Three days later, on the morning, Boti rushed into Eddie's dormitory with an excited face: "Eddie, Quake, Khufu is here!" Eddie

, who was learning to weave knap knee pads with Quirk, suddenly lit up after hearing this, and threw a small half of the knee pads he had just knitted on the table: "Let's go, take a look."

"Boti is right, Khufu came, and he came with people, in addition to the fox friend who was beaten that day and the fox friend who did not come to the place that day to avoid the pain of flesh and skin, there were sixty-four honor guards.

On the way here, Khufu rode a horse proudly, and came to the gate of the Civic College slowly and arrogantly all the way, followed by those honor guards, and the carriages of fox friends and dogs followed behind the honor guards, and then behind, there were good-looking and lively and just idle people......

In the mighty queue, the most eye-catching is not Khufu, but the sixty-four honor guards, if you only listen to the name, it is very misleading to understand that they are just a group of handsome guys used to support the scene, in fact, they are all the best civilian soldiers in the legion, although they are not talking about the rest of the battle, but they are also the masters of the blood-stained dust and sand on the battlefield, even if they are now replaced by this comfortable and glamorous job, the killing spirit on the body has not been erased......

It was the Assyrian custom that the guard of honor belonged only to the fire, not to the legion, and was both a compliment to the commander of the legion and an encouragement to the civilian soldiers in the legion—lo and behold, if you fought bravely on the battlefield, you might be able to get out of battle and enjoy the privilege and honor.

At this moment, these sixty-four brightly armored soldiers were lined up behind Khufu, their eyes not squinting, and they were majestic.

"Woolledindo, today, I'm going to beat you half to death. Khufu said to himself as he played with his horsewhip.

In the past few days, Khufu has investigated Woolley according to the clues given by Quake and Boti, and the result is a little surprising to him - this powerful young man actually has some origins.

However, Khufu was just a flash of thought at the time, after all, compared to the Duncan family, Woolley's family background was not dazzling, and the rare things that Woolley did were also simply ignored by Khufu - didn't he just make some new things, what else?

The wait made Khufu very impatient, the gate of the academy had been in for a while, and there was no response, the closed door made him feel like he was turned away, but Khufu was not reckless enough to break the door of the civic academy and rush in, because he knew that if he did that, he would almost be beaten to death by his father - before coming here, Kui Huo had warned Khufu that he would find face and save face, but he should not cause too much trouble to the civic college.

This was said vaguely, and with Khufu's IQ, he couldn't figure it out for a while, because thinking has never been his strong point, and it is to be coquettish in front of his mother.

Just as Khufu was infinitely close to going berserk, the door of the Civic College slowly opened, and behind the door, there stood a teacher with a smile on his face and a humble demeanor: "It turned out to be the honorable citizen of Khufu Duncan, the vice presidents have something to say, please enter the academy for a while." "

Excuse me, you, step aside. As soon as Khufu flicked his horsewhip, his mount slowly strode forward, and the sixty-four honor guards in the line behind him moved at the same time, and the armor was sonorous ......

"Citizen Khufu Duncan, the vice deans have said, you can go in alone, and the others ......" The teacher's words came to an abrupt end before he could finish his sentence, as Khufu suddenly drew the saber at his waist.

The welcoming teacher frowned slightly and stepped aside.

"Let's go!" Khufu saw that the teacher obediently retreated, and saw that many students in the door looked at him, and there was no reason in his heart, so he immediately raised his arms and shouted, as if he had become a legion commander like his father, and those behind him seemed to have become brave enough to follow him and charge into battle.

Khufu's shout, the honor guard armor soldiers answered neatly, and then the rabble after that was a little messy, these things are about the same age as Khufu, they are all playful and lustful guys, they follow Khufu all day long, according to their understanding, they are doing business for the family - befriending the first family of Assyria, what else can it be?

For example, following Khufu to bully people today is a serious matter.

As Khufu marched through the academy in a grand manner, Rini was sitting in front of a window looking at it, with a calm face, and beside him stood a young man, who looked no more than twenty-five or six years old, with a graceful demeanor and a poise that was not in keeping with his age.

His name is David, Davie Monte, is Rini's adopted son, very important to Lini, ostensibly to take care of some idle business for Lini, but in fact he is the most active one under Lini.

Their eyes followed Khufu's movements.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door: "Vice President Rini, it's me, Helen Angelina." "

Come in. Rini didn't look back, and David took a step away, putting himself a little closer to Rini.

"Vice Dean Riney, Khufu has come to trouble Woolly Greendo. Helen's eyes were full of anxiety, and it was no wonder how Helen was calm in the face of Khufu's fangs and claws.

"It's called care. Riney smiled slightly, but did not look back, "Helen, I guess, your worries are unnecessary, you go back to class, if you want to help Woolley, then don't rush to his side, you should remember that it was because of you." "

But......" When Helen tried to fight again, Riney waved her hand back.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Vice Dean Rini. Helen saluted and turned away.

"Father, this is the man of Woolleglindor. Davidin asked softly after seeing Helen leave.

