The fragments of Yaksha's body were blown away by the evening wind like ashes.

Although it was late at night, the two of them did not rest, but chose to hurry up and rush on their way.

Originally, the two of them decided to find a place to rest, but they heard shocking news on the way.

The triennial martial arts competition in Wugong City will be held in the center of the city in three days.

This didn't seem to bother the two of them, but after hearing that once the competition started, the city would be closed until the competition was over.

At that time, people outside the city will no longer be allowed to enter Wugong City.

So, the two of them estimated the time. It would take them two days and two nights without rest to reach Wugong City, not to mention that they would still have to take a break to eat or something.

So they had no choice but to give up rest and keep walking.

During the tired journey, the two had no choice but to chat with each other to relieve their boredom.

So, Meng Fei asked: "Gu Liu, you should also know what I am capable of."

Gu Liu replied: "Probably."

Recalling what happened before, Gu Liu basically knew Meng Fei's ability, which was that he was basically unafraid of death and would become stronger after resurrection. But where exactly would he become stronger? That's probably in the physical body.

And all along, Meng Fei has had a doubt about his physical body becoming stronger, that is, can only the physical body become stronger, can it have the same upper limit as normal cultivation?

In other words, is there a difference in the upper limit between the two?

Meng Fei always felt that it was not good to just become physically stronger.

And he also told Gu Liu about his doubts.

After hearing this, Gu Liu thought about it carefully. Regarding this question, his mind did not immediately think of a paragraph to answer, but he immediately thought of a person's name - Taoist Master Long Fu.

That is, his fourth senior brother.

The fourth senior brothers Long Fu and Meng Fei are very similar to them. They both have psychic bodies and can fight ghosts with their physical body.

At that time, Long Fu could be said to be the absolute main force in the battle with Diyaksha. He had extremely strong physical strength. There must be no one more suitable to answer Meng Fei's question except him.

Similarly, Gu Liu told Meng Fei about the situation of his fourth senior brother.

Meng Fei was also very excited after hearing this, and wanted to see him someday.

At this time, Gu Liu suddenly thought of an important question, and he hurriedly said to Meng Fei: "Senior Brother Long Fu is a person who pursues the ultimate physical strength. It can be said that if you put aside his identity as an exorcist Taoist priest, he can even be said to be a fighting maniac. He is a demon, so I guess we might be able to meet him in this competition in the martial arts city!"

"That does make sense..." Meng Fei nodded.

If Gu Liu's words are true and come true, then they have to speed up their pace because the competition conference is closed, and they can't even rest. This drudgery finally has some hope.

As a result, the two of them felt a lot more relaxed along the way.

After all, for two people.

One can see another senior brother again, and the other can have a better understanding of himself through it.

Time goes by like running water and cannot be returned.

Many times, people always feel that a certain point in the future is far away, but when that moment comes, they feel that time flies by.

When the two of them stood on the hillside and looked at the three big characters "Martial Arts City" within sight, they finally took a long breath and felt extremely comfortable.

"We've finally arrived."

Meng Fei looked ahead quietly and sighed for a while. This world without transportation really makes people feel lazy when they see the road.

Now that he has been in this world for so long, Meng Fei has learned one thing, that is, he must be prepared in advance before going anywhere. He has even thought about what will happen if he goes back to Earth, and that is to go early enough in order not to be late for work. Got up two hours later.

"Wait a minute, this martial arts city... is too big!"

Then, Meng Fei was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

Not far away, the city wall outside Wugong City directly occupied Meng Fei's entire field of vision. One can imagine how huge this city is.

"Let's go."

Walking down the hillside, Gu Liu patted Meng Fei who was in a daze, and then walked towards the city gate.

For him, he has been traveling around the world for some time, so this is nothing.

Meng Fei reacted and followed him again.

Come to the city gate.

It was already time to approach Guancheng. When they strode to the gate of the city, no one was coming in or out at this time.

Their eyes were quickly attracted by a notice posted at the city gate.

[Heroes from all over the world are welcome to travel thousands of miles to participate in the martial arts city competition. Please pay attention to the regulations of our city.

First, once you enter the martial arts city, you will be regarded as a contestant;

Second, this competition is divided into three levels. Sixteen people are selected from the outermost preliminary test to participate in the re-examination, eight people are selected from the secondary peripheral re-examination to participate in the final test, and the most central final test;

Third, until the end of this competition, there must be no life or death scenes. Anyone who kills his opponent will be wiped out and executed immediately;

Fourth, you are not allowed to use hidden weapons or engage in underhand combat. Violators will be directly punished and will not be allowed to enter the martial arts city again for life;

Fifth, the only person who passes the final test will be taken by the city lord to the town treasure house in Wugong City to randomly select a top-notch weapon and a top-notch secret book;

Sixth, the competition will be held one day after the city is closed! ]

"Is this your first time to compete?"

Seeing the two staring at the notice on the city gate for a long time, the guards came forward to ask.

The two came back to their senses, and it was at this time that they noticed that the body of the guards was as strong as a bull. With a tall figure and huge muscles, he looked like a bodybuilder in Meng Fei's eyes.

"Yes. It's my first time here, so I'm unfamiliar." Meng Fei said.

This big guy looked really intimidating, and even Meng Fei couldn't help but frown.

However, the big guard smiled and looked like he was not threatening. He said to the two carefully: "Haha, there will always be people who come for the first time. It's normal not to know. The main thing is that it's not early now. If you don't have anything else, you can enter. If you have anything else, please tell me."

The gentle and polite words, coupled with the bully-like figure, really look a bit wrong.

Is this the legendary iron man tenderness?

Meng Fei thought jokingly in his mind, and then entered the city gate with Gu Liu.

In the face of these things, Gu Liu has always behaved very normally, which made Meng Fei a little strange, and he said directly: "Don't you think this Wugong City is different from what you imagined?"

Hearing his words, Gu Liu looked at him with a very disgusted look and said: "That's just for you. Although I haven't been here, I have heard of it. There are many cities in the world that love kung fu like Wugong City, but Wugong City can be said to be the most martial arts credit, the best atmosphere and conscience, and the largest one, no one else!"

"Is that so?" Meng Fei kept nodding his head, still a little unconvinced on his face.

He was even more curious about this Wugong City.

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