I am so Accurate

Chapter 435: So O'Neill has to lose weight?

Sun Hao was taken aback for a moment.

He thought Walker would be moved, but he didn't expect Walker to say this.

The power of Jackson's words was greater than he expected.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at O'Neal, if only O'Neal had such an awareness!

At this moment, Sun Hao, who had completely given up on O'Neill to lose weight, suddenly began to think again.

The Lakers want to defend their title and even win more championships as they say, O'Neal must lose weight.

Otherwise, in the playoffs, the Lakers will be targeted very thoroughly.

However, Sun Hao believed only half of what Walker said.

People’s weight is always easy to add, but difficult to reduce, otherwise weight loss will not become a world-class problem.

Don't think it is easier for professional players to control their weight, just look at the experience of "Rain Man" Camp.

This thing, to put it bluntly, depends on the degree of self-discipline.

Walker is not a person known for self-discipline in his mind.

The Lakers still did not play the next day, and Jackson just arranged daily training.

But on this day, the coaching staff opened a "small stove" for Walker and asked the team's physical coach to make a professional weight loss plan for him.

At this time you have to sigh again with the benefits of big cities.

Even if it is the same NBA team, its professionalism is also differentiated.

But again, the key to whether it can be reduced or not lies with Walker himself.

The NBA season continues, and in a blink of an eye it has come to mid-November.

Because of the veteran status and O'Neal's defensive problems, the Lakers' record is not as good as people think.

Of course, it's not bad.

After the first 15 games, the Lakers have a record of 11 wins and 4 losses, the same record as the Spurs, but temporarily ranked first in the West due to the relationship between the wins and losses.

The good news for the Lakers is that Walker is still trying to lose weight, and he has already had some results!

This is also the difference between NBA players and ordinary people. As mentioned before, Anthony returned to indulge in the summer to restore his body shape, which is a matter of one or two months.

This is not only for Sun Hao, but also for all the Lakers.

It can only be said that Jackson's remarks had a great impact on Walker.

During the training session that day, after watching O'Neill show a surprised look, Sun Hao hit the iron while it was hot:

"Shaq, look at what Antoine can do. Do you think you are worse than him?"

Sun Hao is using the radical method.

"That kid is really surprising."

O'Neill nodded approvingly.

However, his next words let Sun Hao know that O'Neal is still the one he is familiar with.

"But the kid was forced to lose weight because of his poor performance. If he doesn't do that, he will have to get out of the team. The Sharks won't be like that."

Yes, it is estimated that O'Neill will lose weight as hard as killing him.

But Sun Hao didn't give up easily this time, even for the Lakers to defend the title, he couldn't just give up so easily.

This day the team’s daily training session, O’Neal came to the training hall on time as usual.

He walked into the locker room to change into training clothes, but before he went in he smelled something that made him sick.

"Which **** pulled **** into his trouser pocket!"

O'Neill cried out, covering his nose when he entered the door.

But when he entered the door, he saw Sun Hao and the Lakers members eating there...Of course it was not shit.

Durian, a tropical fruit from Malaysia, has a strong smell. Those who love it will praise its fragrance, and those who dislike it will complain about its smell.

Not all Americans have eaten this tropical fruit. Sun Hao brought it to the Lakers teammates.

When O'Neill saw it, a thought "You guys eat shit" came out of his heart, and then he went out of the locker room with his nose.

Nothing else, just because this is the fruit he hates most!

In his opinion, the thing that smells like **** shouldn't be eaten by humans.

Of course, this is just an episode of training day, how should the Lakers train or how to train.

Then, until the next day, Sun Hao was eating durian with his teammates in the training hall again!

O'Neill chased Sun Hao directly.

Regarding his dislike of durian, he told Sun Hao during the chat last season.

This guy Sun Hao was obviously deliberate!

The two played the game of "Eagle Catches the Chicken" in the training hall, and Sun Hao was driven to run all over the field.

