For Meng Fei, the most basic and important thing is to practice Qi.

Under the guidance of the people in Lingxu Valley, he also came to a basin surrounded by four sides. It was like an inverted giant bowl, with mountains and rivers, and it was extremely beautiful.

In addition, the only things that could appear in front of him were some flying in the sky, and there was nothing else.

Here, he had a wide field and an extremely quiet environment for him to practice and comprehend.

The Thirteen Weirdos and Hu Xin were also very polite and did not disturb him. Even if someone wanted to take a look, they just watched from a distance. In short, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to disturb Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was given the best environment and space, and he began his first step.

Practice Qi.

This is obviously a very basic lesson.

It seems not feasible to achieve it all at once.

So, even Meng Fei can only start from the basics, little by little.

The strong self-healing ability makes it difficult for him to use the system to strengthen himself. Even now, Meng Fei relies on his own strength to become stronger, but his body now has an extremely abnormal adaptability. That is to say, when he becomes stronger, his body also becomes stronger inadvertently, and his self-healing ability is even stronger without thinking.

The most important point of coming to Lingxu Valley is not only because of these weirdos here.

It is also because of the weirdness here.

You know, there are not only weirdos in Lingxu Valley, but also those so-called monsters are hidden in unknown places here.

Even if you attach so much importance to basic things, you still need some actual combat.

And Meng Fei's experience over the years has told him that only from fighting can you get the best growth.

So, Meng Fei will naturally not blindly practice in the traditional way.

But there will always be what should be there.

Meng Fei still calmed down and practiced here for a full year.


One year later, on this day, Meng Fei woke up from the state of practice.

As if the sun was brighter, Meng Fei exhaled a long breath of fresh air, and his body felt comfortable. It felt as if all the filth had been expelled from his body.

The whole person was reborn, but Meng Fei was not very satisfied.

Although he could use Qi at will, and it was even very stable.

But his Qi realm was stagnant, and he could not break through the position of the center of the eyebrows, which became his bottleneck.

As early as two months ago, he had actually reached a similar realm as now, but two months later, he was still at the same realm as then, without rising or falling, and the center of the eyebrows was like dead ash.

These two months made Meng Fei a little less confident. Thinking of the saying that he had wasted his spiritual roots, all the things that happened later made Meng Fei think that he was really no good.

"No, it must not be like this."

After spending so much time, Meng Fei didn't want to stop at this point.

When he came to the center of the empty basin, he looked around here, and it was as beautiful as a painting.

If you say there is something hidden in it, I guess no one will believe it.

So, Meng Fei walked around, thinking of relaxing.

And while walking, he also tried to use Qi to impact his eyebrows.

But no matter how hard he tried, no matter how he mobilized his Qi in his body, everything seemed to be in vain.

He mobilized Qi like a stream of water, and the Qi in Meng Fei's body was really like a thin stream of water wandering around his body.

And the main origin point came from his Dantian. Now his Dantian was like a completely mined well, and there was no potential for further development at this moment.

So Meng Fei is now constantly chasing a new "well", and that well is his eyebrows. This so-called "well" is called a spring eye, which is where the Qi gushes.

After the trip to the Great Tianmen Sect, he also clearly understood the magic of the eyebrows, which could be used as a second spring eye.

But no matter how Meng Fei mobilized Qi, the spring eye in the Dantian continuously provided him with power.

However, once the trickle of Qi touched Meng Fei's brow, it felt like a stick poking a stone, and there was no reaction at all.

And this is not something that can be done with effort, because Meng Fei had used all his strength before, and even felt that he almost squeezed the spring in Dantian dry at once, but even so, it was useless.

Therefore, Meng Fei would end his retreat directly, walk around, and see if he could do something useful.

"What is that?"

Inadvertently, Meng Fei, who was walking and thinking, seemed to see something unusual in his peripheral vision.

Not far from where he could see, there seemed to be a half-human-high, black thing in front of him.

Meng Fei approached with curiosity and came to the black mass.

"Is it the entrance of the cave?"

After approaching, he saw clearly that the black mass was a cave.

With curiosity, Meng Fei first reached in.

He reached his hand in, and there was nothing but the coolness and emptiness of the cave.

So, Meng Fei grabbed another stone and threw it in, wanting to hear how deep the cave was.

After the stone was thrown in, there was no echo of hitting the stone wall.

Therefore, Meng Fei concluded that the cave entrance was either open or terribly deep, and there might be some strange things inside.

So, with the idea of ​​going to see what was going on, Meng Fei half-squatted and entered it.

It must be said that this narrow half-man-high cave entrance made Meng Fei suffer a little. He could only squat and walk like a duck, and Meng Fei's face was even more reluctant.

But he couldn't resist his curiosity, and he always felt that there was some secret in the cave entrance.

This can be said to be his sixth sense in the years since he came to this world. The strong sixth sense kept driving his curiosity to explore it.

So, Meng Fei kept moving in the narrow cave entrance like a duck, and the further he walked inside, he could feel that the surroundings seemed to be getting wider.

"The cave seems to be getting bigger."

As the cave got bigger, Meng Fei's body seemed much more relaxed.

His body also started to stand up little by little from leaning over.

Finally, he stood up straight.

His footsteps also stopped at this time. Not only that, there was a dim light in front of him.

Although the light was not enough to illuminate everything, it made the originally dark area visible.

"Is this a secret room? No? What are these things?"

Meng Fei was a little surprised.

Because now that he had walked through the cave entrance, what appeared in front of him was a dimly lit stone room.

What was even more strange was that in addition to the small lanterns hanging on the wall, there were also figurines in the stone room.

There were about ten figurines, scattered here.

And almost all of them were human figures, but when you look closer, they are not similar to humans.

They are more like monsters.

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