At noon.

Huaicheng, shrouded in ghosts, cannot be seen by ordinary people. Only Taoist priests passing by or those who are naturally psychic can get a glimpse of its true appearance.

Two miles outside the city.

It is a dense bamboo forest. In this sunny summer season, it is definitely a good place to escape the heat and have fun.

Therefore, many people come here.

Of course, Meng Fei and Gu Liu also stopped here with the same thoughts.

However, it is not safe in the daytime. According to legend, ghosts and evil things only wander around at night or in unknown places.

This is naturally wrong.

The real situation is that even if the sky is clear in daytime, there will still be ghosts and monsters causing trouble and bewitching people.

And on the horizon not far from the bamboo forest, a black shadow like a swarm of insects appeared in a position that could not be observed by the mortal body.

Different from the real insect swarm, this is not a broad scene formed by a large number of insects, but the negative impact brought by a ferocious evil ghost with round eyes and chiseled teeth.

"No, there are too many irrelevant people here. Let's get out of here quickly!" Seeing this scene, Gu Liu hurriedly said to Meng Fei.

Both of them knew not to harm innocent people, so they set off immediately. Under the puzzled eyes of the people around them, they hurried to a place far away from the bamboo forest.

Just to avoid the crowd.

The Yaksha was also very cooperative and followed them directly, without harming innocent people. Rather than saying this, it is better to say that it has no intention to care about it at the moment.

After all, there are other people that it needs to deal with immediately.

The so-called grudges and hatreds will blind one's reason even in front of ghosts. Although the fetters between this family are understandable, one code is the same code. Since he has become an evil ghost and caused harm to the world, then welcome All they have is destruction.

Finally, after a lot of trouble.

The two people and one ghost who had formed a friendship almost a month ago finally met each other's eyes at this moment.


It looks no different from ordinary ghosts. After all, the main difference is in strength, not appearance. Of course, it is also extremely scary, that is, it has higher intelligence and will not be easily deceived. Even You will also have your own thoughts.

And if there really seems to be any difference, it may be due to the different sense of oppression brought about by different strengths.

Obviously, the Yaksha floating in front of the two people at this time was completely different from the ghosts they had seen before. The surrounding air became even colder and stinging, like cold knives on the skin of the two people. Paddling back and forth.

"Are you sure you want to fight this thing?" Looking at Yasha who was testing the two of them, Gu Liu said extremely unsure.

"OK!" Meng Fei said firmly.

His confident look made Gu Liu a little afraid to fight with him. After all, the yellow paper was not on him, and he could not be resurrected. If he was killed by one blow, he would really die.

Meng Fei looked at Gu Liu's scared look, his eyes almost filled with the word "coward", so he said angrily: "Didn't you even face the more terrifying Di Yaksha? A mere Yaksha was so scared. ?”

"What do you know? It was said that I also participated in the battle, but in fact I was just fighting on the sidelines. The main work was done by a few senior brothers..." As he said that, he remembered the terrifying scene at that time again, and suddenly felt a burst of excitement. Afraid.

Meng Fei had long been accustomed to his cowardly look, and he said in an angry tone: "Haha, I suddenly admire you. You are so brave that you become a Taoist priest even though you are so cowardly!"

"..." Gu Liu was speechless for a while, mainly because he was unable to refute.


Suddenly, Yasha over there seemed like he couldn't stand it any longer, and even opened his mouth to scold the two of them.

It listened to the whole conversation between the two people. It had wanted to take action earlier, but it was stunned for a while when it heard the word "Di Yaksha". However, it later heard that killing Di Yaksha had nothing to do with the two people in front of it. Finally, it felt relieved.


In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

I saw that Yaksha rushed directly in front of Gu Liu, and the familiar patterned blood eyes once again struck Gu Liu's pupils. The eyes he had seen before were exactly the same as the ghost in Fenggui Village before!

"Why did you come to me first again?!"

Gu Liu looked innocent. Ever since the Scarecrow battle, he had always become the enemy's first target.

But this time he still figured it out. After all, he was the one who stabbed the sword in the first place. If he wanted to take revenge, it would be understandable to come to him first.

But the question is, what should he do now?


There was another loud sound, and what Gu Liu didn't expect was that Meng Fei was so fast. In an instant, Meng Fei reacted and kicked Gu Liu away.

Gu Liu rolled to the ground, a mouthful of old blood had reached his throat, causing him to choke.

But he didn't complain, after all, he still knew the difference between spitting out blood and dying directly.

"Don't worry about it! Leave it to me!"

Meng Fei shouted loudly to Gu Liu who fell to the ground.

"I want it too!"

Gu Liu was really in trouble. After all, he didn't want to fight that thing. It was the thing that chased him and he didn't want to fight it either.

As expected, Yasha ignored Meng Fei and flew directly towards Gu Liu who fell on the ground.


"Think of a solution quickly, Meng Fei!"

Because Gu Liu had not recovered from the previous kick, he was now anxious on the ground.

"Got it!"

At this critical moment, Meng Fei took out the yellow paper.

He gave orders directly to the yellow paper: "Damn Yaksha, come and kill me!"


The Yaksha's palm had already touched Gu Liu's crown, but his body suddenly stopped.

Gu Liu, who was panting, had his eyes squeezed into hemp ropes. In a moment of silence without any movement, he slowly opened his eyes.

He was relieved to find that Meng Fei had controlled the Yaksha with the yellow paper.

Then, the Yaksha turned around and killed Meng Fei directly.

What Meng Fei didn't expect was that he was beheaded directly after just a simple encounter.

Then, resurrected and beheaded.

Resurrected and beheaded.


Except that the time of being beheaded became longer each time, Meng Fei's ending did not change at all.

"This guy is testing his own abilities..."

Gu Liu, who had been observing for a long time, saw Meng Fei's motive.

And Meng Fei did think so. On the one hand, he wanted to quickly improve his strength in this battle. Because of his spiritual body, he could kill the ghost as if it were a living thing. Of course, this was only possible when he was strong enough.

Another important point was that Meng Fei wanted to try whether the direction of his strengthening was really only in the physical body.

This was an important question for him...

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