The Internet Empire in Lin Feng's heart has already completed its prototype!

The next concert is the key!

If you can beat Tianma Entertainment!

Then he Lin Feng can set foot on the top of the An River in one fell swoop!

At that time, with his body of nearly one trillion, he will return to the East China Sea with an invincible momentum and sweep the East China Sea, just around the corner!

"Qianxue, wait for me!"

"I will definitely save you!"

There was a cold light in Lin Feng's eyes.

He said that Liu Qianxue is his woman, no one can shake this!

Who dares to attack Liu Qianxue's idea, kill Wushe!


Come to Anhe Financial Center.

This is the commercial mecca of Anhe, where countless skyscrapers stand!

Lin Feng drove the McLaren P1 and came under one of the tall buildings!

After parking the car in the parking lot, Lin Feng walked directly into the high-rise building.

And this high-rise building is the branch building of the Lin Group in Anhe, and it is also the destination for Lin Feng to come here!

Anhe Lin Group and Jiangnan Lin Group are two completely independent large groups!

Back then, Lin Feng's grandfather, Lin Kun, founded the Lin Group.

After that, the Lin Group rose rapidly. At its peak, it even became one of several major groups in China, on an equal footing with several international giants!

But Lin Kun's sudden death broke the Lin Group!

The once unified Lin Group has also split directly. In addition to the most powerful Jiangnan Lin Group, there are two slightly weaker groups, one branch in Yanjing and the other in Anhe!

Although these two Lin clan groups are still Lin clan groups in name, the actual controller is no longer a member of the Lin clan!

They develop independently and are independent of the Lin family's system!

However, in any case, the Lin Group is still the industry of the Lin family. Lin Feng came here to understand the current situation of the Lin Group.


Enter the Lin Group Building.

Lin Feng walked directly to the front desk and said lightly, "Hello, I want to meet your president!"

The lady at the front desk was slightly taken aback when she heard Lin Feng's words.

This time, I will find their president.

rarely seen!

"Sir, I'm sorry, do you have an appointment?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "No!"

"But tell her, my surname is Lin, and I'm from Jiangnan!"

"She should come to see me!"

The lady at the front desk thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then wait a moment!"

The front desk lady started making calls.

After being connected, the lady at the front desk nodded and said to Lin Feng, "Sir, our chairman invites you up!"

"Lead the way ahead."

Lin Feng smiled lightly.


The lady at the front desk made an inviting gesture and took Lin Feng to the elevator.

The elevator goes up.

Came to the 30th floor of Lin's Building!

This is where the office of the chairman of the Anhe Lin Group is located.

Push open the office door.

Lin Feng saw at a glance that there was a mature woman sitting in the office.

This woman looks in her thirties, but she is well maintained. She has a beautiful face and fair skin. She is wearing a well-cut black dress with a white shirt, flesh-colored socks and high heels, and delicate makeup. A pair of Mature elite white-collar dress up!

"Are you from the Lin family?"

As soon as Lin Feng appeared, the mature woman stood up and said excitedly.

"I'm Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng didn't know this mature woman, but he still replied.

"Lin Feng?"

Hearing this name, the mature woman was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she seemed to have thought of something, and said, "Are you the young master Lin Feng?"


Lin Feng nodded and did not deny it!

He is very clear that the identity of the young master of the Lin Group should still be very useful here!

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I would still be able to see people from the Lin family."

The mature woman sighed, then smiled slightly, and said to Lin Feng, "Little Master, come and sit!"

Lin Feng was not restrained and sat directly opposite the mature woman.

After being seated, the mature woman introduced herself: "My name is Tang Yu, you can call me Aunt Tang in the future!"

"Aunt Tang? Do you know my father?"

Lin Feng subconsciously believed that the aunt's generation was basically the father's generation.

"Your father and I only have a relationship with each other. Strictly speaking, we are not too familiar with each other!"

Tang Yu smiled: "But I am very familiar with your grandfather. I used to be your grandfather's subordinate, helping to manage the Anhe Lin Group..."

Lin Feng was stunned again, people from his grandfather's generation?

Why are you still so young?

Tang Yu seemed to see Lin Feng's doubts and said with a smile, "I was only seventeen years old when I helped your grandfather manage the Anhe Lin Group."

"I didn't expect time to fly by, and twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye."

"You've grown so big."

"It's a pity that your grandfather will never come back."

When talking about Lin Kun, there was a hint of sadness between Tang Yu's eyebrows.

"So that's how it is..."

After Lin Feng heard it, he was speechless.

Being in charge of such a large group at the age of seventeen, this Aunt Tang is really not easy!

But it's not surprising that Lin Kun and Lin Feng back then had the same system to discover such top talents, it's really easy!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng tentatively used the talent detector on Tang Yu.


"Talent detector activated!"

"Discover SSS-level talents!"

"Name: Tang Yu!"

"Evaluation: A woman with a fierce style and a strong hand!"

"Potential: President of a large group!"

"Suggestion: The host cannot discover it!"

Seeing Tang Yu's ability, Lin Feng couldn't help being surprised.

SSS-level talent!

This is a super top business talent!

It seems that my grandfather has discovered that the strength of talents is still very powerful!

What makes Lin Feng puzzled is that Tang Yu's ability is so outstanding, why is the Anhe Lin Group unknown?

Before coming here, Lin Feng actually already knew about the Anhe Lin Group. This company has been involved in both the real estate and entertainment industry and the financial industry in Anhe!

But the strength is not outstanding, the assets are only more than 100 billion, and it belongs to the middle-class enterprise.

This is very inconsistent with Tang Yu's ability!

Lin Feng looked at Tang Yu suspiciously and asked, "Aunt Tang, since my grandfather died, has the Lin Group not had a chance to rise again from Anhe after so many years?"

Lin Feng's question made Tang Yu stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to remember something and sighed deeply.

"To be honest, over the years, the Lin Group has indeed had several opportunities to take advantage of the situation!"

"But I didn't do that."

"Why?" Lin Feng asked in confusion.

It is already a good thing to be able to make the Lin Group rise again. Why didn't Tang Yu do it?

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