"Can I eat time? Did I make a mistake?!"

Meng and even Meng Fei himself couldn't believe it.

He finally captured the two monsters in his hands and finally saw their appearance clearly.

He was neither big nor small, only about half a man tall. He also had a ghostly appearance, completely out of shape.

If you really want to find a description, then the two guys are like a pile of garbage thrown into the river. It feels like they have just been fished out. There is still inexplicable mucus on their bodies. They look extremely disgusting. Meng Fei is also angry. Only by wrapping his hands could he hold back his nausea and hold them.

"Time... flows..."

Meng Fei lifted the time stop, and time immediately began to flow.

At this time, there was a restless movement of struggling on his hand, but he couldn't break free from Meng Fei's hand.

"What's this?!"

The big yellow dog fell into the old well, but nothing happened, so he asked Meng Fei in confusion.

After seeing the two guys in Meng Fei's hands, the big yellow dog understood a little bit.

"Did they do the things you mentioned?" The big yellow dog asked Meng Fei in disbelief, his eyes widening.

Meng Fei nodded and explained: "Although I don't know how they did it, these two guys are monsters that can really eat time!"

"Eating time?!" The big yellow dog suddenly felt like he had a cognitive collapse.

What is the concept of eating up time? !

The big yellow dog was stunned, and even started to think in a daze.

"They actually have such abilities, but they don't look strong?" After thinking for a while, the big yellow dog asked this question.

"Yes, that's right, what you said is the biggest problem..."

I saw Meng Fei picking up two monsters. Listening to their unintelligible words, Meng Fei shook his head, then looked at the big yellow dog, frowning.

The big yellow dog quickly understood what he meant, but the big yellow dog could only shake his head helplessly. He knew that Meng Fei wanted to ask him if he could answer the words of the two monsters.

Unfortunately, the big yellow dog doesn’t know either.

"But..." the big yellow dog suddenly said again.

His eyes shone slightly, as if he had thought of something, "Generally speaking, it is possible to communicate with consciousness, and it does not require language, just what is thought in the heart, but if they can't... …”

"What does it mean if you can't do it?" Meng Fei also asked.

"If I can't do that, it means they are indeed weak, very real weak. And how to compare it specifically, it is probably that if my strength is the sky, they can't even be said to be the earth, but like ants on the ground! "The metaphor of the big yellow dog is not an exaggeration, it is just the way it is.

Meng Fei also nodded happily. He understood this metaphor very well, so he frowned even more and said: "Then try it quickly!"


The big yellow dog moved whenever he wanted, but he was still as if he was meditating on the spot. Only the changes on his brows could be seen.

After dripping with sweat and a "battle", the big yellow dog opened his eyes suddenly, shook his head at Meng Fei again, and said: "Conscious communication requires two-way meditation, but they cannot..."

At this point, Meng Fei understood everything, and there was no need for the big yellow dog to say any more.

However, after Meng Fei heard the news, he was not so optimistic.

"This means that these guys with such ant-like strength can actually use such abilities..."

It is impossible to say that there is nothing in his heart. After all, even Meng Fei cannot say anything about his ability to use time in this way.

However, such a little monster can actually use such power?

Meng Fei was not very happy.

Meng Fei couldn't help but look at the palms of his hands, where the energy of chaos seemed to appear.

He has the ability to materialize, but until now, he has not used this power very well.

Maybe that's why he doesn't have much control over the power of time and space.


Meng Fei came to the old well again and crushed the two monsters in his hand. This time when he looked down into the old well, there was no problem anymore.

"Is there anything?"

The big yellow dog also came to Meng Fei's side and looked at him in the same way.


The big yellow dog's face was full of confusion, and then he looked at Meng Fei, as if he wanted to ask Meng Fei if he could see it.

However, Meng Fei shook his head. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything.

The impact of this old well on him didn't seem to be anything unusual except that it was old. It was just like an ordinary old well inside. Apart from dirt and moss, it was even dry and had no water inside.

Meng Fei stretched his body and then climbed onto the old well.

"What do you want to do?" The big yellow dog stared at Meng Fei.


Meng Fei let out a long breath, then jumped forward a little. Meng Fei's whole body suddenly hung on the mouth of the old well.

A sudden sound!

Meng Fei's body continued to fall downwards.

"Hey, you guy!" The big yellow dog stepped forward and immediately rushed to the mouth of the old well. He stretched his head towards the inside, hoping to see Meng Fei. However, it was too dark in the well. After Meng Fei went down, he could no longer look at it. His body was missing.


Big Yellow Dog hesitated because they had arranged for him and Meng Fei to act together.

But now, he is a little hesitant. In this situation, should he continue to follow?

"No matter what, it's something I didn't expect, that is, something unexpected. I'll wait for him here!"

After saying that, the big yellow dog turned around and leaned against the old well, quietly waiting for news about Meng Fei.

"By the way, what are those two guys doing? Why hasn't there been any news after so long?!" Big Yellow Dog had nothing to do, so he complained directly there.

But yes, Gu Liu and the others have been acting for so long without seeing any reaction, which will inevitably make the big yellow dog feel a little strange.

"Did those two guys also meet the time-eating little monster?" Thinking of this, the big yellow dog couldn't help but feel a chill on the back of his neck.

After all, this was something that even he had never noticed. He and Meng Fei were here. To be honest, if it weren't for Meng Fei, the big yellow dog would probably have been trapped here forever.

In other words, even he couldn't detect it. You know, although he has just stepped into the level of Tianyao Star's strength, Xu Zhengyi and the others have not touched this strength even though they are close to it. How could they discover this kind of strength? What's the problem?

"Shall I help them?" The big yellow dog said to himself, lost in thought.


After a moment of silence, the big yellow dog took a breath and said: "Oh, let's forget it. It's useless for me to go anyway, so I'd better stay here..."

