I am Really not a Child of Luck (I Am Really Not The Son of Providence)

Chapter 292: The Most Miserable Son of Purple Mansion in History Changes Owner

Looking at Qi Shaoxuan who collapsed in front of him with a look of lovelessness, and Zixuan Tianzun next to him clutching his broken arm, Shen Tian was stunned.

When did these two goods come? Why are you staring at me so resentfully? Weird.

And that uncle, if you cut off your hand, go and heal it, what are you doing looking at me?

Want to touch porcelain? Believe it or not, the Holy Son chopped you up!

Hey, why does the Holy Son have a sword in his hand, and the sword is still stained with blood?

The corners of Shen Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and he tentatively asked with some guilt: "Senior, did I chop off your hand?"

Zixuan Tianzun was stunned, as if thinking of something, he quickly shook his head: "No, I accidentally cut it while practicing swords, and it has nothing to do with the Holy Son."

Did you accidentally cut it while practicing your sword?

Shen Tian was furious: "I accidentally cut off my hand, why did you smear the blood on this Holy Child sword? Could it be that you want to blackmail?"

Zixuan Tianzun was stunned for a moment, if he hadn't been the person involved, he would have wondered if he had made a mistake.

God, my god cut off my own hand and smeared blood on your sword, do you still want to give me face?

But what did he dare to say?

The bloody sword was still pointed at him!

What's more, this time it was Qi Shaoxuan who sneaked up to Shengzi Peak to make a mistake.

In the world of cultivating immortals, peeking at others practicing kung fu and sword practice is a taboo, and they deserve to be hacked.

If the strength is stronger than the person being peeked at, then of course there is nothing to say, no matter how you quibble, the problem is that you can't beat it!

Zixuan Tianzun wanted to cry without tears and took out a piece of spiritual weapon silk, and handed it to Shen Tian: "I'm really sorry for accidentally dirtying the Saint Son Immortal Sword."

"This is the Celestial Silkworm Handkerchief, made from the silk of the Snow Mountain Lingmeng Ice Silkworm. I would like to give it to the Holy Son to wipe the fairy sword."

Yo, are you so generous?

"You are polite, senior, you are too polite."

Shen Tian took the Xianpa happily and put it in his pocket.

Then run the mana lightly, and the blood essence on the Tianzhu Sword suddenly spurts out.

The Heavenly Punishment Sword, which was still stained with blood, instantly became clean, um...the celestial handkerchief was useless at all.

"Uncle, your arm just broke, so you should be able to pick it up."

Seeing Zixuan Tianzun shielding himself from the sword, Qi Shaoxuan was naturally very moved.

He took out the remaining nirvana liquid from the storage ring, and began to apply it on Zixuan Tianzun's wound.

However, the sword energy and sword intent attached to Zixuan Tianzun's wound were too strange, and it always lingered like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Rao is the Nirvana holy liquid in Qi Shaoxuan's hand, which can even heal the wounds of the Great Dao where the Jindan bursts, but when it comes to treating Zixuan Tianzun's broken arm, the effect is not obvious.


"Why don't you let me try?"

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded beside him.

Yes, it was Shen Tian.

Just now, Shen Tian just woke up from an epiphany, and fell asleep like a big dream, so he didn't look carefully.

Now he feels a little bit, isn't that lingering on Zixuan Tianzun's wound, it is his own Heavenly Punishment Sword Qi!

In addition to the Tianzhu Sword Qi, there is also a particularly obscure and mysterious sword intent, which faintly resonates with the newly added inheritance in Shen Tian's mind.

The sword energy is mine, and the sword intent is also mine. How could it be that I didn't kill this person?

The corners of Shen Tian's mouth twitched slightly, so this old guy is...

The dignified Tianzun was chopped off by the sword of this holy son, and he felt that it was embarrassing, so he didn't want to admit it?

Tsk tsk, these so-called masters in the world of cultivating immortals, all of them want to save face and suffer, Shen Tian said that he has seen too much.

Also specially gifted a high-grade spirit weapon-level silkworm celestial handkerchief to this holy son, as a hush money? Really, who do you think the Son of God is?

