I am so Accurate

Chapter 138: Go out to meet a distinguished person

At the entrance of the arena, Sun Hao asked Nowitzki to return to the hotel first.

He waited for a while, Yi Jianlian and his... female classmates came.

The front stand was a bit far away and I didn't see it too clearly. At this moment, when I looked closer, Sun Hao discovered that it was an American.

And depending on the fashion level of the dress, like a Los Angeles native, in the case of Sierra Leone, the children of a big star may also be.

"Brother Hao, this is Lucy, a classmate in my class."

"Hello, Sun Hao."

Sun Hao said hello, just called his younger brother and sister.

"Yi often tells me about you, you play very well."

Lucy is quite talkative.

It's this "often"...

Well, Sun Hao suddenly felt that he really lost completely in terms of women.

Yi Jianlian is deeply hidden.

"You guys have a chat, I'll go back first."

After chatting for a while, Lucy waved and said goodbye to them.

When the people were gone, Sun Hao couldn't help but patted Yi Jianlian's shoulder hard.

"Boy, it's okay! The girlfriend is ready to talk quietly!"

Sun Hao was a little angry. It wasn't that Yi Jianlian had a girlfriend that he was angry, but that Yi Jianlian didn't tell him this matter in advance.

Killing a dog is completely different from killing a dog after tricking it in.

"Girlfriend? Brother Hao, what are you talking about."

Yi Jianlian blushed when Sun Hao said.



Sun Hao pointed to Lucy's direction.

"No, she is not. Didn't you tell me to learn English? She also wants to learn Chinese, and then we help each other."

When Yi Jianlian said this, every cell in his body seemed to be explaining.

"Oh, learn English!"

Sun Hao had a suddenly realized expression.

It's also pretty good.

Walk the kidneys, not the heart.


Sun Hao got his first 30+ in his career and played against Kobe, and the "Sports Weekly" once again put him on the front page.

Su Qun's "The limit of madness is no limit", coupled with Sun Hao and Kobe's left and right splits, directly detonated domestic fans.

"What Mr. Su said, the four future shooting guards in the new century: Iverson, Sun Hao, Kobe, Carter!"

"Sun, the sky is your limit!"

"Don't tell me, the sun and the sky, aren't they all together?"

"This nickname came from Barkley, so he looks like Sun Hei, but he is actually Sun Chu?"

"6 is turned over, it is 9, black to the depths of natural powder, no problem!"

"By the way, I really like Nowitzki. He and Sun Hao are inside and outside, Dallas has double shots, Splash Brothers, it's awesome!"

"Some of you have noticed that Nowitzki looks like the King of Silver Horn in "Journey to the West"?"

"Which silver horn king? Why am I not impressed?"

"In the twelfth episode, the golden horn king of the lotus cave, the silver horn king, and the silver horn king shouted with a purple gold red gourd: I call you, do you dare to agree?"

"There is, there is a picture, I will go, you didn't say that I didn't find it, when you said I found it really looks like it! No, it's just a person!"

"Haha, Silver Horn King Nowitzki, Sun Hao, what is Nash's name? What is Finley's name?"

"Finley has a nickname, shepherd, let's translate it, how about calling her a cowboy?"


"As for Nash, playing is very elegant, you see that his pass is still fast, as fast as the wind, how about the son of the wind?"

"Pretty! Congratulations, you have been accepted by the Dallas department, and you can go to work tomorrow!"

"Haha, now Dallas has the Big Four nicknames, this is about to take off!"

"So now, can we start looking forward to the championship?"


A day later, the Mavericks went to Sacramento to play a game with the Kings.

Their winning streak was also ended here.

Old Nelson's former disciple Chris Webb, with 30 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals and 3 blocks, blasted Nowitzki.

The Princeton game of the Kings is very mature, completely different from the semi-finished products of the Barcelona team when Sun Hao was in Europe.

In all, this is the second time the Kings beat the Mavericks this season.

It also exposed many of the Mavericks' weaknesses. Although their record is excellent, the hard power is actually not that strong.

If they want to become a team with the strength to compete for the championship, they still have a lot to improve.

