"Little Tianzong? What is that place?"

While rocking on the carriage, Meng Fei communicated with the driver.

"Don't you want to go to a sect for training? The best one around here is the Xiaotian Sect. I haven't heard much about it, but I still know about the famous places."

There was a look of reminiscence on the old master's face, as if there was a story behind Xiao Tianzong.

So, he continued: "I know that there are four major sects in the world, namely the Sun and Moon Yao Sect, the Great Tianmen Sect, the Xingchen Hao Sect, and the Ming Mie Huan Sect, and almost all of them have small sects under them, and the Xiaotian Sect is The subordinate sects of the Datianmen Sect, and the subordinate sects of the four similar sects are almost the top existences outside the four major sects. "

"Oh, I see, let's go to Xiaotian Sect." After hearing his explanation, Meng Fei directly determined the direction.

At this time, Meng Fei thought of another question and asked him: "Master, if I want to enter the Datianmen Sect, do you have any advice?"

The old master thought about it again and realized that this matter was indeed not within his cognitive scope. What he could know were some very famous ones, so what he said would be more accurate.

Not to mention the Great Tianmen Sect, even the Little Tianmen Sect is not a place that ordinary people can go. If the qualifications are slightly inferior, they will not be able to enter the sect directly. And he told Meng Fei about such a place simply because he thought that since Meng Fei could... Xue Yuan, who was carrying the "curse", escaped completely. Naturally, he was not an ordinary person.

That's why Xiao Tianzong was told to him, which was also recognition of Meng Fei's strength.

After thinking for a while, the old master seemed to gradually piece together a complete answer from the scattered memories in his head.

"Since it is a subordinate sect, there should be better connections, but it is hard to say, because from a cognitive point of view, only those who are considered talented by the Datianmen Sect but are not talented enough to enter the Datianmen Sect can enter. Xiaotianzong..."

What the master said made sense, and Meng Fei nodded slightly, agreeing with his idea, but the specifics still had to be at the place.

What he said is right. After all, although the Little Heaven Sect is a subordinate sect, they always think that they have some privileges that allow them to enter the Great Heaven Sect better and easier. But if you think about it carefully, the fact may be just the opposite. This Little Heaven Sect does not Is it just for those people who the Great Tianmen Sect thinks have talent, but not enough?

A little talent, but just a little bit, because sometimes many things are hard to say, and many people and things are unpredictable. Just like some people have average talent, but they have become very strong people through hard work, so they don’t want to Such people are lost, and at the same time, we don't want them to enter the Great Tianmen Sect and waste unnecessary resources, so there is a special existence like the Little Tianmen Sect.

As for things like entry, the entry test is naturally indispensable. There should always be people coming to such a sect, wanting to enter, and there will definitely not be too many people selected in the end, but for Meng Fei Speaking of it, he thought it shouldn't be difficult.

The road is long and the horse is in a hurry. Along the way, there are various scenery, including beauty and depression. In short, the final result remains unchanged.

After a hard journey, the cart puller finally brought Meng Fei to his destination.

Little Tianzong!

Three big characters were clearly displayed in front of Meng Fei.

Here is an extremely beautiful hill, full of aura, like a beautiful land set off by the sky and the earth. The mountain is even covered with steaming clouds and mist, covering it with a mysterious veil.

What is hidden underneath cannot escape Meng Fei's eyes. They are the halls of houses where teachings are passed on, and there are also places for martial arts training. It is vast, but it seems that there are not too many people moving in it.

The crowds in those activities were undoubtedly disciples of the sect. Even the people from the Xiaotian Sect felt that there were not many people. Generally speaking, it was relatively rare to see groups of three or two people.

It seems that it is indeed difficult to get started here. If you think about it this way, the difficulty of getting started in Datianmen Sect is even more unimaginable.

"With my strength, it shouldn't be difficult to get in casually, right?"

Standing in front of the mountain gate at the foot of the mountain, Meng Fei said to himself. In short, he was very confident and thought that there should be nothing wrong with him.

But when Meng Fei stepped into the mountain gate, he discovered that there was a person lying on the hammock and sleeping soundly on the other side of the mountain gate.

Meng Fei walked by and noticed something was wrong underground, as if there was some hidden mechanism.

At this time, I saw the hammock shaking non-stop, and the people on it suddenly woke up.

The man quickly woke up, cheered up in an instant, turned his head suddenly, and finally stopped at Meng Fei's side. He loudly said to Meng Fei: "Don't be nervous, I am a disciple of Xiaotian Sect guarding the mountain gate, because there is often no one around." I have nothing to do here, so I fell asleep. Oh, by the way, are you here to become a disciple or something? "

Although Meng Fei seemed to be disturbing his rest, he seemed very polite and harmonious after seeing Meng Fei. This may also be related to the fact that he often guards the mountain gate here. Being idle for a long time is really boring, so someone came to him Seems very excited too.

"Be my disciple." Meng Fei also replied harmoniously.

He showed a bright smile, and then took Meng Fei with him, "In this case, follow me!"

Along the way, while leading the way, he chatted with Meng Fei, and even later talked about what kind of girls they each liked.

Meng Fei couldn't help but feel that he seemed to have been detoured. This guy seemed to have deliberately detoured just to chat with him for a while.

Fortunately, just when Meng Fei wanted to ask this guy, he stopped. It turned out that he had finally reached the end of the land.

In the end, they also left their names to each other, but this time Meng Fei did not say his real name, but used the pseudonym "Meng Rufei" that he had thought of before.

That guy also reported his name, and Meng Fei also remembered that his name was Zhang Xiang. It was indeed as his name suggested, and his mouth kept chattering...

Coming back to his senses, what was now in front of Meng Fei was a test field, with all kinds of special things, almost all for testing people.

However, people here were not depressed.

Meng Fei found a wandering person and asked him. This guy was also here to take the entrance test like him.

He told Meng Fei that it turned out that this Xiaotian Sect had more than one mountain gate, but Meng Fei happened to go to the more remote one, and almost no one came in from there.

The mountain gate was also the most remote and farthest from the entrance test. Meng Fei realized that it was not that guy who took a detour, but that the mountain gate was too remote. No wonder that guy could sleep so well...

Here, there are always people who host entrance tests, and entrance tests are like passing a level. After passing all the levels, you can officially enter.

"Passed the level? It sounds interesting."

Meng Fei touched his chin.

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