After one finger, Mi Mo thought he was doomed.

Because after that, he completely lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he was in a deserted desert.

The desert was lonely, and there was no one around. He walked until his legs were almost broken and still couldn't see anyone.

Mi Mo was a little desperate. The desert was so big and scary. In the end, he escaped from here and it took him a whole year to leave.

There was no direction in the desert, which was the main reason why he spent so much time.

And he always felt that his body was weird, probably because of the bald guy.

After he left the desert, he felt extremely scared when he thought of the bald guy.

That guy was so strong that he was even stronger than he imagined.

Sure enough, there are people who are better than you.

That person was not only strong, but what was more terrifying was that he seemed to be on the path of ordinary cultivation, but he was stronger than everyone else.

This was simply a natural king, and a height he could not reach.

So, since that day, he was no longer so arrogant, and he had been living in humiliation, and what was even more terrifying was.

After escaping from the desert, he came to the human world. Due to the special nature of the demon, he could not help but eat people.

But even after three years, that shadow still lingered in his heart.

It was like a scar, and it was so terrifying that it would never heal.

He grabbed a person at random, and at the moment when his head sank, a series of pictures appeared in his head again.

His hands trembled, and he immediately gasped for air and stepped back several steps.

The demon slapped his head frantically, trying to free himself from the shadow.

The feeling of pain made him lie on the ground and roll constantly, and even the "prey" he caught took the opportunity to run away. He was powerless and could only watch all this happen.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

When the demon recovered, he screamed like crazy.

At this time, heavy rain fell from the sky, pouring on Mi Mo's body recklessly.

Mi Mo looked at the sky in confusion.

He began to think, what should he do?

This inner demon made him extremely painful. At this moment, he even understood a cruel reality, that is, sometimes, living is far more painful than dying.

"Damn Baldhead! I must defeat you!"

Unlike Hua Ye, Mi Mo is also a natural strong man, but he is not as terrible as Baldhead, but Mi Mo is also a natural strong man with his own pride.

So similar things will show completely different effects on the two people.

Hua Ye is afraid in his heart, but he still behaves arrogantly.

But Mi Mo can be said to want to fight Baldhead in his heart, but he behaves extremely afraid.

And Mi Mo's initial plan was to investigate Baldhead's background first.

After all, knowing yourself and the enemy can fight a hundred battles without slacking.

And after his investigation, he finally got some clues.

The bald man's real name is Tianyuanzi, and he is the only son of the Tianyuan family.

Tianyuan family.

That is not an unknown place. On the contrary, the family is very large, but there is only one reason for its largeness.

That is, they have strong strength, they have a lot of strong people, very good resources to practice, and they have not fallen into the devil's way.

But there is a problem with the Tianyuan family, that is, it may be because they are too strong, so their ability to pass on the family line is very weak.

It can be said that the combination of two strong people will make it difficult to have offspring.

Therefore, the head of the Tianyuan family has thought of many ways to pass on the incense.

Not only did he take in a lot of women, but they were almost all powerful beings, because he wanted to ensure that his offspring were strong.

However, this generation of the head of the family had some accidents.

This generation of the head of the Tianyuan family did not successfully combine with those women, but because of a drunkenness and a taboo with the maid in the family.

What is even more uncoincidental is that the maid suddenly became pregnant with the head of the family's child.

But the maid was pregnant with the master's child, which was not a good thing for the maid. On the contrary, it was very likely to be a matter of life and death.

The master was also surprised, but he was not a heartless person, so he secretly found an excuse to drive the maid out of the house, which was also a kind of protection for her and himself.

So, the maid also left the Tianyuan family very clearly, found an honest man outside to marry, and gave birth to Tianyuanzi.

At that time, Tianyuanzi had a name, Li Huaitian.

Li Huaitian showed extraordinary abilities when he was born.

He could speak in three days, walk in five days, and looked like a three-year-old child in just ten days.

Others regarded him as a monster, only his parents regarded him as a treasure and loved him endlessly.

Li Huaitian also had a younger sister, who was very obedient and well-behaved, and also thought that her brother was not a monster.

At that time, cultivation was always something that only wealthy families could do.

The Tianyuan family had no descendants, so the master remembered his unexpected child.

After all, someone will be needed to take over the family in the end. In order to prevent the situation of having no descendants in the future, he decided to leave such a backup.

So, he began to quietly find where Li Huaitian was and wanted to provide him with resources for cultivation.

But what he didn't expect was that the time flow for cultivators and ordinary people was different.

That is to say, for the head of the Tianyuan family, thirty years can be said to have passed in the blink of an eye, which may be the time of sitting in meditation, but for Li Huaitian, who lives an ordinary life, thirty years have passed, and he has become an adult and has his own family.

When the head of the Tianyuan family saw this, the child looked almost the same age as himself, and he lost some hope, but he still met with Li Huaitian.

They also talked for a long time, and Li Huaitian also said that he did not hate him, and was very grateful for everything he had done at the beginning, otherwise there might not be Li Huaitian now.

In the end, the head of the Tianyuan family still left the scriptures and other things for cultivation, and told him that he could learn at any time.

Although Li Huaitian accepted the things, he did not learn the things in the scriptures.

He and his wife agreed to grow old together, watch the children grow up together, and finally be buried in the loess together.

However, the beautiful wish has not been realized before it was broken by a sudden disaster.

It's a demon!

When Li Huaitian was out one day, a demon passed by, and it wasn't just his family.

All the people in the town were bloodbathed by the demons and turned into hell.

That day, Li Huaitian rushed into the house, but what greeted him were the mutilated corpses of his wife and children.

Li Huaitian completely collapsed at that moment. He finally searched the whole house and slowly opened the dusty box.

Inside was the scripture given to him by the head of the Tianyuan family...

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