"It's useless! Even if you blow up the Sky Sorrow Ball, the power generated by the explosion of the Sky Sorrow Ball is enough to destroy everything!"

Although the light of the light ball swallowed the lion, the confident voice came out without any disguise.

The voice seemed to be announcing his victory. The lion naturally thought that Meng Fei would turn force into force, thinking that as long as he blew up the light ball one step ahead, it would be fine.

However, the lion had long guessed that he would do this, so he deliberately released such a move.

This is both his absolute killer move and his backup plan.

However, at this time, Meng Fei smiled. In such a situation, he showed an extremely bright smile on his face, just like the smile of a child who is playing.

"You guy? What are you laughing at?!" Although others can't see the lion outside, he can see clearly outside.

At this time, Meng Fei's smiling face was also seen clearly by him.

And at this time, his face was probably only puzzled except for confusion.

"What am I laughing at?"

Outside the light ball, Meng Fei finally spoke.

With an extremely confident smile, Meng Fei explained: "You blindly think that you are ready for everything, but you don't realize one thing, that is, the person standing in front of you now is almost the same as you or even stronger, so! Why do you think that I am not fully prepared?!"


Although Meng Fei has not taken action yet, these words did make the lion sweat.

Let alone Meng Fei's confidence in his own strength, he thinks he is stronger than the lion, and these words instantly made the lion understand his shortcomings.

And in this way, his confidence was almost defeated, and Meng Fei's confident look made him a little at a loss.

And the next second, something even more terrifying happened.

If the verbal intimidation will eventually be exposed, but everything in actual action is real and will never change because of anything.

And at this time, Meng Fei's action confirmed this point.

On his fist, the black mist vortex was running wildly, and his crystal battle axe was also madly absorbing the huge power in front of him.

The power was so great that the crystal battle axe felt like an animal that was so hungry that it was only skin and bones, and then it ate a lot of food at once and its belly was about to explode.

And Meng Fei's black mist vortex continued to expand.

In such a long time, this was the first time that he used the black mist vortex to swallow something and was swollen by the power.

"Then come on!"

Inside the light ball, the lion's voice sounded again, with great spirit. At that moment, it seemed as if the lion had turned into a warrior, and it was like a glorious battle before death. Seeing the power being dissolved, he was finally almost forced to the end.

Burn the boats and sink the bridges, at this moment.

"What? Is there such a consciousness?"

Finally, the situation that Meng Fei did not expect appeared.

I saw that the light ball in front of him was expanding again, and the dazzling light seemed to be about to crack people's eyes.

And Meng Fei's fist was directly in contact with the light ball, which means that Meng Fei could feel all the changes inside more clearly.

He clearly felt that an extremely huge life force was injected into the light ball, so the light ball expanded and grew again.

Meng Fei knew that it was the lion guy who chose to completely integrate his body and the light ball into it, and then burst out with more violent power.

Meng Fei also clearly felt the growth of this power, which was very terrible, and even directly exceeded Meng Fei's current tolerance.

"Big Yellow Dog!!!"

Meng Fei immediately called out to the big yellow dog.

Seeing that the light ball in front of him had a huge abnormality, Meng Fei's fist was leaking white light everywhere like a sharp arrow, and those seemingly tiny leaked light rays, when they touched the earth and buildings, instantly caused a huge explosion.

Its power was extremely terrible, so Meng Fei was nervous when he saw this scene.

This directly made Meng Fei understand that he could not look at the power of the light ball in front of him from his own perspective. After all, those buildings and various creatures could not compare with Meng Fei in terms of solidity.

Although Meng Fei would not be hurt or destroyed by the light ball, it was different for other people.

Moreover, there were Gu Liu and the others inside, so Meng Fei should pay more attention to this problem.

However, the indisputable fact was that since that guy had burned his boats, Meng Fei could no longer stop everything in front of him.

That's right, the white light ball would pour down, constantly destroying everything around, and finally destroying the entire Ningguo directly!

So, Meng Fei called out to the big yellow dog loudly, but the sound above was indeed too loud, causing the big yellow dog below to not hear Meng Fei's voice immediately.

Meng Fei yelled again and again, hoping to get a response from the big yellow dog.

Finally, when Meng Fei almost broke his throat, the big yellow dog finally responded.

"Don't worry, I already understood it!!!"

The big yellow dog also yelled wildly at the top, but fortunately Meng Fei had amazing hearing and heard the big yellow dog's voice at once.

"Did you understand it a long time ago?"

Hearing this, Meng Fei couldn't help grinning.

He smiled to himself. It turned out that he had always underestimated his friends. In fact, they had always been very powerful!

Then, Meng Fei clearly felt that the light pouring out around him seemed to be controlled on the same track.

"Is it a tengu? It's getting more and more powerful!"

Meng Fei immediately thought of the Big Yellow Dog's Tengu. It seemed that this guy's Tengu was getting more and more powerful.

Something with such power was actually forcibly changed by the Tengu, and perhaps even directly devoured.

"It seems that you have provoked the wrong people."

Meng Fei couldn't help but make a mocking expression at the huge ball of light in front of him.

In the past, the lion crushed the big yellow dog, but now the lion's killing move was defeated by the big yellow dog's Tengu.

The Tengu was frantically devouring the light from the white ball of light below. After a while, Meng Fei even felt that he felt much more relaxed in front of him.

"Well done! Haha, Lion, if you are still conscious, take a good look and see who made the greatest contribution to killing you!"

Meng Fei taunted the front while looking at the big yellow dog below with a smile on his face.

At this time, the big yellow dog was also opening its huge mouth, and the vortex was swallowing up all the white light in front of it.