After the game with the Kings is over, the Mavericks are ready to return to Dallas.

But Sun Hao didn't go back with him, he took the plane to New York directly.

There are two ways for the NBA to receive the Rookie of the Month, either before the game or by going to the New York League office.

The Mavericks did not have the Eastern Conference recently. The pre-match award is expected to be very late, and Sun Hao simply flew over and took it by himself.

It just so happens that he can go to the New York Stock Exchange.

The windfall of investing in Google before gave him confidence in investing.

Of course he doesn't know how to do business, so he doesn't go to see if he has any familiar stocks, and buy a lot of it as leisure and entertainment.


The NBA is headquartered in Manhattan, New York.

To be precise, it is in the "Olympic Tower" building at 645 Fifth Avenue.

Sun Hao called in advance when he went there, and when he arrived at the door, a special staff member came to greet him, and he was also an Asian named Tatum.

Stern pays attention to details in his work, and some clues can be seen from this.

Getting a trophy is not just a process, but a series of processes.

For example, we have to wait for Stern to come, and then some reporters based at the NBA headquarters will come to take pictures, and even have some interviews after taking it.

This whole process is a bit like information gathering.

After all, those who can get the NBA Rookie of the Month are likely to become famous in the future.

At that time, his news was the media and fans, as well as the stories that Esley said.

After finishing this series of processes and leaving the NBA headquarters, Sun Hao had time to look carefully at the trophy.

The trophy is two special diamonds, one high and one low, one wide and one narrow, like two swords.

In the middle position, it is his shooting style when shooting.

Under the model, there is the words "Dallas Mavericks" in November 2000.

Rookie of the month is not a big honor, but the NBA has put a lot of thought into this aspect.

Putting the trophy into his school bag, Sun Hao then took a taxi to the New York Stock Exchange.

The exchange was in the innermost position on Wall Street. Before going, Sun Hao went to the next Broadway and took a look at the "Bronze Bull Statue".

This iconic building that represents the image of Wall Street, if it’s not really here, I don’t know if it’s on Broadway next door.

Speaking of entering the NBA, Sun Hao found that he really almost threw away his hobby of traveling.

When he entered the stock exchange along the narrow street that was extremely inconsistent with the impression, he heard that there were people trading in the winter vacation, and Sun Hao felt like he had strayed into the vegetable market.

He is a little uncomfortable.

This is not in line with the legendary place that made many people get rich overnight and made many people ruined in an instant.

He listened for a while, but he didn't find anything familiar to him, and finally gave up.

He found that he was really not omniscient and omnipotent.

He turned around to exit the place, but looked up and saw a familiar person not far away.

Gu Yi.

This guy is squatting on a corner and looking around, like a hunter looking for prey.

Sun Hao retracted his gaze, and then he was about to leave the exchange.

But just at this moment, Gu Yi, who was still squatting in front, suddenly jumped up, walking towards Sun Hao as if he finally found the prey he was waiting for.

As soon as Sun Hao left the exchange, Gu Yi followed.

"Sun Hao, Sun Hao, it's me, Gu Yi."

Gu Yi was completely blind, and ran to Sun Hao.


Although Sun Hao had some good feelings for him, the two meetings were such strange occasions, and he didn't want to get in touch too deeply.

"Gu Yi, that day at Richardson, the restaurant in Chinatown, a venture capitalist."

Gu Yi's speech was concise, and he quickly explained the main points.

"Oh, I have a little impression, what's the matter?"

"Have you considered what I told you that day? I can really help you build an unprecedented business empire."

Gu Yi looks at me to see if I look like the noble person you are destined to meet.

Sun Hao shook his head.

He knew he was traveling, but he wouldn't be able to meet that kind when he went out for a meal.

This is not the same concept as the former rich Paul and Cannon Baker. Those people know it because he knows it, but Gu Yi, he has never heard of it, and it is impossible to hear it.

When you go out, beware of fraud. This is what the police uncle said to him most on TV in his previous life.

"Give me half an hour. Let's sit down and have a cup of coffee. You can listen to what I say first. If it doesn't work, I won't bother you again."