So, after all kinds of tangles, the big yellow dog still felt that he could just stay here and guard him. He couldn't do anything to help anyway, so he might as well stay here and wait for Meng Fei to come out before he could do anything.

"Huh~ I've been falling for a long time... I finally stepped on the horse to the end."

Meng Fei's side.

After falling for who knows how long, Meng Fei finally reached the bottom.

In this extremely narrow space, Meng Fei could only turn around.

The dark surroundings didn't matter, because Meng Fei's eyesight was now very powerful, enough to see other things in the dark night.

So, he looked around silently, and there was almost nothing except the round well wall. Of course, there was no need to talk about the moss and the like attached to it.

After all, they are all useless things and have no effect on Meng Fei, so they will definitely not take them to heart.

Therefore, Meng Fei turned his attention to his feet and saw him stepping hard several times, and then listened carefully to the sounds coming from below.

And the sound that came was not a hollow bang, but a solid thump.

This inevitably made Meng Fei even more confused.

"Solid? Does that mean there's nothing hidden underneath?"

With doubts, Meng Fei lay down with great difficulty. He tried his best to turn his whole body over, and then put his ears against the bottom.

He infinitely amplified his hearing, and his powerful hearing helped him constantly pick up the sounds coming from below.

The sound of breaking earth, the sound of action...

But it sounded more like the sound of tiny animals moving in the soil, rather than the sound of something hidden.

"Damn it!"

Meng Fei turned over and came back. The narrow space made his originally depressed heart even more irritable. So, Meng Fei shook his arms, and the huge force directly caused the entire underground to tremble. Then, Meng Fei opened a building directly. A huge hole comes.

This time it immediately became more open, and Meng Fei felt much more comfortable.

Then, he stretched his body, clenched his fists, and finally charged up the force and hit the ground.

The ground immediately shook violently, and Meng Fei's brows knitted together.

"What's going on?! Why didn't you respond?!"

Meng Fei was even more surprised when he saw the ground showing no reaction at all.

But he also became happy, because this meant that he had not come to the wrong place. There were indeed some problems here!

Although the earth will not be penetrated by Meng Fei at once, there is no problem in being damaged such as dents.

But now in front of Meng Fei, there was no reaction at all from the bottom of the well.

"Sure enough, there is still something wrong! Here!" Meng Fei finally got a little more excited. After waiting for a long time, there was no result. Now he can finally react, and finally his trip was not in vain.

Now with their strength, there shouldn't be any misjudgments.

"this is?!"

At this time, under Meng Fei's indiscriminate bombardment, although there was no change in the underground surface, something strange appeared that attracted Meng Fei's attention.

"What is this pattern?"

Looking at the golden lines under his feet, Meng Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The pattern looked familiar to Meng Fei. It was a unique pattern on the formation. Now that it appeared here, it was obviously that thing.

"Formation, this should be the source of that guy's dream formation, but where is that guy?"

When Meng Fei was confused, a scream suddenly caught his attention.


"What's going on? What happened?!"

Meng Fei called towards the mouth of the well, hoping to get a response from the big yellow dog.

"Damn it!"

Meng Fei didn't want to worry about it anymore. He stepped down, and the strong reaction force directly drove Meng Fei's body up continuously, reaching the outside in almost a blink of an eye.

"what happened?!"

When he came to the flat ground, Meng Fei looked around.


Meng Fei was shocked. He saw an extremely tall and sturdy guy not far in front of him. He couldn't tell whether he was a human or something, but he could see that he was grabbing the big yellow dog by the neck. He was suppressing it with powerful force. The big yellow dog was obviously unable to move and was in an extremely dangerous state.


At this time, the guy who caught the big yellow dog heard Meng Fei's voice, and tilted his head slightly to look at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei also saw clearly what the guy looked like. He had the face of a lion, and it turned out that he was also a monster.

His burly figure is actually nothing more than his appearance. What is important is his strong strength. He can suppress the big yellow dog like this. Although the big yellow dog has just entered the realm of the Sky Demon Star, it is also the real ability of the Sky Demon Star. .

However, being suppressed by him in this way obviously had to attract Meng Fei's attention.

"There is nothing I can do, time has stopped flowing!"

In this situation, Meng Fei was in full state for an instant, and then immediately activated Time Stop.

Meng Fei dodged forward and came directly in front of the lion while the time stopped.

Before the effects of the time stop wore off, Meng Fei punched directly and hit the lion's hand.

Although the lion is unresponsive now, as time continues to flow, everything Meng Fei does will begin to take effect.

Although the ability of Time Stop may be ineffective at this level, the first activation will almost always make the opponent unable to react, so it has no effect. Meng Fei activated Time Stop smoothly.

"Time continues to flow..."

With an order, time continued to flow, and everything around him started moving again.


The lion was also successfully hit by this sudden blow. His arm was immediately shattered by the huge force that he didn't know where it came from, and the big yellow dog that was originally under his control also fell off.

The big yellow dog plopped down in front of Meng Fei.

"Stand back and leave it to me."

The big yellow dog came next to Meng Fei. After Meng Fei said this to him, he immediately hid aside as if he had wanted to hear this for a long time, and immediately started to use his magical power to treat his injuries.

"You...are the owner of the dream?"

Facing the lion, Meng Fei actually asked in disbelief, because he still thought that this guy was not the Lord of Dreams.

The lion was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his temples with his fingers, and then said to Meng Fei: "You mean the king?"

"But unfortunately, I am not the king, I am just the king's subordinate." He continued.

"The king's subordinates?!"

Meng Fei seemed to have heard something even more terrifying.

A middle-level Sky Demon Star could actually be a subordinate?

"In that case, I want to meet your king!"

Meng Fei said confidently.

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