In accordance with the old rules, Shen Tian began to look for people with predestined relationship at the booth.

Due to the reputation, more monks came to line up this time than three days ago.

Some people even don't believe in evil. After being screened for the first time, they actually turned back and re-arranged.

It took most of the day for Shen Tiancai to select 20 people who were destined.

It is worth mentioning that six out of the twenty predestined people are regular customers.

And these six old customers had given half of the Spirit Stones to Shen Tian before.

Thus, a delicate atmosphere gradually formed.


The six selected old and well-connected people rejoiced in their hearts for their previous choices.

The remaining fourteen destined people who were not selected, all secretly blamed themselves in their hearts.

Is it because he didn't perform well before, which made the Immortal Master very unhappy.

Hey, I blame myself for not being a human being and for missing the chance to renew my relationship with the Immortal Master.

If there is another chance next time, they must rush forward to worship.

The first one hugged his thighs and said to the Immortal Master, "I miss you"!

"Okay, let's just have these twenty destined people today!"

Shen Tian led the crowd towards the Holy Spirit Square.

Xiao Lingxian also followed behind Shen Tian.

Because of changing clothes and putting on makeup.

She was not recognized.

Shen Tian was very pleased with this.

This disguising technique is really not under my Highness!


In the past few days without Shen Tian, ​​the business of Holy Spirit Square has been much more prosperous than before.

After all, the Seven Treasure Immortal Gourd Seed, ranked thirty-sixth in the Spirit Wood List, has been produced here!

Who knows if there are similar top-quality spiritual ore that can be picked up and leaked?

In the past three days, the Holy Spirit Square has become a tourist attraction in Wanlingyuan.

Every day, a large group of people come to the Holy Spirit Workshop to inquire about the shopkeeper Liu.

Shopkeeper Liu, after hearing that Fairy Lian'er spends 50,000 spirit stones, he bought that kind of seed?

I heard that Mr. Liu, you have already seen that the ore is unusual, and you are just waiting for its fate? Shopkeeper Liu, that's the 36th treasure on the Spirit Wood List! Don't you feel bad?

The shopkeeper, I have 100,000 spirit stones here, can you sell me one of those spirit stones?


Yes, that seed has been bought.

The old man is quite accomplished in spiritual arts, and he does see the extraordinaryness of that seed.

The ownership of spirit ore has a destiny, and seeing it finds a bright master, the old man is not distressed at all.

100,000 spirit stones? Oh, go away!


Similar words, shopkeeper Liu has to answer countless times every day.

Moreover, every time you answer, you have to stab your heart hard.


Why didn't I open the spirit stone myself?

If you do it yourself, you will go straight to the pinnacle of your life!


Hey, forget it.

Shopkeeper Liu squeezed a smile on his face as he responded to the inquiries of the guests again and again.

After all, it is a happy thing to have a good business.

Just worry about it, as long as the immortal master doesn't come to visit again.

With this thought in his heart, Shopkeeper Liu looked at the door boredly.

The next second, the smile squeezed out of Shopkeeper Liu's face gradually solidified.

Because of the man who made him resentful and aggrieved.

here we go again!


Looking at the excited army of destined people and fans surrounded by Shen Tian.

Shopkeeper Liu felt a little wet in his eyes.

"Treasurer, why are you crying again?"

Shen Tian strode into the Holy Spirit Workshop.

Looking at Shopkeeper Liu's tears, he couldn't help but froze for a while.

Shopkeeper Liu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes: "The Immortal Master stood in front of me, this old man remembered three days ago."

Shen Tian's heart warmed: "Treasurer Liu really is a man of temperament, it's too late to meet you!"


Shopkeeper Liu looked at the people around Shen Tian: "Is the Immortal Master here?"

Shen Tian smiled and said, "Pin Dao retreated for three days and got a little gain, and I'm going to try it again."

Suddenly, Shopkeeper Liu's eyes became more moist.

Retreat for three days, and gain again?

Stop it! My fairy master!

Before you retreated, you opened the Seven Treasures Immortal Gourd from me.

Now that the retreat is over, why did you go to this old man to cause harm!

You can't point at me to die alone!

Next door to Tianlingxuan Lao Song, his family is much thicker than mine.

You should go to their store more!


The negative energy in my heart was bursting, but the shopkeeper Liu didn't dare to say it.

After all, the character design of the "Buddhist Conscience Shopkeeper" he made before was too good.

Now, the immortal master of 'Meet and Hate' has come to mine again, can you not welcome it?

Not to mention that behind Shen Tian, ​​there are rows and rows of destined people and female fans!

Dare to stop Shen Tian from entering?

Hehe, the shops are all around you in minutes!

"Congratulations, Immortal Master, please come in!"

Shopkeeper Liu had red eyes, and honestly welcomed Shen Tian into the Holy Spirit Workshop.

Like an old hen watching the weasels sneak into their chicken coop.


"Brother Shen, I also want to try to find the spirit and cut the mine."

Xiao Lingxian looked at the spirit ore, and there was a hint of happiness in her eyes.

The former Xiao Lingxian only had the fur of some spiritual skills, and couldn't find the spirit and break the mine at all.

But these three days in the Tianshuixian Mansion, Xiaolingxian has been comprehending the "Peeping Heavenly Spirit Art".

She thought to herself that her strength in seeking spirits and breaking mines had already changed by leaps and bounds.

Seeing the Holy Spirit Workshop full of ores, Xiao Lingxian also felt a little itchy.

Hearing Xiao Lingxian's words, Shen Tian was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Because he found out that after Xiao Lingxian said this sentence.

Images began to appear in her head.

Obviously, this should be the spiritual stone harvest that Xiao Lingxian issued next.


Thinking of this, Shen Tian smiled slightly: "Go! You will definitely gain something today."

Hearing Shen Tian's gentle words, Xiao Lingxian's face turned slightly red.

Unexpectedly, Brother Shen would actually encourage others.

Although I have studied the "Peeking Heavenly Spiritual Art" for three days, I have never practiced it.

To be honest, Xiao Lingxian didn't have much confidence in her heart.

However, Shen Tian's words gave her great encouragement.

"Don't worry, Brother Shen."

Xiao Lingxian said seriously: "I will definitely not let you down!"

Shen Tian nodded: "If you encounter an undecided mine, you can come to me."

Xiao Lingxian's heart slammed into the deer, and after nodding, she slipped directly into the Holy Spirit Square.

Shen Tian smiled and led the few destined people to start searching for spirits.

He didn't have the chance to interfere with Xiaolingxian's head.

Just let Xiaolingxian practice his hands by himself, let's play first!


It may be because the strength has become stronger, or the luck has become stronger.

Shen Tian felt that his ability to check fortunes was more accurate than before.

Before Shen Tian checked "Magic to the Sun" and Tianshui Cave House, he could only read about it.

For example, the Magic Book of Sunward Sun, Shen Tian could only view the "Da Yan Li" and then stopped abruptly.

With the opportunity of Tianshui Cave Mansion, Shen Tian could only see the gate under the cliff.

As for the magic tome in the Great Yan Calendar, the inheritance in the Tianshui Cave House.

Shen Tian couldn't see through the screen.

Even the front screen is rather blurry.

But now, the picture of chance that Shen Tian sees is getting clearer and clearer.

Moreover, the description of the content of the opportunity is becoming more and more detailed.

Shen Tian could even clearly see what the final form of each opportunity was.

Therefore, Shen Tian doubted that his ability might...


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