But although dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction, he cut people after all.

Although in the world of cultivating immortals, if you break into other people's mountain gates and disturb others' practice, you deserve to be hacked to death.

But he, Shen Tian, ​​is a compassionate and benevolent person after all, mainly because he has received favors from others, so he still has to help if he should help.

Otherwise, the Golden Wheel of Karmic Virtue behind him would feel bad about it.

Walking slowly to Zixuan Tianzun, Shen Tian put his hand on Zixuan Tianzun's wound.

Sure enough, it was the sword intent and sword energy that the Son cut out, and it didn't run away!

Shen Tian ran the sword formula silently, forcing out the sword energy and sword intent lingering in Zixuan Tianzun's arm.

At the same time, he smiled and said: "Zixuan Tianzun doesn't have to worry, after the sword qi and sword intention are forced out, and then supplemented with Nirvana Holy Liquid, he can fully recover."

"In addition, please rest assured that Zixuan Tianzun, Shen will not tell anyone else about everything that happened on Shengzi Peak today."

Seeing Shen Tian with a warm smile but a cold and stern sword glow in his brows, Tianzun Zixuan couldn't help shivering.

Holy Son of God...was he warning the deity not to spread today's events to the outside world?

That's right, a mere Jindan stage monk can cut off the arm of the Huashenqi Tianzun with one sword, and can even kill him with one blow.

With such a terrifying talent, looking at all the geniuses in the five domains for thousands of years, it is estimated that they are absolutely amazing and even unique.

Once known by the hostile forces of the Evil Spirit Cult or the Holy Land of the Heavenly Firmament, they would immediately send saint-level beings to stare at Shen Tian.

At that time, Shen Tian will face a great crisis.

Zixuan Tianzun took a deep breath, he is the absolute confidant of the Holy Lord of Zifu.

If it weren't for this, the task of protecting the way for the Son of Zixuan would not have fallen on Zixuan Tianzun.

Originally Zixuan Tianzun thought that Qi Shaoxuan, the saint son of Zixuan, was in his sect, who would be brilliant for thousands of years, and even rule the Eastern Wasteland.

However, after seeing Shen Tian's talent, Zixuan Tianzun found one thing helplessly: as long as Shen Tian does not die, Qi Shaoxuan will always be his younger brother.

Therefore, after Zixuan Tianzun decided to return to the Holy Land of Zifu, he immediately suggested to the Lord:

Taking advantage of Shen Tian not being strong enough yet, immediately...


Yes, confess immediately.

Killing Shen Tianxia secretly? nonexistent.

No one knows better than the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion how powerful those with great luck are.

His own holy son Qi Shaoxuan couldn't die no matter what he did when he was a child, and he could still find a chance.

Now the talent and talent of Shengzi Shenxiao crushed Qi Shaoxuan, and according to the rumors, his luck was even more exaggerated and terrifying than Qi Shaoxuan.

This kind of existence, you want to destroy him in advance while he is young? Hehe, my brain is out of whack!

Don't say that it is basically impossible to succeed, but it will become his experience baby.

Even if the Purple Mansion Holy Land really wiped out Shen Tian, ​​so what? Can you guarantee that it will be watertight?

Once the matter is revealed, any fool can imagine how crazy the Holy Land will take revenge, after all, it is the rising hope.

Anyway, judging from the importance attached to Qi Shaoxuan by the Holy Land of the Zifu, if Qi Shaoxuan was killed by other holy places, the Holy Lord of the Zifu would definitely dare to take the emperor's soldiers to fight with others.

As for others, if something happens to Shen Tian, ​​the Holy Land will be bombed!

If the two holy places were to fight desperately, the imperial soldiers would bombard everywhere, and the two holy places would be half useless, so other forces could only take advantage of it.

No one wants to see this kind of result.

Since you can't kill and you can't compare, then you can only admit cowardice.

Anyway, for big forces, face is sometimes extremely important, and sometimes it is worthless.