But in the end, O'Neill was tired from running. His current fat body really couldn't run Sun Hao.

"Well, I surrendered."

O'Neal finally sat on the bench on the sidelines, breathing heavily.

Sun Hao smiled and walked over when he saw it, and sat down some distance away from O'Neill.

Of course, he had already thrown durian or something elsewhere.

"Sun, can you stop eating that thing?"

O'Neill took a breath and turned his head and said.

Big sharks have never been scared, neither will durians.

The key to the problem is...

"Smelt the smell of that thing, I couldn't eat the steak before going to bed yesterday."

That's right, it doesn't matter, but for foodies, it can't affect his appetite!

"This is a good thing, Shaq."

Sun Hao replied.

O'Neill had a black question mark face, and he thought Sun Hao was teasing him.

"Shaq, do you think you get tired more easily than before?"

Sun Hao then asked.

O'Neal didn't speak, but it was considered acquiescence.

After a person becomes fat, physical exertion is exhausted, which is something that everyone knows.

"I'm serious this time, Shaq, you have to lose weight. If you don't lose weight, your career will be shortened."

Sun Hao put away his smile and said seriously.

Just like he gave Yao Ming two choices at the beginning, although O'Neal's talent is better than Yao Ming, he can't escape as a big center.

Weight gain shortens career, or weight loss career, you can only choose one of the two.

If O'Neill does not lose weight, he would choose the former.

"I know what you said, and I know what you mean."

O'Neal is also rare this time seriously.

He is not stupid either. The season has been playing for almost a month now, and he knows how he is playing.

He is still a big shark offensively, but he is already weak on the defensive end.

It's not even just a problem of being unable to get out, he can easily fall into a foul crisis during the game.

Some people may say that this is only the past season, and even if O'Neal has changed heaviness, the difference will not be that big.

In fact, there is another issue that is easily overlooked is the partner problem.

Last season, O'Neal's inside partner was Malone, and Malone often wiped his ass, doing dirty work.

But after his inside partner became Walker this season, not only did no one wipe his butt, he also wiped his ass!

Therefore, there are many fouls and the exposure of defensive problems is completely reasonable.

"But it's hard to change my dietary pattern for so many years. I can't take it if I eat less."

O'Neill continued.

There are two main reasons why he can't lose weight. He can't increase his training volume and his appetite can't decrease.

"Shaq, so did you eat steak last night?"

Sun Hao did not refute, but asked.

"Don't mention it, I remembered the taste of the food halfway through the meal, and I just threw the other half."

When O'Neill spoke, the probe glanced at the durian lying in the distance, and then showed a very disgusting expression.

He really doesn't like this thing.

"So I said this is a good thing. Get up every day and smell the durian, and your appetite will naturally come down."

Sun Hao said seriously.

O'Neill stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, Sun Hao is a wolf!

"Do you remember what you told me when I first came to Los Angeles? You said that we were not going to take one, not two, or three, but 4, 5, 6 or even more championships, without you I can not do it."

Sun Hao looked at O'Neill and said meaningfully.

O'Neill, get to that point.

He is now 35 years old. If he continues to allow himself to gain weight like this, it will be a miracle to reach the age of 40, and those words will become empty talk.

And what was even more terrible was that sentence. He said it, then Sun Hao said it, and finally Old Buss said it too, which meant that the whole world knew it.

So if he didn't do it in the end, or even a lot of difference, he would definitely be spit out.

"Let me try."

O'Neill nodded finally.

Seeing O'Neill's reaction, Sun Hao's joy jumped to his brows.

If O'Neal is also willing to lose weight, the Lakers can look forward to the future!

"I supervise you."

Sun Hao continued.

O'Neill nodded.

Sun Hao stretched out his fingers again, and the last two people hooked their hands in laughter, even if they had reached an agreement.

However, after reaching the agreement, O'Neill couldn't help but glanced at the durian, then his expression was slightly struggling.

He feels that the days ahead will definitely be the gloomiest in his life.