Sun Hao glanced at him and said nothing.

"20 minutes."

"10 minutes! 10 minutes will do!"

Sun Hao did not rush to agree, but asked a question first.

"Are you really a venture capitalist?"

Deliberately stunned, he didn't seem to expect that Sun Hao would suddenly ask this question.

Sun Hao was waiting for him to answer.

"No, but I used to be, I didn't do it well, I am now a stockbroker."

As Gu Yi said, he took his business card into his pocket.

This time he really took it out.

Sun Hao glanced at it. This identity, coupled with his image when he was squatting on the stock exchange, seemed real.

"You said, a liar, why should I believe what he said?"

Sun Hao returned the business card to Gu Yi and asked.

Gu Yi was stunned.


Sun Hao patted him on the shoulder, then turned around to leave.

"Five minutes, no need to drink coffee, just here, five minutes."

Gu Yi gritted his teeth and said.

Sun Hao turned around and motioned to him.

"Now you have to preempt a company in your name, and then immediately contact the endorsement dealer, find the endorsement fee is not very high, but the user group is very large, such as telecommunications, insurance, and the kind that all sign short-term. Then use those endorsement fees to acquire a few small companies, go public, find an industry you like, and build your own brand, such as chain restaurants, retail stores, and even travel companies."

"You'd better also change a team, such as Los Angeles or New York. If it's not possible, Chicago will do. Dallas. You know that there are not many Chinese. It is difficult for you to receive local endorsements. That's why there are so many players. Why I want to go to Los Angeles."


In five minutes, Gu Yi didn't speak much, and his speech was not very fast.

It can be seen that although time is tight, he is always talking about the key points.

"I know you may feel that you don't need this now, because you will have a lot of commercial contracts, and there may be more in the future, but what I just said will allow you to seamlessly enter the business model after you retire. , You can start enjoying life as soon as you retire."

When he finished speaking, seeing Sun Hao not responding, he then added.

Sun Hao reached out and rubbed his nose.

To be honest, what Gu Yi said may sound flawed in the details, but there is nothing wrong with the general direction.

There is a saying that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. In order to tell him this, Gu Yi probably prepared a lot in private.

This is also what Sun Hao worried about.

He doesn't like the feeling of being watched.

"The last question, how do you know that I will go to Richardson, go to that restaurant, I want to be honest."

Sun Hao looked directly at Gu Yi.

"I do not know."

"You do not know?"

"Whenever I go to a place, I will survey people with investment potential there, and then I will get to know them and write down them, Dallas Chinatown, the first Chinese to land in the NBA, you must be one of my goals~www. ltnovel.com~ And I waited there for a week, it was the last day before I left, so we are fate."

Fate is a ghost.

After Gu Yi finished speaking, Sun Hao suddenly laughed.

Although it sounds unbelievable, it seems that he really met a noble man when he was out for a meal.

"There is a coffee shop over Broadway."

Sun Hao said.

After Gu Yi waited for these words, his face burst into radiance, but he still didn't express too much excitement, just nodded vigorously.

When he arrived at the coffee shop, Gu Yi and Sun Hao said more and more detailed things.

He really has something to say for half an hour.

For example, he felt that if Sun Hao couldn't change the team at once, he would have to make use of the limited Chinese resources in Dallas.

First establish a fan club to provide fans with weekend gatherings, and at the same time allow fans to promote, so that more people become Sun Hao fans.

Fans are the foundation of popularity. Sun Hao's desire to get more endorsements in Dallas has something to do with the Chinese market here, but it's not just Chinese.

Then, you can put some news about Sun Hao going shopping in Chinatown, so as to attract more fans to go there, and attract more Chinese to go there, to make Chinatown bigger.

Then, when you have a fan base and endorsement is a matter of course, you can consider starting a personal brand.

For example, Sun Restaurant, Sun Clothing, Little Emperor's headband of the same style.


There are many detailed suggestions like this, and he even mentioned financial management with Sun Hao.

He knows that Sun Hao has been playing professionally in Europe very early, and he is "definitely" lacking in this regard.

ps: Thanks to Zhang Lele mua for the reward! !

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