I am simulating the road to eternal life in the chat group

Chapter 317 Generous rewards! Fatal crisis!

[The bridge guard nodded, indicating that your guess is correct. The daughter of the Immortal Emperor of Samsara did die in the Sky Tower game. Because of the special nature of the Sky Tower game, once you die in the Sky Tower game, you are completely dead and cannot be resurrected. 】

[However, the Immortal Emperor of Samsara is unwilling to give up. Since the props in Paradise Paradise don’t work, he wants to resurrect his daughter with his own Taoism. This is undoubtedly a fight against the rules of the Tianta. 】

[Listening to the words of the bridge guard, you can’t calm down. It has to be said that Senior Immortal Emperor Samsara is indeed a great father and has great courage, and he actually dares to challenge the rules of the Sky Tower. 】

[However, although you admire the Immortal Emperor of Samsara, you also know very well that the ending of all this will not be too happy. 】

[As you might have guessed, the bridge guard spoke again. The rules of the Sky Tower were obviously not something that the Samsara Immortal Emperor could compete with. Although the senior was stunning, he still failed to revive his daughter. 】

[But, even so, the Immortal Emperor of Samsara still had no intention of giving up. He chose to try to reincarnate his daughter and used the memory of her daughter’s existence to create a soul. This soul could hardly be said to be his own, but this could be regarded as entrusting his support to the Immortal Emperor of Samsara. hope. 】

[Then, this soul began a long reincarnation, and the soul gradually wanted to get closer to the daughter of the reincarnated immortal emperor. To this day, the people guarding the bridge don’t know where this soul has gone. 】

[Then, something weird happened. That weird ability is very simple. It spreads darkness, absorbs darkness, grows to the extreme, and the darkness is immortal. He will last forever. 】

[As long as you are a living being, there will be a dark side in your heart. For this reason, unless all living creatures are destroyed, this weird thing cannot be killed. 】

[Listening to the words of the bridge guard, you feel awe-inspiring. No wonder the source of darkness exists in every world, but there is no turmoil. It turns out that it is absorbing dark emotions. 】

[You have also encountered the weirdness of absorbing negative emotions. However, the weirdness of growing to this stage has never been seen before. No wonder this weirdo has never died. Alpha also said that this weirdo is unkillable, so it turns out that's the case. 】

[If nothing else, it is impossible for the existence of three digits to kill this weird thing. Whether two digits can kill it is unknown. Maybe the two figures didn't care about this weirdness and were too lazy to take action, or maybe they couldn't kill him completely. 】

[Of course, the second possibility is very small. After all, a two-digit existence can destroy all the heavens and all the worlds at will, and even restore all the heavens and all the worlds in a single thought. Using this kind of method to kill a three-digit weirdo is just a matter of thought. 】

[For this reason, there is a high probability that the two figures are not interested in taking action. Perhaps, there is also a double-digit calculation involved in this. 】

[While you were thinking, the bridge guard spoke again. This weirdness was too dangerous, so after this weirdness appeared, the Immortal Emperor of Samsara did one thing, which was to use his own reincarnation path to drag Weird's body into endless reincarnation to prevent him from causing harm to the world. 】

[This approach can greatly slow down the speed at which Weird becomes stronger, while isolating his influence on the outside world. 】

[As the bridge guard spoke, he sighed, indicating that the Samsara Immortal Emperor was waiting for someone who could help him kill the strange person. It's a pity that after so many years, no one has grown to the level of the Immortal Emperor. 】

[Hearing this, you frowned slightly, a little confused. After all, the senior time traveler in the first generation time traveler chat group has reached a double-digit level. Could it be that the people guarding the bridge don't know of his existence? 】

[Seemingly sensing your doubts, the bridge guard shook his head and spoke again. He said that there was indeed a being with the same force as you, and now he is the supreme figure, but he is not a primitive earthling like you who traveled to this world, so he is not included in this list. 】

[The words of the bridge guard make you very shocked. After all, you have always subconsciously thought that the senior in the first-generation traveler chat group was the same as you and Leng Yue. He traveled to this world and grew up with the help of this world. Unexpectedly, that person did not travel to this world. 】

[However, a new question arises. Since he did not travel to this world, did not grow up in this fantasy world, and was not recognized by the world, why did he destroy the Immortal Realm without suffering the sanctions of the chain of order. 】

"Alfa, didn't that person travel to the same fantasy world as me?"

Wang Ping looked at the content of the text simulation, his face was also filled with astonishment, and he contacted Alpha.

"No." Alpha's voice rang.

"Then why did he kill all the Immortal Kings until no one dared to call them immortals, and why did he want to destroy the Immortal Realm?"