A good day starts in the morning.

Today is game day. Jackson did not arrange for team training in the morning. O'Neal waited until the sun was basking before getting up from the bed, and then stretched.

Saying good morning to the bright sun, O'Neill got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and then went to the refrigerator to find food.

He has to eat five meals a day, as he said when communicating with Sun Hao.

Breakfast is also the easiest meal of his day, he will eat 5 egg whites.

He opened the refrigerator to get eggs.

But at the first moment when he opened the refrigerator, he smelled a shit-like smell.

It was at this time that he remembered what he had promised Sun Hao yesterday.

In order to do what he said, he asked his chef to buy durian in the refrigerator that night.

He had forgotten this matter before his mind was so clear this morning, but the smell made him instantly recall it.

"damn it!"

He felt his stomach agitate, and suddenly felt that he had agreed with Sun Hao yesterday.

But no way, who told him to agree.

He is a man who will do what he says.

He resisted the urge to vomit and took the egg out of the refrigerator.

I don't know why, he has the feeling of picking eggs in the shit, like a layer of invisible **** on the yellowed eggshell.

No, no, no matter how much he compares, he feels that he can simply avoid this breakfast.

He rushed for a long time before throwing the egg into the egg cooker, and then walked to the door to get a gust of wind.

When the eggs were cooked, he came back.

I don't know if it was because the refrigerator was opened before, or because the smell of eggs and durian had penetrated into the eggs after a long time, or it was just a mess in his heart. The egg whites didn't taste good anymore.

He only ate 2 of the last 5 egg whites, which made it hard to swallow.

The good news is that because he got up late, his lunch time is not far away.

He went directly outside to play with the Bengals.

Before going out, he opened all the windows of the house to ventilate the house.

By noon, his chef had prepared lunch for him.

The doorbell rang just as he was about to start eating.

It's Sun Hao.

Sun Hao also stayed at home all morning. Of course, unlike O'Neill, he habitually entered the system for three hours of training.

With a time ratio of 1:3, he also lay an hour longer than usual.

Get up to take a shower, and slip down two cats in his yard, and then he runs to O'Neill's house.

O'Neill couldn't help but stretch out his hand when he saw Sun Hao.

This lunch seems to be too much to eat.


The key to weight loss is not how scientific your method is, but how long you can persist.

Others get up the first sentence every day to cheer themselves up. O'Neill opens his eyes every day and the first thought is that **** durian.

Don't tell me, he ate less than usual for several days.

But after a long time, his own mentality was a bit exploded.

Because he felt like he was living in shit, and he could smell that **** wherever he went.

That feeling is really terrible.

That's worse than he killed him.

But he agreed to Sun Hao. If he repented, Sun Hao would definitely have to tease him.

That morning, he opened the refrigerator as usual.

He was going to hold his breath to get the eggs as he had done in the past few days.

But the moment he stretched out his hand, he suddenly changed his mind.

He also took out the box of durians by the way.

Of course, the durian was newly bought by the chef yesterday. Many things in the refrigerator will contain toxins after being stored for a long time. Safety is the first priority and cannot be eaten casually.

Although the fruit is much better, it is impossible for people of his class to eat it.

Well, eat.

After he sat down, he looked at the durian smelling of **** in front of him, and suddenly a very magical idea came out.

He had always felt that this thing smelled like shit, so he was extremely disgusted.

But this thing, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be a tropical fruit?

And when he watched Sun Hao take him to the locker room to eat for other people that day, the other people seemed to be eating deliciously?

He pursed his mouth, and a bold thought popped out of his mind.

How about trying to eat shit?

Bah, durian?

To prevent foodies from not eating one thing, this thing is really not good for him.

But before it has been eaten, it is not equated with bad taste.

O'Neill summoned his courage, then reached out and picked up a piece of durian.

He pinched his nose, then stuffed the durian into his mouth, resisting the vomiting in his stomach, and then bit down.

A bite.

Ok? It seems delicious?

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