son of the Holy Land of the Heavenly Firmament, who has a stronger talent for cultivating immortals than her, and is extremely handsome."

"Elder Sister believes that she signed a Dragon God contract with this holy son to protect him from growing up, and he is likely to become the Great Emperor in the future."

"At that time, our entire Black Dragon Clan will also be honored."

Ao Lei didn't believe even a single punctuation mark when his elder sister said that 'Shengzi Shenxiao has a stronger talent than her'.

Are you kidding me, what kind of talent is Ao Bing?

Looking at all the arrogances of the human race in the past ten thousand years, there are only three people whose talents can be compared with them.

Moreover, their talents are only on par with Ao Bing, and only Emperor Huangshi is truly superior to Ao Bing.

This Holy Son of God who came out of nowhere, I have never even heard of it before, you tell me that he is more talented than the elder sister? Ya tease the dragon to play!

From Ao Lei's point of view, the key to the signing of the Dragon God contract between his elder sister and Shengzi Shenxiao was the 'incomparably handsome'.

After all, as the second younger brother, Ao Lei grew up with Ao Bing, and he knows very well that his sister is a face control.

After 10,000 years of holding back on the ancient battlefield, if he was really rescued by an extremely handsome human youth, it would be normal for him to sign the Dragon God contract under confusion.

Ao Ye said helplessly: "Father, are we going to leave Aunt Ao Bing in the Holy Land of God like this?"

If she is reborn from Nirvana, I'm afraid Aunt Ao Bing's current cultivation level will not be very high!

Wouldn't it be bad if you were in danger?

Ao Lei said: "In the current Black Dragon Island, except for those ancestors who have exhausted their lifespan and fell into a deep sleep, the seniority of the elder sister is already the highest."

"Eldest sister doesn't want to return to Long Island for the time being, and we can't force her, but her safety really needs to be guaranteed."

"How about this! You go to the Holy Land of the Heavenly Firmament yourself, and send a Dragon God Guard to the eldest sister."

"Remember to keep improving, and ensure the absolute safety of the eldest sister!"

"If the eldest sister loses a hair, you can come to Chiyan Volcano to find the punishment for your father!"

Ao Ye's body trembled slightly: "Father, please rest assured, the child will go now!"

Ang~! ! !

With a roar, Ao Ye turned into his real body.

The black dragon came out of the North Sea, carrying the wind and waves, and the world changed!


Not to mention the high-level officials of Heilong Island in the North Sea, at this time they were shocked by the reappearance of Ao Bing in the Five Regions.

Under Shenxiao Shengzi Peak, Qi Shaoxuan became the focus of attention again, although he didn't want to.

Call? not called? Call? not called? Call? not called?

Qi Shaoxuan's body was shrouded in purple air, his mentality exploded, and every cell in his body was embarrassed.

A man is not as skilled as others, but he is a proud man. You are too much to provoke with your seniority to oppress others!

Qi Shaoxuan looked at Shen Tian sincerely, and coughed lightly: "I have heard for a long time that the son of Shenxiao is extraordinary in bearing and amazing in talent, and seeing him today is indeed better than meeting him."

"Qi once let go of his bold words of 'one against four' against everyone. It was Qi who was too abrupt. I would like to apologize to everyone today."

"The four masters of the Divine Firmament, each of them is talented enough to look down on Donghuang. They are truly outstanding."

Frankly speaking, with Qi Shaoxuan's arrogance, it's really embarrassing for him to praise the Holy Land of God who doesn't deal with him like this against his will.

But what can he do?

The best way now is to ignore Ao Bing's words and change the subject.

It's a pity that Qi Shaoxuan's flamboyance, Ao Bing can see through: "Hey, don't change the subject, call little uncle!"

Qi Shaoxuan#: "..."

With a forced smile on Qi Shaoxuan's face, he looked at Shen Tian: "Just now, Qi has already competed with Fang Chang, Zhang Yunting, and Zhang Yunxi, and he has learned a lot. Let's go back to retreat first, and visit Sheng son."

After all, Qi Shaoxuan turned into a burst of purple energy and fled directly towards the black dragon chariot, but he wanted to leave immediately.

There is no way, seniority crushes people to death, and it is impossible not to retreat!

Looking at Qi Shaoxuan who fled in despair, a sneer appeared on Ao Bing's immature face: "You don't even call my aunt, how dare you drive my dragon car?"


The dragon chant sounded, and Ao Bing's face was full of majesty.

With the sound of her dragon chant, the six black dragons that were originally pulling the black dragon chariot all began to tremble.

