"It's just a tiger."

The voice was full of helplessness. Perhaps it was once an extremely proud existence, but in the end it ended up like this, which was really tragic.

"Tiger meat? Hey~ That's not bad!"

Who knew that after hearing that it was tiger meat, the big yellow dog actually laughed shamelessly and smugly. This time it really picked up something.

And even if the big yellow dog was like this, the tiger demon was also extremely helpless. It could do nothing but watch all this happen and was powerless.

Until the day when the meat on its body disappeared completely.

However, what is even more terrifying is that as a demon, its self-healing ability has not been erased by it. Almost every time it is eaten, it will take a long time, and it will almost grow back during that time.

Then it is equivalent to an extremely terrible fact, that is, it will always suffer such torture here, and there will be no peace.

Its tone is also full of numbness. When it said those words to Meng Fei and others, it was as if it was a knot in its heart.

Almost every creature that breaks into this place, even if it doesn't understand human language at all, will tell stories like this, as if it will make him feel better after doing so.

For Meng Fei, when he thought that this was also the work of that night demon, it made sense that his previous ability was invalid again. He finally stopped worrying about it and even felt a lot more relaxed in his heart.

Then, it began to talk to itself again.

In this room, only its voice can be heard, but its shape cannot be seen. Such a scene is really weird.

And because it has been talking to itself all the time, it is extremely difficult for Meng Fei and others to even interject a few words.

Finally, in a gap, Meng Fei and others seized the opportunity and quickly asked it: "We have a question to ask you, where is the night demon now?"

"Next..." When it was about to continue telling its story, it suddenly heard such a question and was stunned.

The three words "night demon" seemed to pull it back to the world of reason at once, and it smiled.

The room was filled with its unbridled laughter, and then it was heard asking with some confusion: "Tian Yasha? What do you want to do with it?"

"Haha, aren't you asking knowingly?" Meng Fei replied with the same unbridled laughter.

Unbridled laughter was heard again in the room, and that was the voice of the tiger demon.

It naturally understood what Meng Fei said, and it did ask knowingly. They couldn't come to inquire about Tian Yasha's news to die, right?

Although in its cognition, their asking was indeed like dying, but its purpose was definitely to meet with it.

It was not a saint, and since Meng Fei and the others wanted to die, it would definitely not stop them, but it suddenly hesitated.

Suddenly, the room became very quiet.

Of course, the reason for the silence was nothing else, just because the tiger demon who had been chattering before shut up.

Although they could only hear the sound and could not see his expression, they should all know that this guy was probably in some kind of contemplation.

As for what it was thinking, it was difficult for them to guess with its erratic language and behavior.

But Meng Fei could sense that this guy did not disappear.

So they waited patiently for its answer.

A moment passed.

The tiger demon, who had been struggling for a long time, finally made a sound again, but this time it was no longer decadent and irrational, but extremely sober.

Even in the irritable tone, a hint of desire could be vaguely detected. It said directly: "Kill me! I will tell you everything I know!"

"Kill you, of course! There is only one question, who will tell us the secret after killing you?" Meng Fei replied.

"Don't worry about this, I'm ready. As long as I die, my memory will automatically enter your mind!" It promised several people, hoping that they could believe him.

They couldn't capture this guy directly, nor could they say anything to force a confession. In this case, they had no choice but to choose to believe this guy and agree to his request.

"I hope you can do what you say." Meng Fei rolled up his sleeves.

"Well, at least tell us how to kill you first?" Looking at the cabin in front of him, Gu Liu was also at a loss, not knowing where to start.

However, just when they all thought that the tiger demon would tell them, it did something strange and directly rejected their request.


These three words came out of their mouths at the same time.

After all, it was this guy who wanted to die and be liberated, but it refused to tell them how to die.

"Are you going to die or not?" Meng Fei's face was full of anger, and he always felt that this guy had not regained his sanity and was just making trouble with them.

However, it spoke again, and this time it seemed full of expectation and said:

"Forgive me for being willful, but if you can't pass this level, then it would be a fool's errand to fight against Tianyaksha. Even if you pass it, it will be difficult to fight against him, but I still want to take a look. Although your Your strength is still far behind that guy, but I don't know why, I always feel that you are different. It gives me a very special feeling. It feels like you have extremely powerful and mysterious vitality, like a star. Like saplings that grow freely without any influence..."

Although he did not mention his name, everyone knew that it was Meng Fei he was talking about.

Meng Fei was also a little surprised. The last time someone said this about him, it probably dates back to when Long Fu paid attention to him in Wugong City.

Unexpectedly, we would encounter such a situation again today. Could it be that a strong person with such strength would begin to have a certain feeling for Meng Fei's mystery?

So in other words, this tiger monster is similar to Long Fu at that time, is it a terrifying existence that can kill Diyaksha?

However, the gap between the strength of Di Yaksha and that day Yaksha is really the difference between heaven and earth. Even if you are hundreds or thousands of meters above the ground, you are still under the sky. This is an indisputable fact.

So, it's really not easy to deal with this guy.

"No more nonsense, let's get started!"

Meng Fei greeted everyone, also responding to the tiger demon's words.

The tiger demon didn't make any more noise at this time. If there was still a face there, it would probably have a very expectant expression.

First of all, with the blessing of the blessing talisman, Meng Fei planned to destroy the cabin first.

Since this guy trapped the tiger demon, there must be an inseparable connection between the two.


Meng Fei's fist was like a meteor falling, and he violently rushed towards the cabin in front of him with a terrifying fist style.


There was no reaction.

Meng Fei was dumbfounded.

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