I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 353: : Ma Yuan's idea!

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.


He couldn't imagine how such a small man could have such confidence!


He was able to swear that he could manage so many entrepreneurs!


But Lin Feng didn't think Ma Yuan was lying. He always felt that this Ma Yuan was not easy!


So, Lin Feng scanned Ma Yuan with the talent detector.




"The talent detector is activated!"


"Ding, found a world-class Internet business talent!"


"Name: Ma Yuan!"


"Evaluation: An Internet talent with great ambition, he works vigorously and resolutely, not only has the iron-blooded business skills, but also has excellent talent in business management. He is a rare Internet business talent in China!!"


"Potential: Chairman of a National Internet Company!"


"Suggestion: The host can discover it!"


Seeing Ma Yuan's attributes, Lin Feng couldn't help being shocked.


International-level Internet talents!


This is a near-top business talent, second only to several Internet giants in the world!


And his potential is still the chairman of a national-level Internet company!


Lin Feng also knows what this national level is!


In the whole of China, only Penguin Games is a national-level Internet company!


Among them, the president of Penguin Games, Xiao Ma is the chairman of a national-level Internet company!


Now, Ma Yuan's evaluation is as high as that of Xiao Ma!


It can be seen that this Ma Yuan is an absolute genius!


This time, Lin Feng might have found a treasure!


Thinking of this, Lin Feng was very excited in his heart, but on the surface he was calm and said:


"Ma Yuan, do you really have the confidence to manage them?"


"Lin Shao, as long as you make me the president of this group, I will definitely do what I said!"


Ma Yuan said to Lin Feng with great certainty.


Lin Feng pretended to ponder for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! Then I'll give you a chance!"


"From now on, Ma Yuan, you are the president of the World Financial Group!"


"All the companies under World Finance are under your control!"


"I hope you don't let me down!"


Lin Feng logically set a position for Ma Yuan.


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ma Yuan was stunned for a moment. Originally, the position he wanted was only the president of several companies!


Unexpectedly, Lin Feng directly handed over the world finance with a market value of 50 billion to him!


This made Ma Yuan feel a strong sense of trust. Since he gave up his teaching career and threw himself into the business world, he has stumbled and encountered countless intrigues along the way!


He has seen almost all kinds of sinister people!


It's just that I haven't met my own Bole!


To him now, Lin Feng is Bole!


Ma Yuan said to Lin Feng gratefully: "Lin Shao, please rest assured, I Ma Yuan will definitely make the company bigger and stronger, and I will never disappoint you!"


Ma Yuan is an extremely confident person. Since Lin Feng believes in him so much, he is determined not to let Lin Feng down!


He must make the world finance into the largest enterprise in Anhe!


"very good."


Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.


He is very happy now. He never thought that he could meet such a business talent in any casual dinner!


This is good luck, and it really can't be stopped!


The matter is settled!


The dinner party has officially started!


But today's dinner has turned into a dinner between Lin Feng and Ma Yuan, and all the other entrepreneurs have been driven away.


"Ma Yuan, what do you think about the future of the business world?"


Lin Feng drank the wine and casually said something to Ma Yuan.


Ma Yuan put down the wine glass, thought for a while, and suddenly laughed at himself: "Lin Shao, my thoughts are a bit wild, so don't talk about it!"


"tell me the story."


Lin Feng smiled slightly.


"All right."


Ma Yuan took out a thick document from his briefcase and put it on the table.


"Lin Shao, in fact, I think that the future of our business community in China is not in real estate, nor in finance, but in the Internet industry!"


"Oh? How can you see it?"


Lin Feng smiled calmly.


"Financial real estate entities, although these three industries are powerful and not small in scale, they are too limited."


Ma Yuan explained to Lin Feng: "Finance is only a game played by the top people, and ordinary people are rarely involved, which greatly limits the number of users!"


"As a benchmark in the business world, the real estate industry has always been the leader of the business world, but the real estate industry is too chaotic and difficult to manage!"


"In the entire real estate industry, the industries of the largest giants only cover dozens of first- and second-tier cities in China, and they cannot cover the entire China!"


"Although the physical chain can cover the whole of China, the competition is too huge. Basically, ordinary people want to open a store, want to become bigger and stronger in the physical store, and want to cover China, which is undoubtedly a fool's dream!"


"So, in the whole of China, there is only one industry that can cover all users!"


"the Internet!"


Ma Yuan paused for a while, took a sip of water, and continued:


"According to incomplete statistics, there are now 800 million Internet users! The daily active number of an Internet center forum can reach more than 80 million!"


"These 80 million traffic are potential stocks!"


"Even if among these people, only one person in a hundred is willing to spend, and if each person only spends one dollar, then the daily revenue of this central forum will be as high as 800,000!"


"Daily revenue is 800,000! What a terrifying figure!"


"And this is only a small part of the Internet users, if we can make an online platform covering the entire network!"


"Under the blessing of countless traffic!"


"Crushing financial real estate, crushing entities, crushing the business world, no problem!"


The more Ma Yuan said, the more excited he became. This has always been a dream in his heart!


A huge Internet company!


However, there are not many people who are willing to believe in his dream.


Ma Yuan looked at Lin Feng, who had never spoken, and smiled awkwardly: "Lin Shao, if you don't believe me, you can look at the information I gave you!"


"These are the reports I put together about Internet users!"


Ma Yuan handed the documents on the table one by one to Lin Feng~www.readwn.com~ Lin Feng casually flipped through a few pages, then smiled and put the documents back on the table.


"Ma Yuan, in fact, I think there is something wrong with your idea!"


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ma Yuan's heart skipped a beat.


It seems that even Lin Feng thought he was talking big.


This disappointed Ma Yuan greatly. He thought that Lin Feng and he would be like-minded people!


Unexpectedly, he was just a person who didn't understand his thoughts!


"What's the problem? I'd like to ask Lin Shao to point it out."


Ma Yuan smiled reluctantly.


Lin Feng was silent for a while, and then said lightly, "Ma Yuan, you think about the Internet too simply!"



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