I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 350: : A glimmer of hope for Murong Orange!

Lin Feng stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of Wangjiang Pavilion, looking at the night view of the Anhe Bund, and muttered to himself:


"This world should also change!"


After all, Lin Feng left suddenly.




An River.


The top floor of Tomson's first product.


There is a famous ring-shaped sky villa here!


This sky villa is the best villa in Anhe!


It is also the most expensive residence in the entire Anhe!


The auction price was as high as 200 million!


As for who the buyer of this villa is, no one knows, but everyone in the outside world knows that the owner of this sky villa is definitely powerful!


And Murong Cheng lived in this sky villa.


She is not the owner of this villa, but she knows the owner of the villa and has a good relationship.


The owner of this villa is much more famous than Murong Cheng!


She is a famous Chinese national beauty girl, Lin Wan'er, Miss Wan'er!


Lin Waner is not only beautiful and well-known, but also has a very tough background. It is said that her father is the richest man in Anhe, Lin Xiao!


Therefore, although she looks extremely outstanding, no one in the entire entertainment industry dares to touch her!


But now Lin Wan'er went out to film, not in An He.


Therefore, only Murong Cheng lives in this sky villa.


Sitting in front of the garden balcony of the villa, Murong Cheng looked at the bustling night view of the entire An River, and sighed sadly.


In the past, she naively thought that being a star would be such a glamorous thing!


She thought that she would be able to sing her favorite song on a star-studded stage, which would be a happy thing!


But now, she finds that happiness has turned into a nightmare!


She has to live in fear every day and every night, she has completely lost her freedom!


Is all this really what she wants?


At this moment, a sudden intense pain surged to the top of his head.


Murong Cheng snorted and held her head.


A figure appeared in her mind.


A vague figure.


I don't know why, whenever Murong Cheng saw this figure, she could feel a sense of security from her heart!


It seems that as long as he is there, no matter how dangerous it is, he will help him bear it!


He will never let himself be hurt in the slightest!


But Murong Cheng knew that this was just her own fantasy. In the real world, how could there be such a person who would do everything in her power to protect her?


The headache soon became like a tidal wave.


This is Murong Cheng's old problem, and it's not a big deal.


It's just that even if Murong Cheng felt pain, she always wanted to keep that vague figure for a while, because only when this figure was there, could she feel a trace of peace of mind!


At this moment, a phone call came in.


It belongs to Qin Lan!


Murong Orange adjusted her emotions and answered the phone.


"Sister Qin Lan, is there something wrong so late?"


Murong Cheng asked.


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then Qin Lan's voice came: "Director Chen just called me."


Hearing this, Murong Cheng's heart trembled.


Who is this Director Chen?


She knows very well that Tianma Entertainment's Senior Operations Director, Chen Long!


Almost all of Murong Cheng's economic company and the entire operation team are under Chen Long's hands!


Chen Long can be said to be her immediate boss.


Now that Chen Long is calling, it is definitely because of the Wangjiang Pavilion.


Murong Cheng asked cautiously, "What did Director Chen say?"


Qin Lan sighed: "Lin Feng complained about the matter tonight to Director Chen, and now Director Chen is furious and very angry."


As soon as these words came out, Murong Cheng's pretty face turned pale, biting her red lips and saying:


"What decision did the company make?"


"I don't know." Qin Lan shook his head and said melancholy, "But I'm afraid you're out of luck..."


"I heard that Lin Feng was also very angry. He told Director Chen not to let anyone touch you!"


"He said, he will come to you in person!"


"Come to me in person?"


Murong Cheng's pretty face was extremely pale.


She knows what it means!


If Lin Feng really came to find her in person, then her fate would be much more tragic than tonight.


In an instant, tears fell from Murong Cheng's eyes.


"Murong, I'm sorry, I can't help you."


Qin Lan said with remorse.


Murong Cheng sobbed softly: "Sister Qin Lan, it's not your fault, I know you've done your best."


"Perhaps, this is my catastrophe!"


Qin Lan said in a complicated tone: "Murong, you must hold on! You have to believe that after this incident, you will definitely see a rainbow!"


"Well, I will."


Although Murong Cheng said this on the surface, she was completely desperate in her heart.


Can you really see a rainbow?


She doesn't believe it!


She was afraid that what she saw was not a rainbow, but an abyss!


The bottomless abyss!


The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and Qin Lan suddenly thought of something.


"By the way, Murong, Miss Wan'er is coming back soon, maybe she can help you!"


Speaking of Lin Wan'er, Murong Cheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Sister Wan'er? Isn't she filming in Hengdian?"


"Her scenes have been filmed, and this time she will return to live in Anhe for a while!"


Qin Lan explained to Murong Cheng and continued:


"Miss Wan'er's background is unfathomable. With her around, maybe Lin Feng wouldn't dare to do anything to you!"


Hearing Qin Lan's words, a flash of brilliance flashed in Murong Cheng's beautiful eyes.


If Lin Wan'er came back!


Perhaps, she can really get rid of Lin Feng!




The next day.


Anhe Xing'an Road.


Tang Pavilion!


Tang Pavilion is also famous in Anhe. Although it is not as good as a top restaurant like Wangjiang Pavilion, it is also a high-end restaurant with three Michelin stars.


However, unlike Wangjiang Pavilion, Tang Pavilion specializes in Chinese food.


This time, the place where Lin Feng invited the entrepreneurs of Anhe was in Tang Pavilion.


These entrepreneurs invited by Lin Feng are all well-known in Anhe. Their companies are not big or small, and they basically have a market value of several billions!


And they are distributed in several industries, including entertainment industry, Internet industry, real estate industry, financial industry~www.readwn.com~ basically what Lin Feng lacks!


These entrepreneurs came as promised. After they came to Tang Pavilion, when they saw each other, they all chatted with each other.


"Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to come too!"


"Haha, Mr. Feng, it's been a long time! You were invited too?"


"Yes, I heard that there was an outside investor who was interested in my company, so I came to see it. Is it the same for Mr. Feng?"


"It's the same! I don't know if Mr. Li knows anything about this investor?"


"I don't know much about it, but I just heard that it came from a small city in the south of the Yangtze River."


The conversation between the two reached the ears of a middle-aged man next to him.


The middle-aged man snorted coldly and said, "A person from a small town also wants to buy our company in Anhe. It's ridiculous!"


The middle-aged man's name is Yang Xiong. He is in real estate. The boss of Anhe Shenghui Real Estate Company is also a large real estate company with a scale of several billions!


And those who are engaged in real estate have a bad temper, but now they hear that a person from a small town wants to buy him!


This immediately made him unhappy!


Yang Xiong really wanted to see, who is so holy that he dared to be so arrogant!


(Cavin is serious, the update is slow! Sorry) Fupin Chinese

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