They directly lifted Qi Shaoxuan off the chariot, then pulled the chariot and flew towards Ao Bing, one after another lying in front of Ao Bing.

In the Dragon Clan, high-grade black dragons already have absolute control over low-grade black dragons.

What's more, even though Ao Bing's cultivation base has plummeted at this time, he still has a cultivation base that is infinitely close to that of the Nascent Soul Stage, and his combat power can completely suppress the six black dragons.

Bloodline and combat power are double suppressed, even if Ao Bing let the two black dragons and four black flood dragons die, they probably wouldn't dare to resist.

Gently stroking this mighty chariot, Ao Bing said indifferently: "Little nephew, this chariot should belong to you!"

Seeing the domineering Ao Bing, Ao Wu resolutely chose to admit it: "If my aunt likes it, I will give this chariot to my aunt."

Qi Shaoxuan: "..."

There was a smile on Ao Bing's face: "Although the rank is a little lower, and the dragon pulling the cart is a little weaker, it's still a little bit of kindness from my good nephew."

"Auntie, I'll accept it. As for that human kid, are you really interested? I have lived forever, so I can't afford you to say a word to my aunt? I don't know etiquette!"

The purple aura surged wildly, and Qi Shaoxuan's expression was as if he had eaten a dead child.

Ao Wu next to him muttered in a low voice: "Brother Shaoxuan, you should call me something! In Longdao now, aunts and grandmothers are the most senior."

"If you are really rude to him, Dad and Grandpa will definitely get angry. If the Dragon God contract is forcibly terminated by then, we won't be able to play together."

The corner of Qi Shaoxuan's mouth twitched wildly, and he squeezed out a few words: "Gu...Gu...Gu..."

Ao Bing pouted: "What aunt? It's my aunt! Why are you still taking advantage!"

"Also, speak louder, I can't hear you."

"Aunt... aunt!"

A hysterical roar sounded from the purple aura mass.

My aunt can barely call me, but my uncle doesn't even need to think about it! ! !

Qi Shaoxuan's whole body suddenly turned into a purple rainbow light, shooting towards the distant sky.

He no longer had the thought of challenging Shen Tian in his heart, because his heart trembled if he stayed in front of this rascal dragon girl for a moment longer.

The hateful Shengzi Shenxiao, in order not to fight Qimou head-on, actually came up with such a vicious and despicable method.

Where did he dig out such an old antique? It's simply unreasonable!

Qi Shaoxuan said that he has never been so unlucky since he was a child.

This time, I am ashamed and thrown at home!


"Sister Bing, your seniority is really crushing."

Looking at Qi Shaoxuan who was 'running away', Shen Tian couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

This Ao Bing looks like a five or six-year-old loli, but he is still an evil dragon in essence!

People traveled thousands of miles to the holy land of the gods to kick the gymnasium, only to find out that they had an extra aunt out of nowhere.

Moreover, the goal of kicking the gym has become my little uncle. Thinking about this kind of experience makes me crazy.

Who said big boobs have no brains? Sister Bing's two groups of evil obviously didn't affect IQ, okay, and it seemed to increase IQ.

Of course, Shen Tian is happy to see Ao Bing ranting against Qi Shaoxuan with his mouth.

Not long ago, the experience of being targeted by the evil spirit sect in the infinite ancient country made Shen Tian realize that it is king to keep a low profile.

Now Shen Tian's reputation in Donghuang is already high enough.

To a certain extent, he has even fought against Qi Shaoxuan without losing the wind.

If he put Qi Shaoxuan down head-on again, wouldn't he become the absolute number one arrogance of the Eastern Wilderness?

It's so cold at the top!

What happened to Ye Qingcang and Chu Longhe told Shen Tian that the high profile will not end well, and it is safest to be an old cunt like the Lord Master.

Therefore, Shen Tian was very satisfied with the result of Qi Shaoxuan's escape without a fight.

It not only defended the dignity of the Holy Land, but also did not show much limelight.

Secure a batch!


Ao Bing glanced at Shen Tian: "You kid can obviously hang and beat that guy, why do you keep holding back and not make a move?"

Shen Tian laughed and said: "Peace is the most important thing in everything. Sister Bing said that according to seniority, if he wants to call me little uncle, if I want to beat him, it's not like bullying the little!"

Ao Bing rolled his eyes, full of flair.

Yes, Shen Tian didn't know how this girl used a body that looked only five or six years old to turn her coquettish eyes.

It can only be said that there may be some Qingqiu fox blood hidden in this female dragon's body!

Ao Bing slowly stepped onto the black dragon chariot, inspected it a bit and said, "Although it's a bit crude, it's enough for the time being, so I'll give it to you!"

