They wanted to see what was going on.

Knock, knock.


Meng Fei knocked on the door and shouted inside so that no one could hear.

After all, the restaurant was dark at first glance, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

After he knocked on the door, the light finally came on inside, and he could finally see everything inside.

From this point of view, there were normal tables and chairs inside, and there was nothing worth noting.

However, no one appeared inside, so the two put the things on their backs aside first, and then walked straight in. In order to find out, they had to go deeper.

However, it seemed that there was still nothing.

This was naturally impossible, because someone turned on the light, so it was impossible for there to be no one inside.

At least, there was a ghost.

Then, they walked to the counter, Meng Fei put one hand on it, and began to look around.

"What are you doing? Don't tickle me." Meng Fei suddenly felt a scratching sensation on his back, so he complained to Gu Liu uncomfortably.

Gu Liu looked puzzled and said, "Why should I tickle you?"

"Isn't it you?"

"Of course not!"

Meng Fei turned his eyes to Gu Liu and found that he was taking out talisman paper from his body at this time, and he should be preparing to use magic to find out the truth.


"Woof woof!"

Just when Meng Fei was puzzled, the yellow dog suddenly barked at him.

The yellow dog could not be dissatisfied with him, and Meng Fei naturally understood this fact, so he turned his head to the back.

"Damn it!"

This sight almost scared Meng Fei to the roof.

Behind him, there were two bloody hands scratching constantly, and those hands seemed to grow on the counter!

Gu Liu couldn't help but take two steps back, and even he was puzzled: "What kind of ghost is this?"

"Huh? You are a Taoist priest, haven't you seen this?" Meng Fei saw Gu Liu's surprised look, and he was even more puzzled.

"I really haven't seen this, why don't you try with the yellow paper?" Gu Liu hadn't seen everything, and for safety, the yellow paper was also placed on Meng Fei, who was the safest. At this time, Gu Liu wanted him to try whether the yellow paper could be controlled.

If it can, it means that it is a ghost, if not, it can only be this sorcery.

So, Meng Fei immediately took out the yellow paper and wanted to control the bloody hand growing on the counter to appear.

However, there was no reaction.

"Not a ghost?" Meng Fei said puzzledly.

Gu Liu's eyes turned around, thinking frantically in his mind, but in the end he only spit out one sentence, "It's not as simple as it looks."

"Nonsense!" Meng Fei was speechless for a while.

Then, Meng Fei, who was lost in thought, found a stool and sat down.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when Meng Fei sat down, a bloody arm suddenly appeared on the stool facing the ground, and it went around the outer corner of the stool and grabbed Meng Fei.

The sharp nails went straight through Meng Fei's thick pants and pressed directly against the flesh on Meng Fei's left leg!

Fortunately, Meng Fei found it instantly this time and escaped.

"There is one here too?!"

Meng Fei and Gu Liu said almost in unison.

This even made Gu Liu, who had not suffered a sudden attack so far, more cautious and afraid. He even dared to stand in the gap and dared not move, fearing that he would touch something he shouldn't touch.

Meng Fei's brows were locked together by the sudden attacks. He touched his back and found that his back was also scratched.

If it weren't for the thick clothes and his strong body, his back would have been torn by the bloody hands.

"Wait, don't you think it's strange?"

Meng Fei suddenly thought of a question.

"Where?" Gu Liu asked puzzledly.

Meng Fei pointed at the wooden tables and chairs, and the things that looked no different from other places, and said, "It's all frozen outside, will it really be okay inside?"

At least for Meng Fei, in such an environment, if there is no one in the house to make a fire, then he would not believe that everything in the house is normal.

"I'll go and see!"

"Where to go?"

Under Gu Liu's puzzled eyes, Meng Fei left here in a flash.

Afterwards, he came to the ice sculpture house opposite the restaurant, blew a mouthful of hot air into his fist, and then he punched the ice sculpture door open with one punch.

As expected, behind the ice door, with his previous perception, there was no breath of living people in the ice sculpture house, so he blasted the door open unscrupulously.

After opening the door, Meng Fei was shocked to find that the house had also become a frozen world. In the kitchen, he found a human body wrapped in ice.

Even though it was covered by thick ice, the man's body could still be seen clearly, and Meng Fei also discovered that the man's hands were gone!

"Gu Liu!"

Meng Fei immediately called Gu Liu.

After seeing this scene, Gu Liu combined his previous experience and finally came up with a slightly more reasonable explanation.

So, he said to Meng Fei: "If I'm not mistaken, it's a kind of human sacrifice."

"A kind of human sacrifice?" Meng Fei was obviously unfamiliar with this term.

"Yes, this is one of them, and this is a transaction between living people and monsters. When living people don't want to continue living or are in too much pain, they choose to be controlled by monsters, so their limbs are divided and they work for monsters as immortal monsters. Therefore, the people entertained by this restaurant are not human at all! People will only be rejected and killed by these monsters, and the loss of spiritual power in this way is less than that of the altar. Reducing the consumption of the altar will make the monsters safer." Gu Liu continued to explain carefully.

"That is to say, we almost fell into the trap..."

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and Gu Liu shook his head helplessly.

But this does not mean that they have no gains.

After all, they know a worse news, that is, the existence of this living sacrifice means that the altar is more difficult to find.

Although it is not good news, it is better to know than not to know.

"Generally speaking, only when they think they are only one step away from becoming a demon star and their fate is approaching, these demons may make a desperate move and choose to activate the All-Spirit Blood Formation. It is only a matter of time before they are hunted down by Taoist priests from all sides. So, after so long, I always feel that there should be no powerful exorcists or exorcist Taoist priests coming here."

"This can indeed be barely considered a clue."

The two looked at each other helplessly.

There is no way. This Hanyue State is too big. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the altar.

In addition, in this desolate scene where no one is seen everywhere, the sources of clues they can get are too few.

But if there are other people like them, then maybe it is a way to find clues.

Just when the two were at a loss, the yellow dog next to Meng Fei suddenly barked wildly again.

The two looked in the direction of the yellow dog's barking almost at the same time.

There, a thin young man was carrying a thick rope on his shoulder, holding it tightly with one hand, dragging something with great effort, and walking unsteadily towards them.

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