I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 372: : A chance encounter with Murong Orange!

"Is it?"

Liu Yan frowned and said, "But this smell doesn't sound like the air is stuffy..."

An Feiya was afraid that Liu Yan would think about it, and when she saw the clue, she hurriedly changed the subject: "Mr. Liu Yan, why did Qianqian ask you to come here so early?"

Liu Yan was successfully distracted and said with a smile, "It's nothing, it's just an art assignment. She wants me to help her hand it over to the art department."

Liu Yan paused, looked at Anfiya again, and said:

"Fiya, what's the matter with you? I hear your voice seems a little weak, do you have a cold?"


An Feiya's face was blushing, and she was about to refute, but after thinking about it, she nodded and said, "Well, I have a cold... Mr. Liu Yan, I may have been inconvenient these past two days. I need to take two days off..."

When An Feiya said the end, she was already coy in her heart.

She didn't deceive Liu Yan either, she was really inconvenient recently.

It's all the fault of Lin Feng, the bad guy, and he doesn't know how to treat her a little bit.

After all this tossing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to get out of bed these two days.

Although Liu Yan was a little puzzled, she did not continue to ask, and smiled: "Okay, then take a good rest, it happens that there are no important courses in the past few days!"

"Thank you teacher."


After coming down from the student apartment, Lin Feng didn't stay long, came to the parking lot, drove out the McLaren p1, and returned directly to the Tomson first product.

Anhe University is not far from Tomson Yipin, and Lin Feng soon returned to the Tomson Yipin residential area.

After parking the McLaren p1, Lin Feng returned to the apartment on foot, passing through Tomson Yipin's garden on the way.

The garden in the early morning is quiet and peaceful, and the moist breeze blows gently, which makes people feel peaceful.

Although it was still early, there were already many people doing morning exercises in the garden.

Lin Feng had been busy all night, and was so tired that he didn't have the time to watch other people's morning exercises, and walked in a hurry.


When passing by a woman wearing a mask, Lin Feng smelled a familiar fragrance!

This scent, like the faint fragrance of orchids, was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he smelled it.

Lin Feng couldn't help but turned around and looked at the woman wearing a mask!

This guy is very strange. It is already August, and he still wraps himself tightly, so he is not afraid of being bored.

However, although she was tightly wrapped, she still couldn't hide her graceful figure, which was definitely a beauty.

Lin Feng couldn't see her appearance, and naturally couldn't recognize who she was.


Lin Feng shouted tentatively.

After being called by Lin Feng, the masked woman stopped unexpectedly, but she still had her back to Lin Feng and did not turn around.

"My name is Lin Feng, do we know each other?"

Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

The masked woman was silent for a while, and then responded in a low female voice: "We don't know each other!"

After all, the masked woman left in a panic without waiting for Lin Feng to respond.

Lin Feng was confused by the masked woman, and said inexplicably, "What a weirdo!"

But he didn't think too much, he was too tired now, he still needed to go back to rest and prepare to meet with Xingyue Entertainment in the afternoon!

Lin Feng left and returned to the apartment to sleep.

At a corner of the garden, the masked woman stopped and hid in the corner.

She seemed to be very scared, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

After seeing Lin Feng walking away, she took off her mask, and suddenly a youthful and beautiful face appeared!

Murong Orange!

"It's dangerous, dangerous."

Murong Cheng pressed her proud chest, gasping for breath, looking like she was the rest of her life.

She actually just wanted to come down for a walk just now.

She thought that Lin Feng should not be here so early!

I didn't expect to meet Lin Feng, but fortunately Lin Feng didn't recognize her!

Otherwise, she is really in danger!

But Murong Cheng was still a little scared. She knew that she lived in the first grade of Tomson, and sooner or later, Lin Feng would recognize her!

Then the consequences would be unimaginable.

But thinking of Xingyue Entertainment, Murong Cheng was a little happy.

If Xingyue Entertainment really signed her and helped her settle Lin Feng's matter, she would no longer need to be afraid of Lin Feng in the future.

"Lin Feng, I'll get rid of you right away!"

Murong Cheng clenched his fists, and a look of joy appeared on his pretty face.

It was her dream to get rid of Lin Feng!

It was about to happen now, how could she not be excited?


Lin Feng slept directly until noon, and it was already the appointed time.

After taking a shower, he drove the McLaren p1 and left Tomson Yipin.

Come to Southwest Road Cafe.

When Lin Feng arrived here, the people from Xingyue Entertainment also arrived.

"Mr. Lin, hello! My name is Chen Yusen!"

The person who came here on behalf of Xingyue Entertainment this time was a young man in a suit and leather shoes. He also wore gold-rimmed glasses.

And his attitude is also good, not as arrogant as he imagined.

However, since Lin Feng learned about the tricks of Xingyue Entertainment, he has no good feelings for the people of Xingyue Entertainment.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not give this Chen Yusen any good looks. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Lin Feng asked bluntly.

Chen Yusen raised his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled: "We're looking for Mr. Lin this time. You must have told you on the phone yesterday!"

"In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I will say it again now!"

Chen Yusen took out a signed contract, put it on the table, and said with a smile, "This is Miss Murong's signed contract. Yesterday, Xingyue Entertainment had negotiated with Tianma Entertainment. As long as the contract is signed later, it will be signed immediately. It will work!"

"At that time, Miss Murong will become our contracted artist of Xingyue Entertainment!"

"So, in order to distance ourselves from Tianma Entertainment, we will terminate all of Miss Murong's current contracts!"

"Of course, it also includes the dinner party contract in your hand, Mr. Lin."

"Oh?" Lin Feng glanced at the signed contract on the table, and said with a playful smile: "The dinner opportunity I bought for 100 million yuan has procedures and is also reasonable and legal. You can terminate it if you say it is terminated?"

Chen Yusen smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you misunderstood! We are very sorry about the dinner party!"

"And we have also prepared a corresponding compensation plan, take a look!"

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After all, Chen Yusen brought another document to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked it up and looked at it, and sneered: "Compensate me 50 million? Are you kidding me?"

"When I bought Murong Cheng's dinner party, I spent 100 million yuan, and now you guys want to spend another 50 million yuan to send me away!"

"Do you think this is sending beggars?"

"Or, you didn't take me seriously at all?" Fu Pin Chinese

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