Wang Ping was very puzzled.

"At that time, I could no longer eavesdrop on his voice. I didn't know many of his secrets."

Alpha was silent for a moment and then spoke.

"However, I also have some speculations. If nothing else, he should have obtained some kind of special prop. The prerequisite for this special prop is to reach a certain world where no one dares to call him an immortal and become the only immortal in the world. Immortal Realm , just met the conditions, so he came over.”

"As for the reason for destroying the Immortal Realm, I don't know. However, since he did it, he must have gained huge benefits from it. He rarely does things that are not beneficial."

At the end of the sentence, Alpha felt very complicated.

"That's right." Wang Ping nodded thoughtfully: "You did say that he is the ultimate egoist."


"What's wrong?"

Wang Ping noticed something strange about Alpha and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Nothing." Alpha said vaguely.

"You must have some grudge against him for tearing you apart, so you smeared him. However, as I gradually became stronger and became more and more involved with him, it seemed that we would have to meet him sooner or later, so you felt guilty. ”

Wang Ping has become a quasi-immortal emperor, his intuition is so sharp, and he started to complain with strange eyes.

"I didn't. By the way, I have something else to do, so I'll go and get busy first." Alpha dropped these words and went diving.

"Tsk, this Alpha really has a guilty conscience." Wang Ping smacked his lips.

Sure enough, whether they are mechanical creatures or humans, when evaluating other people, they will include personal emotions and speak in a direction that is beneficial to themselves.

"No, it should be said that Alpha is becoming more and more humane. If it was the original Alpha, he probably wouldn't do this."

After a pause, Wang Ping concluded with a smile.

After summarizing, Wang Ping continued to stare at the screen.

[Next, you didn’t hide your thoughts and asked the questions in your heart. 】

[The bridge guard also gave an explanation for this. It is precisely because of the behavior of the supreme being that destroyed the fairyland that such order and rules appeared in this world. This kind of rule is equivalent to the world's self-protection mechanism. 】

[When you heard this, you had a weird expression. You didn’t expect that this rule was created by the senior in the first generation chat group. It is also thanks to these rules that you can narrowly survive in the hands of the second generation chat group. 】

[Of course, considering that person's plan against him, even without this order rule, the main body Wang Ping should not die. However, this is just a theory. What the real development will look like, no one can say for sure. 】

[Now that the questions in your mind have been answered, you feel that there is little point in staying here. For this reason, you plan to get out of here. 】

[However, you remembered that you were bound by the Chaos Demon King with special props. If you reach the four-digit limit, you will have to resurrect him within ten thousand years. 】

[Now, you have broken through to the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and have surpassed the four-digit limit level, reaching a level between the four-digit limit and three-digit level. For this reason, that prop must have taken effect, and you must resurrect him within ten thousand years. 】

[Otherwise, even you now will definitely die. After all, the rules of Paradise Paradise are not something you can resist today. 】

[Unfortunately, it is obvious that you cannot easily revive him based on your own words. Although there are treasures or props in this world that can resurrect the giant Immortal King, those things are difficult to find in a short time. 】

[For this reason, you looked at the bridge guard again and made a request to him, hoping that he would use the reincarnation path of the world of life and death to resurrect the Chaos Demon King and let him reincarnate, preferably as a pig. 】

[Hearing your words, the bridge guard looked a little strange. However, he has no intention of rejecting your request. 】

[Finally, you went to the Demon Realm, dug out the remaining thoughts of the Chaos Demon King, and threw them to the bridge guards. After the bridge guard's operation, the Chaos Demon successfully entered reincarnation and was reincarnated as a pig. At the same time, a restriction was planted on the Chaos Demon King. Even if he could re-enter the path of cultivation as a demon cultivator, he would not be able to transform in this life. 】

[You are very satisfied with this result. After all, you were tricked by the Chaos Demon King, but you were very angry. However, you have also considered that the Chaos Magic Scripture has indeed helped you, so you have no intention of killing them all. Disgusting the Chaos Demon King like this is the best way to deal with it. 】

[Next, you say goodbye to the bridge guard, and plan to find a quiet place to retreat and practice hard, and try to reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor. 】

[Seeing you were about to leave, the bridge guard stopped you and told you something. That is, don’t be too credulous about the future you see. You have reached the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and you should know very well that the future can be interfered with. Even the past can be interfered with. If it weren't for your special characteristics, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor would have completely relied on the river of time to swim back and kill you. 】

[Even some giant Immortal Kings who practice the way of time can also do this kind of thing, but they need to pay a high price. 】

