"I'm resurrected?!"

Meng Fei looked around in surprise, but pinched his shoulders in disbelief. The clear pain told him that this was neither a dream nor a paradise, but a definite reality.

But after getting up, he denied his thoughts.

Because he found that there were no tall buildings around, no noise of car horns, and no gorgeous neon lights.

In front of him was a village with a strong ancient atmosphere, and a kerosene lamp that tried to shine but was still not as bright as the light.

Meng Fei realized that he was not resurrected on the spot after being hit by a car, but resurrected and traveled to another world.

Full of curiosity about this world, coupled with his own stomach, Meng Fei began to walk towards the village not far away.

"I don't know if it's ancient times or some fantasy world." As he walked and said, Meng Fei's heart actually showed a trace of excitement.

In the village not far away, there are many houses of all sizes and types, and most of them are lit, as if welcoming someone. In such a night, the lonely Meng Fei also felt a little warm.

However, a strange thing happened. Meng Fei found that as he got closer to the village, the number of houses in the village seemed to be decreasing?

"What's going on?"

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But nothing in front of him changed.

He was sure that there were indeed fewer houses!


Soon, a stomach call came, and Meng Fei had to think that he was starving.

Even if it was far-fetched, there was nothing he could do.

"Hey~ brother!"

Just when Meng Fei was puzzled, he found that there was a yellow-faced villager in simple clothes greeting him in the place opposite to him in the village.

Meng Fei walked in front of him, kept a certain distance, and asked: "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, brother!" The villager answered with a smile, looking very friendly, "Brother, are you lost? Then you saw our village, and when you came over, you found that there were fewer and fewer houses in the village?"

"Yes! What's going on?" Hearing him talk about the problem he just encountered, Meng Fei was a little surprised and a little panicked.

"Hahaha." The villager laughed, and then explained to Meng Fei carefully: "Brother, you don't know, there is a kind of miasma in this wilderness that is harmless but can cause hallucinations, so don't worry, brother, this kind of hallucination is normal, and it only appears on the night of the full moon, and it is normal at other times."

After that, Meng Fei looked up at the sky. The dark sky was like a curtain, and the round moon seemed to be drawn with a compass.

After taking another deep breath, he found that the air here was indeed different. After taking a deep breath, Meng Fei actually felt nauseous. He stepped back and found that in his eyes, the whole village was only left with this house in front of him.

"Well... it seems to be true."

Meng Fei nodded. After confirming that everything was fine, he finally let go of his guard against the villagers.

"Brother, if you don't mind, stay here for one night." The villagers were enthusiastic, and then pulled Meng Fei's sleeve, motioning him to enter the house.

However, Meng Fei's face showed a trace of doubt.

"What are you waiting for, brother? My house is quite big, and you can eat whatever you want. Could it be that you don't mind?"

"Oh, no, I'm here."

Perhaps he was too hungry, so Meng Fei had to compromise.

But when Meng Fei still had one foot left outside the door, his body stopped.

Then, his head slowly turned to the villagers who did not follow him into the house with astonishment in his eyes.

"Why don't you light up the house at night?"

"Huh? Why are you kneeling on the ground all of a sudden?!"


Meng Fei suddenly screamed, even startling the nearby birds.

There was no light in the villager's house. Looking at the villager, he found that he did not follow Meng Fei into the house, but knelt respectfully on the ground behind him, muttering something.

Because he was close, Meng Fei could still hear clearly that the words were "Sir, please enjoy slowly..."


Meng Fei knew that things were not as simple as he thought, so he leaned back and wanted to get out of the house immediately.

However, the door at this time was not pushed open to the left or right like before, but from above, a very sharp guillotine fell, and it was so fast that Meng Fei could not react and chopped it down.

Meng Fei could not dodge in time. If he continued to lean back, he would definitely be split in half!

So, he had to use force from his waist to force his body back.

However, his body was twisted back, but his feet that were left outside because of suspicion were not so lucky.


The huge guillotine fell, and the sharp knife instantly chopped off Meng Fei's feet, and he had no time to react.

The intense pain even made Meng Fei forget to close the door, and his body actually slid towards a position.

But soon, the pain disappeared again, and Meng Fei, who was sweating profusely, realized that his current situation was probably even more grim.


Two huge beams of light lit up, and Meng Fei saw everything clearly.

There were arc-like walls all around, and the two beams of light in front of him were actually two huge white candles.

"I, I am in a giant bowl?"

Meng Fei said in disbelief.

Even though he couldn't believe it, it was an indisputable fact.

"In that case, am I being treated as a tribute to something?" Meng Fei asked in shock as he recalled what the villagers had said before.

However, before he could take action, a terrifying huge mouth appeared on top of Meng Fei's head carrying enough saliva to drown Meng Fei's entire body. The huge and sharp fangs made Meng Fei tremble suddenly.


Meng Fei shouted desperately.

Are you going to die again just after being resurrected?

He was unwilling but helpless.

The terrifying giant mouth had already covered half of Meng Fei's body. At that moment, Meng Fei only had one last wish left in his heart.

"If he is still alive, we must kill all these monsters and monsters! No one will be left alive!"

But those are all fantasies. The fact is that he is going to die, and it will be instantaneous.

In the end, he chose to close his eyes and face death quietly.

[Ding! The host is detected to be on the verge of death and the system has been successfully activated! ]

[Infinite Resurrection System: The host will have the ability to infinitely resurrect, and will become stronger after each resurrection! ]

[The system takes effect immediately! ]

"What the hell are you playing..."

Before Meng Fei could react, and even only a few words came out of his mouth, he had been swallowed completely by the huge mouth of someone who didn't know who it was.


"Am I resurrected again?"

Meng Fei opened his eyes again and looked at his intact body in disbelief.

But the next second, his breath was instantly held.

Because he found that he was standing behind the previous villager, who was kneeling on the ground as religiously and seriously as before.

However, the difference is that this time, in Meng Fei's eyes, the villager is no longer the plainly dressed yellow-faced villager, but a huge rat with a hideous face, and there is even a stench of rotten food coming from the villager's body. uploaded.

So, Meng Fei moved quietly behind him, and suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Meng Fei was instantly frightened and trembled. When he turned around, his mouth was covered by a man dressed as a Taoist priest.

"Shh~ If you want to live, come with me!"

Looking at him, there was nothing unusual about his smell or body. In addition, he was really at a loss at this moment, so Meng Fei had no choice but to bite the bullet and simply follow him.

Every time the Taoist priest took a step, he would scatter something strange on the ground. Meng Fei followed closely. Looking back, he found that the villagers were looking around, but they were as if they were blind and could not see. Meng Fei and the Taoist priest were escaping in front of him.

Finally, after a while, the two were already some distance away from the village.

After stopping, the Taoist priest stared at the bag where he had thrown things with a distressed expression, and then scolded Meng Fei with a serious and angry expression: "You are so brave! Is Fenggui Village a place where people can go?" !”

"Fenggui Village?"

Meng Fei looked confused.

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