"When you go to Heilong Island with me in the future, then ask Ao Lei to change you to a better car."

"The man who signed the dragon god contract with me, I will naturally not wrong you."

"Come on, get in the car! Ben Gong will take you for a drive~"

Looking at Ao Bing, who was only 1.2 meters tall, but had two evil and old-fashioned Ao Bing, the corners of Shen Tian's mouth twitched wildly.

Where does this strong sense of "Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore" come from?

Do you think that my mighty son of the gods, because this black dragon chariot looks cool, can't help but give up his integrity?

Humph, you guessed it!

No man can resist the temptation of a sports car!

Shen Tian walked up to the black dragon chariot, and gently stroked those huge black dragons.

Although Shen Tian is confident, with his current strength, it is not difficult to chop off these black dragons with one sword.

But chop it all up, to be able to subdue these six black dragons pulling the cart, in terms of compulsion and satisfaction, people are looking forward to it.

So at the foot of Shengzi Peak, Zhang Yunxi looked at her junior brother boarding the car of the dragon goblin with resentment.


The six flood dragons looked up to the sky and chanted, and flew towards the top of the nine clouds in the clouds and fog.

Sitting on the chariot, Shen Tian could obviously feel a strong push back as the dragon accelerated, which was really refreshing.

For a while, Shen Tian finally understood why those so-called Holy Sons and Tianjiao, who could fly with imperial weapons, insisted on driving chariots.

This kind of thrill of drag racing is completely incomparable to Yujian Feixian.

Slowly reaching out his hand to caress the clouds beside him, Shen Tian looked at Ao Bing beside him from the corner of his eye.

I don't know what the real dragon knight feels like, won't the car overturn if the speed is too fast?

Could it be that those two horns are used to control the stability? Or is that the steering wheel? control the direction of flight.

Shen Tian is distracted!

Suddenly, Ao Bing's faint voice sounded next to his ear: "You bastard, what are you thinking while staring at me!"

Shen Tian reflexively said: "I was thinking, how does it feel to ride on your body..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Tian woke up suddenly with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

But to his surprise, Ao Bing didn't lose his temper, but just stared straight at Shen Tian: "You, want to try it?"

Feeling that the temperature in the void seemed to be dropping, Shen Tian's desire to survive instantly went online: "I don't want to, I don't want to at all!"

Don't want to ride? Don't want to ride at all?

Ang~! ! !

The roar of the black dragon sounded on the chariot: "Dare to humiliate me, watch!"

God Dragon Claw!

The red dragon breathes!

Broken Dragon Whip!

Xuan Popsicle Hammer!


Above the nine heavens, surging energy fluctuations swept all directions.

All the clouds were swept away in the fierce battle, and the sky was blue and cloudless.

The vibration of the black dragon chariot became more and more intense, until cracks appeared one after another.

That is a chariot specially made by the above-grade spirit gold, even if it is the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, it will hardly hurt it.

I'm afraid that only those who are strong in transforming gods can easily destroy the chariot, but now, in the hand-to-hand fight between Shen Tian and Ao Bing, it was cracked by the aftermath.

If this scene is seen by other people, I am afraid that the jaw will drop.

boom! ! !

Ao Bing's feet were tightly bound by the Immortal Devouring Vine, his hands were also grabbed by Shen Tian, ​​and he was pressed on the seat of the chariot.

Shen Tian was very helpless, although he knew that the master in front of him was a ten thousand year old goblin, but the one meter two head and immature face made him feel guilty for bullying Lori.

"Let go of Bengong, let go of Bengong! Otherwise, I will scratch you to death when Bengong recovers!"

Ao Bing struggled with all her strength, but she found helplessly that her mighty ninth-grade black dragon bloodline was completely overwhelmed by Shen Tian in terms of strength.

Damn, what on earth does this man want to do!

Do you want to give Bengong a badass, to prove that the talent is better than Bengong?

I heard that when some perverted humans subdue the demon pet, they will use a whip to beat the demon pet's ass.

Could it be that Ben Gong misunderstood the person, this guy looks majestic but is actually extremely evil, and wants to conquer Ben Gong?

This completely suppressed posture caused deep humiliation in Ao Bing's heart.

Even in the chaotic world where the arrogance gathered thousands of years ago, she had never been so completely suppressed by anyone, and she was almost invincible at the same level.

Even in the battle with the old enemy, the Empress of the Undead Phoenix, Ao Bing was evenly divided, with a 50-50 split between the two.

However, Shen Tian's cultivation is only at the seventh turn of the golden body, which is not as good as Ao Bing to some extent.