At this moment, Meng Fei was even able to free up some space with the help of Big Yellow Dog. All of this was obviously inseparable from Big Yellow Dog's contribution.

Meng Fei glanced down and saw the big yellow dog devouring it. It seemed to be easier than he imagined.

"It seems that he should have been allowed to perform long ago..."

Meng Fei was speechless for a while. He originally thought that the big yellow dog might have a harder time, but he forgot that this was the big yellow dog's ability. This kind of thing itself was his strongest point.

It's a good show, Meng Fei is obviously too lazy to worry about it.

He even wondered a little to himself why he didn't let the big yellow dog do these things from the beginning.

He is obviously more suitable to do these things than himself.

But today, Meng Fei realized that the crystal battle ax was of little use in the face of absolute strength. Meng Fei's black mist vortex almost absorbed more.

What Meng Fei didn't expect even more was that the current big yellow dog's devouring ability, whether it was the crystal battle ax or its own black mist vortex, was far from the level of the tengu.

With the help of Tengu, the expansion of the white light ball was finally resolved, and Meng Fei could now give it a try.

"Meng Fei!!! It's your turn to take action!"

The big yellow dog yelled at the sky again. Meng Fei was standing quietly in the sky, facing off against the white ball of light.


Meng Fei responded forcefully.

Now it's finally Meng Fei's turn to truly perform.

He first came directly under the white light ball, and then kicked it higher into the sky.

Higher altitude.

The white ball of light was sent to the highest point by Meng Fei's kick and stopped in place.

Meng Fei's figure instantly appeared in front of the white ball of light like a ghost.

The air here is thin and very cold.

If ordinary people were exposed here, they would probably die directly.

But Meng Fei had no influence here, so Meng Fei moved without any influence at all.

He thrust his right fist halfway behind him, and then the black mist vortex spun on his hand again.

But the difference is that this time, the black mist vortex was not created to absorb anything, but to instantly exert more violent power, and the most important point was to return the power of the white light ball to him!

"This is my power and your power!"

I saw Meng Fei swinging his fist, and the thick clouds around him were instantly broken. The clouds in the entire sky were directly pulled into a huge whirlpool, and the middle was still empty.

Of course, there was only one person left in the middle, and a bunch of white debris.

A group of white fragments fell slowly, and then it turned into raindrops and fell on the ground bit by bit without causing any damage. This time, it was like spring rain, nourishing the earth.

Meng Fei was still examining everything in front of him from a high altitude. Only after he was sure that the lion was completely dead did he feel relieved.

It is not a good thing to let such a guy live to do evil.

After several confirmations, Meng Fei felt relieved and immediately returned to the ground and came to the big yellow dog.

This guy is in excellent condition. He has absorbed so many things, but he seems to be nothing.

"Are you... okay?" Even Meng Fei was a little unbelievable.

"What are you talking about? What's the problem? What the dog swallowed didn't go into my stomach?!" The big yellow dog replied with a puzzled look on his face.

"..." Meng Fei was speechless for a while, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he almost slapped himself.

He actually forgot that the things absorbed by the Big Yellow Dog Tengu will be directly brought to another dimension, so he himself will not have any impact at all.

Now there are only three words in Meng Fei's heart, "horse riding"!

He was also dizzy just now. The big yellow dog could obviously solve the problem, but he almost messed it up.

Fortunately, Big Yellow Dog took action in time, otherwise it would have really not ended well.

"Oh, by the way, why haven't those two guys responded?!"

At this time, the big yellow dog remembered Gu Liu and the others, and immediately told Meng Fei.

"It's bad!"

Meng Fei slapped his forehead instantly. For five years, he has been acting alone, so he hasn't come out of that state yet. Gu Liu and the others didn't respond for so long, and he just forgot about it.

Luckily, the big yellow dog brought it up, otherwise Meng Fei would have forgotten it again.

"Let's go and see the two of them. According to the plan we talked about before, they should be nearby!"

Meng Fei said to the big yellow dog, and then the two guys acted together.

According to their previous plan, Gu Liu and the others should be around.

The old well is surrounded by a place that looks abandoned, with dilapidated houses everywhere.

I didn't expect that there would be such a place in the rich Ningguo, but no one lives here, which is reasonable. After all, Ningguo can have such a place, but the people here don't live here.

Under the destruction of the lion's light ball, the surroundings looked even more dilapidated.

It was as if a small-scale war had broken out here. The desolate and dilapidated surroundings were where Gu Liu and his team were.

"There! It's them!"

It wasn't long before Meng Fei and his team found Gu Liu and his team nearby.

"What are they doing?!"

The big yellow dog looked ahead in confusion, because there, a strange scene was going on.

It was seen that although everything around was dilapidated, it didn't seem to have received the "second baptism" from the lion.

And this was not a big deal. The strange thing was that Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi had been standing there, at a loss.

They didn't dare to move forward or walk around, which made people feel very strange.

"Will they also encounter that? That thing that eats up time?!"

The big yellow dog looked at Gu Liu and his team's strange movements and couldn't help but guess so.

"Uh..." Meng Fei paused for a while. Although the big yellow dog's words made sense, he felt that something was wrong.

"Hey! Gu Liu! Zhengyi! Can you hear me?!"

"What are you doing?! Calling them? Yes, I'll come too, you stupid ass! Little brat!!"

Suddenly, Meng Fei shouted their names loudly, and the big yellow dog followed closely.

However, something strange happened. No matter how they shouted Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi's names, they didn't get any response.

"Strange, I don't believe it, I'll go and see!"

The big yellow dog was so excited that he was about to move forward.

"Don't move forward!"

However, at this time, Meng Fei stopped the big yellow dog from moving forward.

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