[However, even if you come from the original land and have the blessing of the Immortal Emperor of Reincarnation, you still cannot believe in the future you see. After all, the Immortal Emperor of Samsara is very strong, but Weird is even more dangerous. No one knows that he has surpassed the Immortal Emperor of Samsara and interfered with the future you see. 】

[When you hear the words of the bridge guard, you feel awe-inspiring, and a sense of crisis appears in your heart again. At the same time, you also understand something again. It turns out that behind you is not only the senior in the chat group of the first generation of time travellers, but also the Immortal Emperor in this fantasy world who protects you. 】

[However, if you think about it carefully, you may think this is normal. If you perform a life simulation, you will be discovered by powerful beings. The Immortal Emperor of Samsara, as a three-digit existence, how could he not discover that you are conducting life simulations and predicting the future? 】

[Not only the Reincarnation Immortal Emperor, Wei Wei must also know about it. Perhaps, only if your life simulator reaches a three-digit talent level can you avoid their perception and interference. 】

[And when you perform the simulation when you are still weak, there is no reason for the accident, it is just that the two parties have been playing games. Of course, the time when you are noticed may be later. At least, he should not have been noticed when he was in the Purple Spirit Realm. At that time, the source of darkness did not exist. 】

[In other words, when you came to the upper world and performed the simulation, Weiyi discovered your existence through the source of darkness, and the same was true for the Immortal Emperor of Reincarnation. 】

[However, considering the special characteristics of the Immortal Emperor and Weird, you have just traveled through time, and there is an abnormality in the long river of time, and the possibility of being noticed by them is not small. 】

[For a moment, you couldn't calm down and sighed in your heart. Sure enough, if you travel to this fantasy world and there is no one behind you, even if you have a powerful plug-in, you will never grow up, and you will be easily strangled in the cradle. 】

[I can only say that when you come out to hang out, you really need to talk about the background. This is a wise saying no matter which world it is in. 】

"I haven't traveled through time yet, but just after traveling through time, I'm being taken care of by a bunch of old monsters. It really makes my teeth hurt."

Wang Ping was really speechless when he saw the content of this text simulation.

However, Wang Ping was speechless and had no choice but to do as he should.

Only when he reaches three digits or even two digits can he have the right to speak.

Afterwards, Wang Ping calmed down and continued to stare at the screen.

[Next, after you calmed down, you handed over your hand and thanked the bridge guard for the reminder. Then, you left here and began to practice asceticism. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a million years have passed. Millions of years have passed, and the world has been peaceful, with nothing major happening. Wei Wei is still in a state of being involved by the Immortal Emperor of Reincarnation, unable to make any big moves. 】

[And you have been enlightening for millions of years, and you have understood the Taoism of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to the extreme. Unfortunately, the Immortal Emperor's way is too elusive and you have no way of starting to break through that bottleneck. 】

[However, although you have not broken through that bottleneck, you have done a lot in these million years. For example, all the people and forces related to you such as the Taiyi Emperor Palace were brought to the Little Immortal Realm by you, which can be said to be a real promotion. 】

[At the same time, with your amazing Taoist methods, you merged the small fairyland and the demonic realm into one world. Half of it is the realm of immortals, and half is the realm of demons, sharing the world. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another million years have passed, and you still have not been able to realize the truth. This makes you feel very uneasy, and you always feel that it can't go on like this. 】

[For this reason, you came to the world of life and death again and made a request to the bridge guard. This request is to meet the Immortal Emperor of Samsara. 】

[The bridge guard is not surprised by your request, he just left a meaningful sentence. This sentence means you should sit down and die. 】

[Listening to the bridge guard’s words, you were stunned and fell into silence. You know very well that this sentence is not meant for you, but for the main body Wang Ping. 】

[Obviously, the Immortal Emperor of Samsara noticed something and reminded Wang Ping of his body in this way. If you don't sit down and continue to waste time here, you may put Wang Ping in danger. 】

[In the end, you have complicated emotions, looking at the world from a distance with nostalgia and reluctance, which eventually turned into determination. You chose to take the initiative to sit down. 】

[As you sit down, this simulation ends.]

As the text simulation ended, many images of insights and memories appeared in Wang Ping's mind.

"There are too many pitfalls. Emperor Samsara, what did you see?"

After Wang Ping absorbed the memory, he frowned.

Just when Wang Ping was thinking, the system's voice rang again.

"Ding, the reward was generated successfully, and the host received the following rewards:

①. The cultivation level of the quasi-immortal emperor.

②.Chaos Immortal Body (Perfect Domain).

③.Four-digit talent·True damage.

④. Quasi-immortal emperor weapon·Chaos Immortal Clothes.