But the battle between the two ended with Ao Bing being firmly suppressed.

This makes her proud of being a dragon, it is difficult to accept!

The dragon clan worships the strong, but why is she, Ao Bing, also a princess of the dragon clan!

It would be too shameful if he was tamed by the dragon knight with a whip. How could he do this?

For the first time in ten thousand years, Ao Bing fell into deep suspicion.


However, the facts proved that Ao Bing was completely persecuted and delusional.

After Shen Tian tied up her feet and hands, he just sat quietly and looked at her.

With a look of embarrassment on his face, Shen Tian said helplessly: "Sister Bing, I really know I was wrong, so please forgive me!"

Ao Bing: "???"

You tied up Ben Gong like a rice dumpling, and asked Ben Gong to forgive you?

And you know a hammer is wrong, you know where you are wrong? Am I mad at that?

What do you mean 'you don't want to, not at all'? Isn't Dragon Knight supposed to ride a dragon?

You said you don't want to try it, do you look down on me? Isn't Bengong worthy of being ridden?

On the top of the nine clouds, six flood dragons are still flying in the sky.

No one knew that Ao Bing, the eldest princess of the North Sea who had scolded Fang Qiu for repelling Qi Shaoxuan just a moment ago.

At this moment, the mentality continued to explode.


On the other side, in a hidden courtyard in the Holy City of the Divine Firmament.

Qi Shaoxuan squatted decadently at the door, looking like a carrot.

This trip to the Holy Land of the Divine Firmament made him experience the greatest setback in his life, and his Dao heart was a little dusty.

Beside him, Chen Zhongtian and Ao Wu looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't know how to persuade him, after all, my brother was too miserable.

Chen Zhongtian looked at Qi Shaoxuan sympathetically, and frankly said that he probably could feel Qi Shaoxuan's aggrieved, because he was also sunken by Shen Tian.

This Holy Son of God is simply poisonous!

At the beginning, because he met Shen Tian, ​​he was hit so that the Nascent Soul collapsed.

Seeing Qi Shaoxuan's appearance now, Chen Zhongtian always felt faintly that he seemed to have seen this episode.

"Zhongtian, do you think I made a wrong choice when I came to the Holy Land of God's Firmament this time? Well... so embarrassing!"

Qi Shaoxuan opened his mouth slowly, his originally handsome face with sword eyebrows and star eyes was full of 'frustration' at this moment, and he was no longer angry.

No way, he took the invincible road.

The so-called invincible way is to firmly believe that sweeping the same level and generation, I am invincible.

However, when he went to the Holy Land of God this time, he was first stopped by Fang Chang's anger, and was jointly suppressed by Fang Chang and Zhang Yunxi.

Then, he was forced back by Ao Bing, an old goblin of the dragon clan, who was at the same level of cultivation. After repeated setbacks, his invincible momentum had already let go.

Then, the issue of seniority dealt Qi Shaoxuan a fatal blow.

The majestic son of the Purple Mansion, the peerless arrogance who ranks at the top of the golden alchemy list, a dwarf can't stand it at all, let alone two dwarves out of thin air.

Qi Shaoxuan felt his scalp tingle when he thought of how those unscrupulous intelligence organizations in the Eastern Wilderness would make this matter public.

Seeing the boss so frustrated, Chen Zhongtian felt uncomfortable.

Although the main reason for following Qi Shaoxuan is, 'My brother Qi Shaoxuan has the qualifications of a great emperor'.

But Qi Shaoxuan did not say much about Chen Zhongtian's treatment. When Chen Zhongtian went mad and the Golden Elixir collapsed, he did not hesitate to donate a large amount of Nirvana Holy Liquid to help.

Even Qi Shaoxuan taught part of the "Emperor Nirvana Sutra" to Chen Zhongtian, which is really affectionate and righteous.

After thinking about it, Chen Zhongtian said: "Brother, actually you don't need to feel ashamed, this... this is just an accident."

"Think about it, even though you once said that you want to suppress the four masters of Shenxiao with one against four."

"It's not that you haven't fought yet! You are just fighting with the other three masters."

"Furthermore, the other three masters joined forces and failed to defeat you, which is enough to show how powerful you are."

"As for the matter of seniority, if that dragon girl is really Ao Bing, the eldest princess of Black Dragon Island ten thousand years ago, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"After all, it is recorded in ancient books that Ao Bing is the supreme ninth-rank black dragon bloodline of the black dragon clan."

"Looking at the entire five domains for thousands of years, there are countless geniuses who can compare with it."

