
Gu Liu pointed at the shadow behind him.

he explained.

"This is our shadow, right? This doesn't seem weird, but what's worth noting is that if I tell you now that what my shadow does at this time can affect me, would you believe it?"

Everyone was confused by his words. Of course, everyone would not understand.

Gu Liu patted his thigh and continued: "Just like this..."

After saying that, you can see that Gu Liu moved a few steps to the side, and finally stopped in front of an old hanging tree.

At this time, Gu Liu adjusted his posture. His shadow stretched long behind him. In the end, he relied directly on the shadow of the old tree. Then Gu Liu used the problem of perspective to make his shadow and the old tree The shadow took on a peculiar shape.

I saw Gu Liu's shadow "stroking" the shadow of the old tree at this time, and then his shadow "strength", and the huge power shook, but because it was a shadow, it would not affect the old tree in reality. produce any impact.

At this time, Meng Fei somewhat understood what Gu Liu meant, but he didn't know what the others were like.

Gu Liu continued to explain: "Just like just now, my shadow tried to uproot the old tree but failed because it would not be reflected in reality. But this dream is different. He is also like a shadow. Generally, it is an independent world and does not affect the people in this world, but there is one thing: the only reality that this dream will affect is that one person! "

"That monster!" Meng Fei said with sudden realization.

"That's right!" Gu Liu nodded, "The only one who will be affected is that guy. I don't know how he did it. This guy is really extraordinary!"

At this point, almost everyone understood.

That is to say, the monster has created a dream world. In this dream world, people still live as usual, as if nothing has happened. After waking up, except for a vague backache, almost no pain occurs. No difference from usual.

At this time, a guy will appear and swallow the entire country in one go.

However, the next day, everything will continue as usual, as if this incident never happened.

The monsters can continue to devour and become stronger, and the entire Ning Kingdom will be eaten as food.

And what's even more frightening is that they don't know it yet.

"How on earth is this done?"

"In other words, I have died many times?!"

"It's really scary..."

After learning the facts, everyone was more or less shocked.

And their focus is naturally different. For Jiang Rufeng, he has been eaten in an endless cycle, and he only realizes it now. How can everyone in the country understand this terrible fact?

"Don't be afraid, I will know your 'shadow'. In other words, if you escape before this guy closes the net, then there will be no problem! So don't worry, your current state is absolutely Survival!" Gu Liu comforted him.

After all, anyone who hears such a fact can't help but feel a chill on the back of his neck. Who can accept that he is being eaten every day?

"Close the net? You mean...?" The big yellow dog beside him was thoughtful after hearing his words.

"That is to say, one day, this formation will wither. At that time, it will almost be the time for that guy to close the net. When he closes the net, he will really devour all the people of Ning Kingdom. This time, no There's another matter of waking up!" Although Gu Liu's words were decisive, they were also an indisputable fact.

After hearing what he said, everyone felt even more terrified.

"This is the first time I have seen such a skill. This guy is extremely scary!" Even Meng Fei was a little uneasy. After traveling all over the country for so many years, this kind of thing has really not happened for a long time.

However, everything must bow before strength, so Meng Fei is not afraid of anything. His current strength is enough for him to be arrogant.

But this time, what made him even more curious was this guy's method. How did he do it?

Meng Fei felt something magical.

"What do we do now?"

Xu Zhengyi's words brought back all his thoughts that were about to go astray.

Meng Fei and the others suddenly became serious.

If it was as usual, Meng Fei would definitely let them find a place to hide together, but today it was different.

Meng Fei thinks that if they go to find trouble with the monster, who knows whether this guy will jump over the wall in a hurry and "close the net" all of a sudden?

These are all situations that they have to consider, and Meng Fei and the others have to be on guard.

So, they assigned work.

And even Jiang Rufeng was taken along by Meng Fei, lest he would not have time to escape if problems arose.

But Jiang Rufeng refused. He insisted on advancing and retreating with the princess. Meng Fei then remembered that this guy was an infatuated person, so Meng Fei complied with his wishes.

Jiang Rufeng also left here first.

The remaining few of them are really a group of people who share adversity and adversity together.

As usual, Meng Fei was the main attacker, while the others were assisting.

But what's different this time is that the big yellow dog will follow Meng Fei directly. Now the strength of the big yellow dog directly surprised Meng Fei.

Meng Fei felt it from the moment he saw it. Since this guy could sense Meng Fei's current strength, he was naturally not as strong as he used to be, and he might not be far away from Meng Fei.

Meng Fei could probably feel that the big yellow dog had actually crossed so many gaps and had now directly become a Tian Yaoxing.

So it was no problem to follow Meng Fei.

And Gu Liu was hiding and covering them.

Xu Zhengyi was optimistic about Gu Liu. If Gu Liu was covering for Meng Fei and the others, then Xu Zhengyi was covering for Gu Liu.

Of course, the two of them would naturally take care of each other.

Gu Liu even had to study this formation, and his work was not few.

Meng Fei and the big yellow dog were looking for the guy's trace with the help of Gu Liu.

They looked determined and vowed to pull the guy out.

So, the group quickly set off, and after smelling the green smoke in front of the big yellow dog, they could roughly go to an accurate location.

Probably near the place, Meng Fei pulled out a wisp of smoke again and asked the big yellow dog to try to sniff it. The big yellow dog lived up to expectations and found a possible location.

A well.

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