I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 381: : Celebrity Dinner!

Seeing Lin Feng like this, Tang Yu sighed deeply, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Crazy Sand Literature Network


You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep!

She has persuaded everything she should have persuaded!

Since Lin Feng is obsessed and wants to die, she can't stop it!

Just let him go!

After Lin Feng faces this terrifying financial system, he should know how small he is!


After coming out of the cemetery, Lin Feng and Tang Yu separated.

Since it is impossible to recruit Tang Yu, it is pointless to talk to her any more.

It's better to leave early and prepare for the next thing!

Lin Feng drove the McLaren p1 slowly on the city roads of Anhe.

Looking at the fast-moving skyscrapers outside the car window, Lin Feng's heart was a little complicated.

After seeing Lin Kun's tombstone, let him realize that what happened next to him in Anhe will definitely become extremely dangerous!

In the future, every step you take, you still need to be careful.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of Ye Rou again, and didn't know where this little girl went.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and called again, but the reply he got was still unable to connect!

It seems that Ye Rou doesn't want Lin Feng to find her!

What does Ye Rou want to do?

Lin Feng frowned, and after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason.

Since he couldn't think of it, Lin Feng didn't plan to continue thinking about it, and drove the McLaren P1 away from the place.



Anhe Bund.

The Ritz-Carlton!

This is a famous five-star hotel in Anhe. It is located on the Bund of Anhe. It is only 500 meters away from the landmarks of Anhe and the Oriental Twin Towers.

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel will also host some large banquets!

Tonight's star dinner is held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel!

Before the time has come, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel has already cleared the idlers and parked all kinds of luxury cars, including Bentleys, Maybachs, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and more.

The security here is also very strict. A security guard stands around with a vigilant face. Whenever he sees a suspicious person, he rushes forward and asks loudly!

The road from the door to the front was paved with red carpets, and the welcoming ladies stood in a row wearing high-slit cheongsams to greet the guests. No matter where they swept their eyes, there was a wonderful view of white flowers.

The gathering of so many stars naturally attracted countless media. Long guns and short guns were placed at the door. Whenever someone stepped out of the car, the flashing lights flashed past, like thunder and lightning, making people dizzy. Dazzling can't stand.

Fortunately, most of the guests are used to seeing this battle, and they don't take it seriously. When they encounter questions from reporters, they answer them calmly!

Celebrity dinner!

Really high end!

At this time, suddenly a bright red Ferrari 488 roared from the far end.

"Li Yichen is here!"

"Focus on the camera!"


The reporters present heard the harsh roar and turned the camera around in a hurry.

The reason why they are so excited is because this Li Yichen is not simple!

This is a famous film and television actor in China, a popular niche student, known as the national male god.

A Ferrari 488 parked in front of the Ritz-Carlton.

Under the countless spotlights, Li Yichen in a white suit stepped down from the Ferrari 488 like a prince charming of countless girls.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Oppa, sign me!"

"Male god, Yi Chen male **** I am you!"

The girls gathered at the side suddenly slept, screaming with shining eyes.

Some mad female fans kept pushing up, and the human wall made of burly security guards blocked them for a long time before they were blocked.

You can see how crazy these people are!

For this scene, Li Yichen is no stranger to it. As a first-line male star in China, he was named a national male god, and he thinks that he is superior to all men in China!

With his conditions, it is not surprising that women can be made crazy!

Li Yichen stepped on the red carpet proudly and walked towards the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

at this time.


Boom boom boom!

A deafening engine roar cut through the sky.

All eyes were drawn to the past, only to see a McLaren P1 worth nearly 20 million roaring.

"McLaren p1! There must be another big man coming!"

"Turn the camera around!"

These media moved by the wind, and suddenly turned the lens originally aimed at Li Yichen directly to the McLaren p1!

Their move made Li Yichen very upset!

He snorted coldly and looked at the McLaren p1!

He would like to see how sacred this is, and how dare he rob him of his prestige!

The McLaren p1 soon arrived in front of the Ritz-Carlton.

The door is open.

Lin Feng, in a white suit and shoes, walked off the McLaren P1.

The appearance of Lin Feng stunned all the media reporters present.

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it in Anhe."

The media whispered.

None of them have seen Lin Feng, and they don't know where it came from.

And after seeing Lin Feng in a suit and leather shoes, the female fans who were onlookers suddenly became crazy.

"This little brother is so handsome!"

"Why do I feel that his temperament is better than Li Yichen?"

"Yes, yes, although Yi Chen Ouba is handsome, his temperament seems to be far worse than his."

"Want to sit in his McLaren co-pilot with him..."

Although these female fans didn't know Lin Feng, they were already attracted by Lin Feng's appearance, and they looked at Lin Feng with golden stars.

It's not surprising that they have this reaction.

After all, Lin Feng is not yet twenty years old this year~www.readwn.com~ is someone who has undergone system transformation. Although the height is only 175, the proportion of materials is very good, and the overall look is very handsome!

Moreover, his arrogant and cold temperament has invisible lethal power to women!

Therefore, the current Lin Feng is undoubtedly a girl killer.

This scene made Li Yichen very unhappy!

As a national male god, no matter where he went in the past, he was sought after by countless women!

There is no man like him at all!

But now, Lin Feng stole his limelight, which made him very angry!

However, under the watchful eyes, Li Yichen didn't dare to attack, so he could only give Lin Feng a ruthless look.

Just wait for me!

And Lin Feng didn't know that, he clearly didn't do anything, so he formed an enemy inexplicably!

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care at all!

Because in Lin Feng's eyes, this so-called Li Yichen is not worth mentioning at all!

At the same time, suddenly another luxury car drove over.

It's a Ford e350 van!

The price is not too expensive, about 600,000 yuan, which pales in comparison to the top luxury cars with several million moving axles.

But what is strange is that the appearance of this Ford e350 made all the media present tacitly turn the camera over.

They are all waiting, as if waiting for a heavy figure to appear!

Even after Li Yichen appeared in this Ford e350, his eyes were fixed on the door, waiting for the door to open!

The reason why a Ford e350 attracts so much attention is because everyone present knows it!

This is……

She is coming!

Rich Chinese

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