Michael frowned.

Woolley took out the parchment drawing from his bosom: "Your Excellency High Priest, although I am still young, I am well aware that within the Assyrian territory, people are increasingly ignoring the existence of God, and even slandering, Blasphemy against the gods, the gods must have a special meaning for this thing to appear at this time, but it cannot be fathomed by my wisdom, and only a messenger of the gods like you, the high priest, can understand the true meaning of the gods, so I actually want to donate it to you, and only you, the high priest, can give it to the world to the fullest, but I also have a plea, that is, I hope you will allow me to use it within the limits of Seneca City, because you know, I have just bought a home, and I plan to raise some slaves, and when the conditions are ripe, I also want to get some land, and grow wheat, grapes, etc., these require a lot of expenses.

Mikoyan pondered for a moment: "When will this thing of yours be built?"

"Within thirty days." Woolley replied.

"Well, if this thing can achieve the effect you described, I will guarantee that in the name of the temple, you are the only one in Seneca City who can make a profit from this. "In addition, I will use some of the privileges of the temple to obtain a sixty percent reduction in your business tax, and you know, the tax collectors under the treasurer of Seneca City are the most difficult clowns." "

Thank you. Woolley respectfully handed the blueprint into Mikoyan's hands, and a satisfied smile appeared on his lips, for the purpose of his visit to the temple had been achieved.

"Woolley, you give me the feeling of a mature, steady, wise and elegant nobleman, not a child of twelve or thirteen years old, and I have to say that you are much better than your father. Mikoyan said as he spread out the parchment drawings and looked at them.

"Thank you, Your Excellency High Priestess, for the compliment, and Woolley won't bother you. Woolley stood up and saluted.

Mikoyan closed the drawing with a smile: "I hope to see the real thing sooner." A

month later, Woolley's name was repeated in the streets of Seneca City.

Someone said, "Oh my God, the man who was given the contract by the temple

built a stone house on the bank of the river, and he called it the 'Mill'!" Someone said, "He not only built the house, but he also built a stone embankment and a canal, and the water of the canal passed under the

'mill'!" Someone asked, "What is that mill for?"

and someone said, "That mill is actually a place for wheat!"

Someone else said, "There is a big sign hanging outside the mill of Woolleglindor, saying that anyone can send wheat

to the mill!" and someone else said: "The temple has also announced that the mill of Woolledrindo is the only mill allowed to exist within the Seneca city-state of the temple, and any form of imitation will be severely punished!"


As it has been said, Woolley's mill was opened, and on the eve of its opening, High Priest Mikoyan and Pompeii "had the good fortune to witness the greatest invention of the people's life hithertopographed"—a phrase uttered by Mikoyan himself, of course.

A wooden fence had been erected in front of Woolley's mill, and all those who entered and exited the mill, wheat, and flour had to pass through the only large wooden gate in the middle of the wooden fence, and no one except Woolley, Nepton, and Caesar could enter the wooden gate of the mill—a rule that Woolley had made, for he was not sure how much the so-called "franchise protection" of the temple could deter people.

When the mill opened, the busiest people were not Woolley, but Nepton and Caesar, who were responsible for the rotation and stopping of the stone mill, and Caesar who was responsible for carrying the wheat bags, pouring the wheat into the grooves of the stone mill, and then watching the huge stone rook crush the wheat, and by the way, using a broom made of wheat stalks to sweep back the wheat grains that popped out of the edge of the groove until they became uniform flour, and when Nepton stopped the stone rook, he took on the task of collecting the flour, bagging it, and then carrying it out of the mill and giving it to Woolley to weigh - Because there really wasn't enough people available, Woolley had to do it himself for the time being.

After a few days, Woolley was a little too busy, I don't know whether the fee for grinding only half of the flour was too low, or because the quality of the flour was too good, or whether the people in Seneca City wanted to come and see the freshness, and from the fifth day, Woolley's mill needed to process more than 400 pieces of wheat every day, that is, there would be an extra 200 hundreds of flour every night in the newly built granary in the White Rock Building. Calculated at the price of two silver coins for a sack of flour in the market, the mill had earned forty silver coins a day for Woolley from the fifth day onwards.

Woolley was a little complacent at the sight of the growing bags of flour in the granary, and even happier than he was the "constant attention" of the High Priest Mikoyan, whose success in Seneca illustrated one thing—he could begin to spread the mill to other city-states, which meant not only a lot of money, but also a further increase in his contribution to the temple.

"Fortunately, Woolley is a child, otherwise where would I be able to do such a thing?" said Mikoyan, rejoicing.

"Fortunately, Mikoyan has the help of him, otherwise, where would there be a free lot? where would a free slave help build a mill and dig a canal?, and where would there be a tax rate that would be tantamount to picking up for nothing?" said Woolley with contentment.

When Seneca City officially entered the late autumn season, Woolley's worries about the mill were finally completely dispelled—the daily wheat was stable at between four hundred and four hundred and thirty hundreds, the tax collector had not caused any trouble to the mill, Nepton had become so skilled in the stone mill that he could also weigh Woolley easily, and Caesar had jumped in size, but he was more quick to work.