⑤. Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Weapon·Swallowing Immortal Beads. "

As the rewards were refreshed this time, Wang Ping's pupils suddenly shrank.

It should be a happy thing to get all the rewards this time, but the implications are quite astonishing.

After all, this way of refreshing rewards has never happened before.

This was obviously reminding him of something.

To be precise, it has been made clear.

When alarm bells rang in Wang Ping's heart and a storm arose, his cultivation also began to soar, from the level of Immortal King Dzogchen to the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, Wang Ping's Chaos Immortal Body also transformed into the realm of perfection.

Ye Cang, somewhere, felt some kind of change, sighed, and gradually turned into a point of light and disappeared.

However, before disappearing, he stroked his sword gently and looked into the distance with a deep gaze, not knowing what he was thinking.

When there were changes on Ye Cang's side, Wang Ping also had four-digit talent and true damage information in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the two quasi-immortal emperor weapons, Chaos Immortal Clothes and Swallowing Immortal Pearls, appeared.

To be precise, it was his Chaos Immortal Clothes and Devouring Immortal Beads that transformed him to the level of a quasi-immortal emperor.

At this moment, Wang Ping became the most equipped quasi-immortal emperor, exactly the same as the simulated configuration before Wang Ping took the initiative to sit down.

However, despite becoming extremely powerful, Wang Ping was still not very happy, but his expression was extremely solemn.

Wang Ping took one step, left the Demon Realm, and came to the depths of the Dark Sea, waiting quietly.

While Wang Ping was waiting, the terrifying darkness broke out, and the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors and Dark Immortal Kings that Wang Ping was familiar with appeared.

"It looks like you're still a step too slow?"

A dark quasi-immortal emperor said with great regret.

"The Immortal Emperor Samsara is really difficult to deal with. Even if our master wants to completely hide it from him, it will be difficult to do so."

The bloody quasi-immortal emperor said with a cold face.

"Haha, now we are in trouble. After all, we can't beat him."

Among the four dark quasi-immortal emperors, the only woman also spoke.

However, what she said made people feel like she was teasing Wang Ping.

"It's useless to talk more. Let's fight. With the power of the monarch, we can kill all the quasi-immortal emperors."

The last dark quasi-immortal emperor spoke.

As the words of the last dark quasi-immortal emperor fell, the dark sea became turbulent, began to fade, and turned into its original appearance. Although it is equally dangerous, as long as you reach the true immortal level, you can try to cross the sea. , go to other realms.

As the Sea of ​​Darkness faded, endless dark power began to pour into the bodies of the four dark quasi-immortal emperors, causing their power to rise with terrifying momentum.

When Wang Ping saw this scene, he immediately chose to stop it, but found that his attack was useless. Although he broke some of the darkness, he could not erase it all in a short time.

However, Wang Ping still had no intention of stopping, and bombarded with all his strength, trying to erase as much darkness as possible so that their power would increase to a smaller extent.

At this moment, Wang Ping finally understood the meaning of the conversation between the bridge guard and the simulated Wang Ping, and also understood the importance of the prompts of the life simulator.

Without these prompts, if the four dark quasi-immortal emperors suddenly appeared and launched a sneak attack on him, he would definitely die.

Even though he has become the most qualified Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he is still not sure of victory when facing the four dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors blessed with strange powers.

To be precise, it was not that he was not sure of victory, but that if he did not escape to the Paradise of Heavens, he would definitely die.

Because when erasing the darkness, he had already seen the outcome of the battle through a free simulation.

This battle was his defeat.

If he chooses to stay and fight, if he doesn't choose to give up the endless creatures in this world, if he doesn't give up on the Taiyi Emperor's Palace and many other forces, and if he doesn't flee to the paradise of the heavens, he will definitely lose.

However, it is not without a turnaround.


It was at this moment that a stream of light came across the sea and appeared in front of Wang Ping.

This sword is clearly a quasi-imperial weapon, Ye Cang's natal quasi-immortal imperial weapon.

This is the only turning point.

"Weird, you can see my simulated future, but you can only see and interfere. If I draw the talent to break the game, can you really stop me?"

Wang Ping held Ye Cang's natal Immortal Emperor weapon and murmured to himself.

Then, Wang Ping said sorry to Ye Cang's natal quasi-immortal emperor weapon, and planned to conduct a paid simulation.

"Don't worry, if we can save this world, my master and I will die without regrets."

The sound of the quasi-immortal emperor's weapon rang out.

"." After Wang Ping fell silent, he sighed and chose to speak: "The system consumes a quasi-immortal emperor weapon, and I want to conduct a paid simulation."

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