I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 341: : Kill Yan Sen!

next second!

The strength of Yan Sen's whole body was condensed on his right hand and slammed out.

This punch!

This serious blow!

Yan Sen is going to use this punch to completely kill Lin Feng!

End the fight!

Ling Lie's fist wind swept like a gust of wind.

Even Bai Su and Xia Yuwei, who were standing not far away, noticed the breath of death pervading this punch!

If this punch hits Lin Feng!

Lin Feng will definitely be beaten to death!

And they saw that Lin Feng didn't mean to dodge at all, and still stood in place.

This made their faces pale with fright, and they almost shouted in unison:

"Get out of the way!"

But it was too late, the arrogant iron fist had come to Lin Feng.

"This time! I'll see how you take it!"

Yan Sen was already laughing wildly in his heart!

In his opinion, after his punch, this battle must be over!

Lin Feng is dead!

This feeling of strangling genius in the cradle made him feel very happy!


The iron fist slammed in front of Lin Feng.

Seeing this punch, Lin Feng is about to be completely blown up!

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth suddenly evoked a contemptuous smile.

"Yan Sen, you never know what kind of existence you are fighting against!"

next second!

Lin Feng's figure flashed, and suddenly the whole person disappeared into the darkness out of thin air.


Seeing this scene, Yan Sen's face was horrified.

He secretly screamed bad, and hurriedly stopped the offensive in his hand and looked around.

"Where are you?!"

"Come out to me!"

Yan Sen is completely frightened!

He has seen many fast people, but someone like Lin Feng can disappear in the blink of an eye!

It was the first time he met!

Moreover, what he fears most in Shaolin martial arts is to meet such a fast person!

That's why Yan Sen was so afraid.

At this moment, the sound of wind suddenly flashed by Yan Sen.

Yan Sen responded quickly and punched him directly.

But it was air that hit!

When Yan Sen was about to continue looking for Lin Feng.


His neck was cold, and a cold breath appeared on his neck.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sound of near death came.

"Boy, I'll kill..."

Yan Sen's face changed greatly, he just wanted to turn back to attack, but it was too late!


Lin Feng said indifferently.


A splash of blood splattered on the ground.

Yan Sen's neck was cut open by a saber, and blood poured out as if he couldn't stop.


Yan Sen clutched his bleeding neck and fell to the ground.

Lin Feng also walked out from behind him and said lightly: "Yan Sen, I said that the person I Lin Feng wants to take away, even if Daluo Jinxian comes! I can't stop it!"

"Now, do you believe it?"

"you you!"

Yan Sen clutched his blood-covered neck and wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, blood poured out.

In the end, Yan Sen tried his best and only said three words.

"Let... let me go..."

This famous king in Anhe is now begging for mercy like a bereaved dog.

But Lin Feng is not a soft-hearted person. This Yan Sen has done a lot of evil in Anhe, and he should die today!

"When you stretch out your butcher's knife to others, you should think that such a day will come!"

Lin Feng suddenly stabbed the sword into Yan Sen's body again, and patted his shoulder:

"Let's go!"

"Remember, don't mess with someone named Lin Feng in your next life!"

"Because that's the existence you can't afford to offend!"

The saber pierced again, bringing out a smear of blood.


Yan Sen directly spit out a mouthful of blood, swallowed a few times, and fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.


This is one of the ten kings who are all-powerful in the Anhe and make countless people terrified!

Totally dead!

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw Yan Sen's body lying in a pool of blood!

They could never have imagined that the king of Sen, Yan Sen, who made them terrified, would die today at the hands of a young man!

This is an SS-level master, and Huaxia is almost the top existence!

But today, in front of Lin Feng, he is so vulnerable!


At this moment, Yang Minglong and Situ Nan, who were hiding behind to watch the battle, were all cold!

Thinking that they were about to attack Lin Feng just now, they almost didn't pee out of fear!

Lin Feng even the existence of King Sen is to kill if he wants to kill!

Dealing with them is not just a matter of hands!

Situ Nan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a trembling voice, "Long... Brother Long, I... I have something to do. I'll go first."

Situ Nan is already backing down now, he doesn't want to rush to die in vain!

The voice fell.

Situ Nan took the people to escape. He was completely scared this time, and I am afraid that he will never dare to trouble Lin Feng again in the future!

And Yang Minglong looked at Lin Feng with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that his strength would definitely crush Lin Feng!

Now it seems that he is far worse than Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng!"

"Wait and see!"

"I'll let you know how good I am sooner or later!"

Yang Minglong is not a person who is good at giving in.

He snorted coldly, took a deep look at Lin Feng, and then turned to leave!


With the fall of King Mori, the battle came to an end.

Lin Feng took a long breath, his face exhausted.

In this battle, although he did not use the body of steel!

But his fight with King Mori also cost a lot of energy.

Now he is already tired!

"Lin Feng, are you alright?"

Xia Yuwei rushed up and asked softly.

"I'm fine, just take it easy."

Lin Feng leaned on the car to calm down the breath in his heart, and then his eyes fell on Bai Su who was not far away.

"Are you okay?"

Just now, Bai Su received a severe blow!

Yan Sen is practicing Shaolin Vajra Fist. I am afraid this blow will not be too weak, Bai Su must have been injured too!

Bai Su coughed violently a few times, and said with a cold face, "I'm fine."

Said so, but Lin Feng noticed that Bai Suqiao's face was pale.

Obviously, Bai Su was not injured lightly!

However, even though he was injured, Bai Su walked in front of Lin Feng with difficulty and knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Lin Feng~www.readwn.com~ You killed Yan Sen today and avenged me!"

"I don't know how to thank you for this kindness!"

"But I will always keep it in my heart. If you need anything from me in the future, Bai Su will definitely die!"

At the end, tears flashed in Bai Su's always cold eyes.

Since Qiangwei was killed by Yan Sen, for so many years, Bai Su has always wanted to kill Yan Sen and avenge Qiangwei!

It's just that she knows very well that she is not Yan Sen's opponent!

So, this matter also became her heart knot!

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