"Meng Fei!!"

"So you're the damn guy?!"

"Brother Meng Fei!"

As before, everyone called Meng Fei by different names, but it didn't matter, they all meant the same thing.

"Long time no see!"

Meng Fei laughed heartily, it had been a long time since he laughed so heartily.

Everyone gathered together and told each other what had happened in the past.

In fact, no one could hear each other's words clearly, but that didn't matter. The important thing was that everyone gathered together again, which was enough.

"I didn't expect that everyone was so powerful! I followed you quietly just now and saw a lot. I was fooled!"

"It's all thanks to you! Let us see a lot of things! Very helpful!"


"By the way, Zhengyi, Gu Liu, and Gou Zi, everyone come, I have something for you!"

"What is it?"

Soon, Meng Fei taught them what he learned in Lingxu Valley, some of which Meng Fei didn't use much, but were very suitable for them.

"What a good thing!"

They all couldn't help but admire it.

Afterwards, it was still Gu Liu who spoke first, pulling everyone's thoughts back, "Everyone, calm down first. Although today is the day we meet again after a long absence, today is not a good day! Rufeng!"

After that, Gu Liu patted Jiang Rufeng beside him.

"Oh, right, right!" Jiang Rufeng reacted immediately, and he was mainly staring at Meng Fei. After all, he was the last to arrive, and many things were almost known to others.

That is, Meng Fei didn't know what happened, but Meng Fei was sure that it was naturally related to the abnormality he found at the gate of the country.

The demonic aura that soared into the sky naturally couldn't come out of thin air.

"It's like this..."

So, Jiang Rufeng began to explain...

It was said that just a year ago, a strange thing that almost unified the whole country suddenly appeared in Ningguo.

That is, everyone surprisingly found that they were actually having the same dream.

Moreover, in the dream, they were just like in the daytime, those who should walk on the street walked on the street, those who should open the shop opened the shop, almost everywhere was open, just like in the daytime.

And this is not even more strange.

What is even more strange is that they actually felt their backs and waists aching deeply after getting up the next morning, as if they really had been moving around like they did during the day last night.

And this matter quickly spread, and people all over the country also knew about it, after they compared each other's dreams.

The occurrence of such things will undoubtedly make everyone think of the mischief of demons and ghosts.

But the strange thing is that for so long, in addition to everyone being very tired, there has been no bloodshed.

And some people have also benefited a lot from this, because what they did at night seemed to have really existed, and some people received double the reward for this, and regarded it as the coming of gods.

Because there was no bloodshed, and some people even benefited, not so many people cared about this matter, and some people even enjoyed this sudden time.

And until one day.

Although there was still no bloodshed, an extremely disgusting thing happened.

A woman, a lady from a noble family, was a famous town beauty in a small town in the country. She was beautiful, very cute and smart.

She had lived a good life, dreaming and living the same life as everyone else.

But one day.

In the same dream at night, a man with extremely ugly sideburns appeared near her home and took her away directly.

Although he did not kill her, he humiliated her, and the pain was even more painful than killing her.

And after finally waking up, she could smell the strong body odor on her body. She collapsed and rushed to the gate of the national palace and rang the bell to report the case.

After her description, the minister decided to have someone keep watch.

However, things were not easy, and even more bizarre things happened.

The man who was sent to keep watch did not succeed, because once it got dark, he fell to the ground and fell asleep. He could not move at all, let alone wake up.

This attracted the attention of the people of Ningguo again.

After several verifications, it was found that they were really like this. As long as it got dark, they fell asleep immediately, no matter who they were!

And even those who couldn't sleep before were the same. They fell asleep immediately, and the speed was very fast, and there was no difference at all with other people.

This was obviously abnormal.

And when they realized this problem, it had been so long.

It had been two full months.

After that, because the problem was not solved, the town flower was still tortured after returning. In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and committed suicide directly.

So, the first blood case occurred. Although this was only the first one, it was enough to attract the attention of the entire Ningguo.

Of course, in such a situation, some people think that it is none of their business and hang up their heads. After all, if the matter didn't happen to them, they didn't care.

But fortunately, such extremes are only a minority.

Most Ningguo people still paid great attention to it. Although it seems that they have made greater profits recently, there must be some unknown great dangers behind such strange things.

They must not be able to go on like this.

If they continue like this, they will most likely die slowly.

People who are aware of it have begun to act.

And this action made them realize that something was wrong.

Because whenever they want to leave the country, they will fall into a deep sleep immediately.

And this situation will occur when this idea comes into being.

This makes them more convinced that this dream that looks good is actually full of hidden dangers!

But because the country has always been in a state of disagreement, the king is still secretly carrying out the plan as before, and almost all the court officials know about this action.

And all along, they can't go abroad, so there is actually nothing they can do.

But at this time, Jiang Rufeng told the king to be patient, because Meng Fei and his group will be here soon.

And finally, today they arrived as scheduled.

Everything was done in secret, so they were now also carrying out secret operations under the leadership of Jiang Rufeng.

"That's about it." Jiang Rufeng explained.

"Well..." Meng Fei nodded, then he stretched out his finger and said:

"That is to say, you still don't quite know what it is?"

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