"Yes, but I still don't know much about Woolley, so I'm worried. Rini bowed his head lightly and said.

David smiled, "Father is really confident in Woolly Greendo.

"Of course, in time, his achievements must be higher than mine, so I can't let him be broken by anyone halfway. After a pause, Rini continued, "I told you that the nobles at the top of Assyria have a bad habit that has been passed down for thousands of years, that is, cannibalizing their own kind, and the Monte family has withered in the past hundred years, and if I die one day, those people will inevitably swarm and eat my Monte family, and I can't let this happen." "

Father's meaning, is this Woolley Greendo able to protect the Monte family in the future?" asked David, surprised.

Rini nodded: "As long as he wants, he can." "

Father, I don't understand this, Woolley provoked Khufu, with your dignity, naturally you will not deign to come forward for Woolley Green, but why did you call me here and not let me go to negotiate with Khufu?" asked David.

Khufu had a very close personal relationship with David, and Khufu owed Dawei a lot of favors, so he asked Dawei to intercede, and this matter disappeared nine times out of ten - this was originally the reason why Rioni brought David, but what Dawei couldn't understand was that he was stopped before he started.

"That's because Woolley's coping arrangements are already in place. Rini smiled slightly, "Under such a disadvantage, he actually took advantage of the situation to enter the social circle of the new generation of the Assyrian city-state, and he is really good at finding an entry point, resourceful and decisive, he is even better than I thought before."

A smile also appeared on David's face: "So, Khufu is destined to lose face again today?" "

Not necessarily, it depends on Woolley, if my prediction is right, he will not take advantage of the victory to pursue." Riney said.

David pondered, bowing slightly.


Khufu continued to smug, especially after seeing the hot and bold gazes of several good-looking girls, his pride soared at an exaggerated rate.

"If any of you have time, go and fetch Woolledin for me, and tell him that I am waiting for him at the stable. With a wave of his horsewhip, Khufu swept past a crowd of students watching the excitement, "Whoever does it will be my friend of Khufu Duncan."

As soon as the words fell, several students went to Woolley in a hurry, and it would be good to be friends with Khufu Duncan.

Quake and Boti smiled as they walked towards Khufu, they didn't have to be as attentive as they had just been.

"Oh, Venerable Khufu, what are you doing with Woolly Green?" asked Quake with a grin.

Khufu laughed, "Needless to say, Quake, I'm here to make trouble with Woolly Green." "

No, Khufu, this is the Civic Academy, and you do that, does General Kui Huo know?" asked Boti, feigned surprise.

"Look. Khufu pointed to the honor guard behind him, "This is what my father asked me to bring, you say, can he not know?"

Hearing Khufu say this, Eddie, who was standing behind the circle of onlookers, couldn't help but sneer, the question and answer between the three just now, Quake and Boti just deliberately gave Khufu a chance to show off.

At the same time, Gruul smiled and handed a wooden sword to Woolley, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Woolley took the wooden sword and said, "What else else?"

"I have to warn you that you are taking a bit of a risk in doing so. Guru continued, "If you can't achieve the desired effect, the opponent's counterattack will be difficult to resist."

"Even you can laugh, what am I worried about?" Woolley laughed and stepped out the door.

After a while, nearly half of the students in the academy flocked to the racecourse, and then consciously formed a large circle, placing Khufu and his "centaurs" in the most prominent position.

Not far away, in front of a window, Ibbe and Huban stood side by side, their eyes looking at the racecourse.

"Huban, the Duncan family's Khufu is so imposing, then Woolley Green is afraid that it will not be easy. Ibbe narrowed his eyes, and then said, "I'm very strange, it stands to reason that you Huban is friendly with the Duncan family, and it is understandable to let this Hufu come in with such fanfare, but Lini also agrees, then it is a bit unbelievable, doesn't he care about that Woolley Green?" Huban laughed

and said, "Oh, Ibe, no matter how much Lini cares, it is impossible for him to offend the Duncan family for a student from a small place." "

It doesn't make sense, with Elini's temperament and skill, even if he doesn't fight against Kui Huo, he won't be afraid of him. Ibbe said.

"I don't care what Rini thinks, I just hope Khufu doesn't make too much of it. A trace of solemnity passed over Hu Ban's face, "Khufu was not treated well in Duncan's house because of his stubbornness, but his nonsense was often tolerated by Kui Huo and Chief Qiyuan, and the reason for this is that these two are so happy." "

You mean, Khufu, was instigated by Kui Huo and Chief Qiyuan?" Ibe frowned.

"Instigation can't be talked about, connivance is not far from ten, first, it can win over some young people, and second, it can easily screen friends and foes, and send Khufu, who has the most uncultivated future in the family, to this use, and use a waste so brilliantly, who else can there be besides the chief of Qiyuan?" Hu Ban said, sighing lightly, "This trick is good, the rogue trick, it can't be cracked, you can only watch it......"

Ibbe bowed slightly, and his eyes suddenly froze:" Good boy, he came alone. "

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