When looking through the ledger, Woolley laughed at himself: "It's all about scaring himself, Seneca City has a population of nearly 300,000, and according to the daily consumption ......of ten shekels of flour per person, one hull of flour is only enough for forty people to eat a day, and if you remove those who are willing to make their own wheat and other possibilities to reduce flour consumption, there must not be four or five hundred hus a day that needs to be processed."

Unbeknownst to himself, Woolley was not only earning the average of a minor nobleman, but also gaining the title of miller.

At the end of the last day of October, winter in Seneca officially arrived, and in the evening of this day, the last thing to be repaired in the White Rock Building, the new gate, was installed.

When patting the door panel that was half an elbow thick, Woolley couldn't help but say to himself: "It's a loss that it's here, or I can't find this good wood that has grown for hundreds of years to make the door panel, and it sells so cheaply......."

After the completion of the repair, the White Stone Building is vulgar, called very to Woolley's appetite or bad taste, after many points of demolition, digging, landfilling, masonry, painting, replacement, the White Stone Building has become a "small multi-purpose fortress" - the periphery is a stone wall with arrow stacks, twenty-five cubits high, up to six cubits wide, there are two stone steps in the east, west, north and south directions for up and down, the northeast, southeast, northwest, On the four corners of the southwest, there are four semicircular roofless stone arrow towers ten cubits higher than the wall, which can be used for night and against the enemy.

The thickening of the fence naturally reduced the area of the yard, but Woolley originally felt that the yard took up too much area, so the area of the renovated yard was reduced by half- Four small bungalows and a granary were built for slaves, and the remaining half of the yard was re-laid with stone slabs and a pergola, so that Woolley could no longer complain about the rain in his own house, and the two-story stone building was still divided according to the Assyrian tradition of the front and rear houses, but the purpose of the rooms was adjusted and arranged according to Woolley's preferences, and the entrance to the front house was naturally a living room, and the three rooms on the left side of the living room were changed into kitchens and dining rooms, and the original kitchen and dining room were changed into Woolley's fitness room. The seven rooms on the second floor, known as the back house, remained basically the same, except that the original hostess's room was changed to Woolley's "important and confidential room", because he couldn't carry his money all day long.

The expansion of the bathroom also greatly reduced the size of the back garden, and after deepening and dividing the original bath of the bathroom into three different sizes, Woolley was finally able to enjoy a hot bath - before the small bath was built, Woolley was forced to crouch in a corner of the bathroom and scrub with a cotton towel dipped in hot water, but until the fuel problem was truly solved, bathing in the small bath could only be done occasionally.

Under Woolley's direction, Nepton led his slaves to spend half a day building a two-cubit-high fence along the well's mouth, installing a wooden reel on the well railing, and building a roof out of planks, which was finally able to meet Woolley's requirements for water quality.

That night, Nepton hesitated and made a request: "Master, the final repairs are all done, and the mill is so busy every day, it seems that it is time to increase the number of men." "

Manpower?" Woolley tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Your suggestion is good, in fact, I have considered this these days, but then I thought about it, it is better to wait a little longer, you see, how old I am, strange slaves dare not use it with confidence, Seneca City has already had four cases of slaves killing their masters in the past ten years, isn't it? So, wait a few more days, there are five days before the Winter Festival, maybe there will be free manpower to send to the door." "

Free?" Niepton sighed, and said that the master's stinginess was really vivid with the old master.

On the 5th of November, the traditional Assyrian winter festival arrived, and from this day to the 9th day it was a festival for five consecutive days. During these five days, the city-states of Assyria, large and small, celebrated with great fanfare, and noble families would feast on each other in addition to temple offerings.

Naturally, Woolley went, but he didn't get to see Mikoyan. Pompey whispered to him that the High Priest had been away from Seneca for several days, and that he would not be able to return until after the New Year's at the earliest.

It's definitely going to the mill to promote. Thinking so, Woolley smiled and handed Pompey a small spice pouch containing three gold coins inside: "High Priest Mikoyan told me that you helped negotiate the tax rate at the mill, and I am very grateful for that.

Pompey felt the weight of the sachet for the first time, and after a little hesitation, he handed the sachet to Woolley: "Thank you very much, but I can't take it, it's my duty to deal with the tax collectors, and besides, the matter of lowering the tax rate was specially ordered by the high priest, so I didn't help you anything."

"No, you have helped a lot, you are a respectable and close messenger, and I have always hoped that our friendship will be closer and longer. Woolley smiled and said, "I'm definitely your friend, Pompeii, so please take it, your family will need it."

Pompeii was silent for a moment, took the sachet into his arms, and then nodded very seriously: "I, Pompeii Siler, hereby swear to my lord Amun that I will never betray my friendship with Woolleglindo, nor will I live up to Woolledore's trust.

Woolley knew what a priest's solemn oath meant in this era, so there was a solemnity in his eyes: "Pompeii, your oath is what I want to say to the god Amun. "

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