"Senior brother Shaoxuan is only in his twenties, and that old goblin was already thousands of years old ten thousand years ago. It is only normal that he has more combat experience than you."

"Senior brother can fight against that old goblin Ao Bing without losing a single move. He can be proud of himself in the entire five domains."

Qi Shaoxuan said helplessly: "But Shengzi Shenxiao signed a dragon god contract with Ao Bing, according to his seniority..."

Chen Zhongtian comforted: "Brother Shaoxuan, let alone whether Shengzi Shenxiao and Ao Bing signed the Dragon God contract, even if they did sign it, so what?"

"In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are respected after all. The cultivation of the son of Shenxiao is only at the golden core stage, so how can he be worthy of Ao Bing's status."

"In the future, when he goes to Black Dragon Island, those Heavenly Venerable or even Saint-level black dragons will be willing to bow their heads and salute him?"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the Dragon Clan Elders Council will abolish his status as a Dragon Clan human walker."

"At that time, this so-called seniority will be nothing more than a mirror image."


Qi Shaoxuan was thoughtful: "But no matter what, I'm still ashamed of this trip to the Holy Land."

Chen Zhongtian thought for a while, and said: "Actually, if senior brother Shaoxuan wants to eliminate the influence of this incident as soon as possible, there is still a way."

Qi Shaoxuan's eyes lit up: "I would like to hear the details."

Chen Zhongtian looked at the God of War Tower emitting purple radiance in the distance, and said: "Now in the entire Eastern Wilderness, the Tower of God of War is the most popular."

"Every well-known Tianjiao hopes to pass more checkpoints on the God of War Tower, and leave his name on the [God of War Rookie List] or even the [God of War General List]."

"Chen had specifically checked the current [God of War Rookie List] and [God of War Overall List] before, and the No. 1 rookie list is Kong Meng, the number one talent in southern Xinjiang."

"Her rating is a five-star arrogance, ranking sixth in the God of War list, and even higher than the Holy Master of the Heavenly Firmament back then."

"And the second place on the rookie list is Fang Chang from the Holy Land of Heaven, who is ranked thirteenth on the overall list."

Qi Shaoxuan was stunned for a moment: "Where is Shen Tian, ​​the Holy Son of God! Where is he in?"

Chen Zhongtian sneered and said, "Shen Tian, ​​the holy son of Shenxiao, has never been named on the God of War list. It is said that he does not want to hurt other passers-by too much."

"However, from my point of view, the disciples of the Holy Land of the Heavenly Firmament are just bragging about their holy son and pretending to be mysterious!"

"The first place on the rookie list of the Eastern Desolation God of War Tower is actually the pride of Southern Border. This is really shameful."

"If senior brother Shaoxuan can sweep the Tower of God of War, ascend to the throne of the six-star arrogance, and win the top spot on the rookie list."

"Based on your gimmick of being the second six-star arrogance in the ages, the Beidou Holy Land and the Purple Mansion Holy Land will make more publicity, and it must be enough to sweep the Five Realms."

"At that time, no one will care about the small oolong of the mere 'seniority' issue."

Makes sense!

After listening to Chen Zhongtian's words, Qi Shaoxuan suddenly became enlightened: "Zhongtian, Zhongtian, why didn't I realize that you are so smart?"

Chen Zhongtian said with a smile: "This person still has to go through setbacks to grow up. I learned a lot from that madness."

"Senior Brother Shaoxuan, in order to maximize the impact of your challenge to the God of War Tower, I suggest you broadcast it live."

Qi Shaoxuan was slightly taken aback: "Live broadcast, what does this mean?"

Chen Zhongtian said with a smile: "Brother, I don't know something. The so-called live broadcast is to let people watch your battle."

"You can challenge the five-star Tianjiao several times in the God of War Tower. The more relaxed the performance, the better, so as to attract more attention."

"When the time is right, Senior Brother Shaoxuan will challenge the Six-Star Talent in one fell swoop, shocking all the audience."

Qi Shaoxuan imagined that scene in his heart, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

The fighting spirit that had disappeared had returned to him, sublimated to the extreme!


After a brief breath adjustment, Qi Shaoxuan returned to his peak state.

Then, he changed into casual clothes and put on a mask, and shot towards the place where the God of War Tower was.

Qi Shaoxuan didn't plan to broadcast live at the beginning, because he was a little bit sad now and wanted to vent first.

Avoiding the "gossip" crowd around him, Qi Shaoxuan walked slowly into the God of War Tower with an "囧" face.

Soon he appeared in the purple void, and gentle female voices sounded all around.

"Young Son, welcome to the arena of God of War."

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