Over the past hundred years, the arrogance of my Zifu Holy Land can't compare to your Divine Firmament Holy Land, so I'll do it a little bit, silently waiting for new opportunities.

Your holy son is a wave, then let him be a wave, get used to him.

If you are unlucky, you will be like Chu Longhe, beaten and disabled by the gang, and I will come out to gloat.

If you are lucky, you can kill the invincible road like Emperor Huangshi, and the king will come to the world and let the world surrender, so I can't accept surrender.

Even if you recognize it early, you can lean forward when you queue up to be a dog's leg in the future.

No sect in the Holy Land can last forever, and inheritance is the most important thing.

Encounter the real supreme, admit cowardly?

Sprinkle water!

And in the final analysis, the Holy Land of the Divine Firmament and the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion are just a battle between the descendants of each generation, and it has not yet reached the level of life and death.

The evil spirit religion and the evil spirits from outside the territory who may make a comeback at any time are the real enemies of the five domains.

Talents like Shen Tian, ​​Qi Shaoxuan, and Fang Chang will actually be protected by all the holy places.

After all, the impact of the catastrophe ten thousand years ago has not completely subsided.


Thinking of this, Zixuan Tianzun took a deep breath: "Please rest assured, Holy Son, no one else will know what happened today."

"In addition, the Holy Son is unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained in swordsmanship, with a towering head, unparalleled in the world, heroic, and suave..."

"It's really a blessing for me that someone like Shengzi Shenxiao came from Donghuang. If Shengzi doesn't dislike him, he can come to my holy land of Zifu more often in the future."

"To tell you the truth, I have a beloved daughter under my knees, who is as beautiful as a flower at the age of twenty-eight, and I have always admired you, Son of God."

"If the Holy Son doesn't dislike it, I will let her worship in the holy land of the gods another day, and I am willing to serve the Holy Son."

Looking at Zixuan Tianzun, who had one hand cut off by him, was still talking and laughing, and even introduced his daughter to him, Shen Tian was stunned.


By the way, your hand is broken, and you still lick it? Doesn't it hurt?

Shen Tian silently forced the last ray of sword energy out of Zixuan Tianzun's broken arm wound.

Then smeared a handful of Nirvana holy liquid, and after casting a restorative spell, Zixuan Tianzun's severed arm was completely reattached.

Qi Shaoxuan looked at Shen Tian with complicated eyes, and frankly said that he was beaten badly today.

Originally, when he first arrived at the Holy Land of Shenxiao, he planned to defeat Shen Tian and the three masters of Shenxiao with one enemy and four hangs.

Later, when he was suppressed by the three masters of Shenxiao, Qi Shaoxuan thought that one enemy could not do four, at least he had to fight alone to defeat Shen Tian.

Later, when he entered the Tower of God of War and was defeated by Shen Tian's projections time and time again, he was completely confused, thinking that he only needed to defeat Shen Tian once.

Later, he was slapped by the Po Cangyuan hand projected by Shen Tian, ​​and he directly doubted his life.

He firmly believed that it was impossible for Shen Tian to be that strong, and it was impossible for such a perverted genius to appear in the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Then he ran to Shengzi Peak, wanting to prove that everything was a shady scene, that Shen Tian was not as strong as everyone imagined.

However, he was wrong.

Shen Tian's strength is beyond anyone's imagination!

Compared with Shen Tian, ​​his 'No. 1 talent in the Eastern Wasteland' is simply too ridiculous.


Once upon a time, in some "unofficial history", Qi Shaoxuan heard people say that his master was once "the most miserable son of the Zifu who was suppressed by the son of Shenxiao".

When he first heard about it, Qi Shaoxuan couldn't help but laugh secretly because of the embarrassing things about his master in the past.

After that, he also swore secretly because of this, that he would hang and beat Shengzi Shenxiao severely, so that he could feel proud of his master.

However, when this title resurfaced in Qi Shaoxuan's mind today, only deep resentment remained in Qi Shaoxuan's heart.

If nothing else happened, he, the Son of the Purple Mansion, would be crushed even worse by Shen Tian in the future.

Master's grievances, disciples... feel offended!

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