At the same time, Zhao Shan continued to speak: "Have you made up your mind? Can you break the contract?"

"I...I...I have no money."

Zhao Xiaoman lowered his head and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Zhao Shan sneered: "It's easy to do without money. If you dare to breach the contract without money, then I will sue you in court. Your net worth is simply unable to repay the liquidated damages you owe me!"

"When the time comes, the court will ask you to work for me to pay off the debt..."

"If you came to my company, do you think you could still run away?"

"At that time, not only will you not be able to escape from my palm, but you will also owe me a huge sum of money!"

"What I want to do with you is not a matter of words."

Zhao Shanyue said, the smile became more and more greedy.

This Zhao Xiaoman, he has already decided, Zhao Xiaoman will never escape today!

"You! You are mean!"

Zhao Xiaoman's face was extremely pale.

"Whatever you say, you will be mine sooner or later! I advise you, if you submit to me obediently, you may not suffer so much!"

"When I get tired of playing, I'll let you go."

"If you are stubborn and insist on breaking the contract..."

When Zhao Shan said this, he paused, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: "I will sell you to the lowest bathing center, so that people at the bottom of the society can see how much you are, a so-called female star. pretty!"

Zhao Shan's words made Zhao Xiaoman feel cold all over her body, and her pretty face showed a thick color of fear.

She knew that as long as her contract was in Zhao Shan's hands, Zhao Shan would definitely be able to do this!

She doesn't want to fall into the end of being humiliated by everyone!

But she didn't know what to do!

For a moment, Zhao Xiaoman's heart was filled with helplessness and despair.

If only... if Master Lin was here, it would be great.

If he is here, he will definitely help himself, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaoman suddenly laughed at himself.

Since Lin Feng helped her clarify her reputation that day, Lin Feng never came to her again, and didn't even look at her.

Maybe Zhou Qian was right!

Maybe Lin Feng just regarded her as a plaything!

It's just a tool to vent her desires, she didn't take her to heart at all.

"Have you thought about it?"

Zhao Shan had a dirty smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Zhao Shan in front of him, Zhao Xiaoman suddenly gritted his teeth and said coldly, "I will never give in! Stop thinking about it!"

"Humph! Don't eat and drink fine for toasting!"

Zhao Shan was furious, he raised his hand and slapped Zhao Xiaoman!

Zhao Xiaoman clenched his teeth and did not dodge in the slightest.

Seeing that a slap was about to land on Zhao Xiaoman's cheek, a big hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhao Shan's hand directly.

"It's not good to bully women in broad daylight?"

A cold voice followed.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Xiaoman was stunned for a moment. This voice was very familiar to her, even very familiar!

This is Lin Feng's voice!

Could it be that this is Lin Feng coming to save him?

Zhao Xiaoman couldn't believe it, she turned her head and saw a handsome face.

Lin Feng!

It was indeed Lin Feng!

At this moment, a strong look of joy appeared on Zhao Xiaoman's pretty face.

"Master Lin!"

Zhao Xiaoman shouted excitedly.


Lin Feng glanced at her and nodded.

Zhao Shan was even more angry when he saw the two of them.

But since this was the scene of the celebrity dinner, Zhao Shan didn't dare to attack, so he could only look at Lin Feng with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Boy, where did you come from?"

"Dare to play a hero to save the beauty in front of me, are you courting death?"

Lin Feng also looked at him, his eyes were extremely dull.

"Why are you pestering her?"

When Lin Feng came over just now, he also heard something, this Zhao Shan seemed to be threatening Zhao Xiaoman.

Since it is a threat, Zhao Shan must have Zhao Xiaoman's handle in his hands.

Zhao Shan leaned back, leaned back on the chair, and said arrogantly: "She owes me money, I asked her to pay it back, it's just right, what's wrong?"

"How much does she owe you?"

Lin Feng still looked calm.

"Say it for fear of scaring you to death!"

Zhao Shan smiled grimly and raised a finger: "One hundred million!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiaoman immediately retorted and scolded angrily: "You talk nonsense, I don't owe you 100 million! You are extorting!"

"Humph! Now your contract is in my hand, it is written in black and white, if you breach the contract! You will pay me twenty times the liquidated damages!"

"This is a reasonable and legal legal contract. If you say that I am extorting, it is simply bloody!"

Zhao Shan is an old fried dough stick in the society. It is too easy for him to deal with a woman like Zhao Xiaoman.

Today, he is going to use the contract to force Zhao Xiaoman to submit!


Zhao Xiaoman's face turned red, and he was so angry.

She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to refute Zhao Shan.


Her current contract is indeed in Zhao Shan's hands!

What Zhao Shan wanted to do with her was just a matter of thought.

Zhao Shan looked at Lin Feng again and sneered, "Boy, don't you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Come on! Help her pay back 100 I'll let her go today!"

Zhao Shan looked at Lin Feng contemptuously.

In his opinion, this 100 million is enough to shock Lin Feng.

But what made him feel strange was that Lin Feng did not change in the slightest when he heard the expression of 100 million.

Lin Feng still looked at Zhao Shan calmly and said, "Is it only 100 million? I thought it would be a lot."

Zhao Shan was stunned when he heard Lin Feng's words.

One billion less?

This kid is so pretentious!

"You brag is quite powerful, and you still want to be a hero in front of beautiful women, I..."

Before Zhao Shan finished his words, he suddenly saw Lin Feng take out a golden five-clawed golden dragon card!

Suddenly, Zhao Shan swallowed the words that had already reached his lips.

Five-claw golden dragon card!

This can only be used by people with a net worth of over a billion!

This kid can take out this golden dragon card, which shows that his identity is absolutely extraordinary!

"There is 100 million in this card. If you dare to ask for it, then take it!"

Lin Feng's tone was still very calm, and he put the golden dragon card on the table.

Looking at the golden dragon card on the table, Zhao Shan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Lin Feng with a cold sweat.

"You... who are you?!"

Zhao Shan's voice trembled.

He was completely frightened by this golden dragon card, because he knew very well that this golden dragon card not only represented wealth, but also supreme existence!

In fact, his net worth is over 100 million, and he once wanted to go to Huaxia Bank to apply for a four-claw golden dragon card!

But Hua Xia Bank didn't even look at him at all, because he was a coal boss, and his wealth could not match his own power.

Therefore, he has absolutely no right to apply for the Golden Dragon Card! Rich Chinese

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