
Fairy Huang was so scared that she quickly picked up her clothes and put them on, then instinctively turned her head.

But when she saw that the person who came was Meng Fei, who she had seen turned into a mummy before, she was even more shocked.

That's not right.

Isn't this person a cover to let him live in order to deal with outsiders?

And I also saw him turn into a mummy with my own eyes, but what's going on with this person in front of me?

"Why... are you still alive?"

Fairy Huang was extremely shocked.

"You should tell me what you are up to?" Meng Fei leaned down and tilted his head to say to Fairy Huang.

Fairy Huang then realized that the guy in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person!

And looking at his posture, it is estimated that he has guessed a lot, and at this time, her eyes were instantly filled with fear.

Her body trembled, and her eyes even turned white slightly, as if she was extremely panicking about something.

"Don't be afraid! Tell me everything!"

Meng Fei became more and more certain that this Phoenix Fairy was a real person, not a monster, but she must have been coerced by some monster.

So, he asked her to calm down.

After a long while, she stabilized a lot, and then burst into tears again.

"Sir, can you tell me how many people I have harmed so far?" She said in a trembling voice.

"I just came here and don't know these things... So can you ignore these things and tell me the important things first?" Meng Fei was also speechless.

She came back to her senses, then shook her head and said, "No, Sir, I can't harm you."

"Don't worry, you can't harm me. Not to mention you, there is no one in this world who can harm me!"

Meng Fei's confident look reminded her of something, that is, he turned into a mummy and now appeared in front of her.

She thought to herself that maybe the man in front of her really had some skills.

So, she finally compromised and began to tell Meng Fei everything that had happened.

Before, she was a homeless girl who could only beg in a small town every day. Later, even the small town could not accommodate her and she was driven out.

In order to survive, she had to run to a cave to survive. However, what she didn't know at that time was that an extremely evil fox demon was waiting for her in the cave.

The fox demon turned into a woman and came to her side, looking her up and down carefully. Then, the fox demon was shocked to find that the little human girl in front of her was actually a real beauty.

It was just that her face and body were covered with dust, and she was so hungry that she couldn't see her beauty.

After the fox demon took care of her, she was indeed a top-notch beauty as expected by the fox demon, and her beauty couldn't even be transformed into a human form.

The fox demon was completely shocked, so he came up with a bold idea. Instead of seducing people to absorb the essence, this was not a solution after all, because it would sooner or later attract exorcists and even Taoist priests from all sides, so it was better to make good use of the resources in front of him.

So, the grown-up Phoenix Fairy directly became the "bait" of the fox demon, and it hid in the dark to absorb the essence.

Even so, they almost encountered an attack from a Taoist priest.

Therefore, from then on, the fox demon began to find a way to let Phoenix Fairy learn the ability to absorb and transmit essence.

For this, Phoenix Fairy suffered a lot, and was even forcibly changed by the fox demon.

Finally, she finally learned how to absorb essence by herself and send it to the fox demon.

After that, the fox demon became more and more greedy, so it set its sights on the rich Ningguo, and then put Phoenix Fairy in a brothel to provide it with a steady supply of essence and a lot of money.

As for why it suddenly wanted money.

According to Fairy Phoenix, it seems that the monster accidentally got a strange bamboo stick, and it seems that it needs to buy a lot of precious materials to do something, and even it is difficult for it to steal precious materials, so it has to use treasures to get them. Later, for some unknown reason, the fox demon accidentally gained the ability to control people.

Therefore, Fairy Phoenix has lost the ability to commit suicide, and she can only do everything the fox demon tells her to do.

Only here, in this mechanical hut, is the last bit of freedom given to her by the fox demon. Here, except for death and hurting herself, she can do anything.

As for where the fox demon is hiding now, even she doesn't know. Since she was controlled, after spitting out her essence, it is equivalent to the essence automatically flying to the fox demon, and she doesn't need to do anything more.

So she doesn't know where the fox demon is hiding now.


After listening to all the stories, Meng Fei was particularly interested in the bamboo stick. He even had a strong feeling that the thing was inseparable from the yellow paper they had been investigating.

"I understand, listen, you still do what you should do, don't have any abnormalities!" Meng Fei told her.

"What about you?" She asked with some worry.

Meng Fei shook his head and said confidently: "I'll go and deal with that guy!"

Then, under the gaze of Fairy Phoenix, he left here in a flash, and Fairy Phoenix hadn't even finished saying the word "be careful".

After Meng Fei left, Fairy Phoenix silently opened a cabinet, and there was a small paper bag inside, but no one knew what was inside.



On the rooftop of Qiyu Tower, Meng Fei jumped down and strode to Gu Liu.

Fortunately, no one in the ring saw Meng Fei, otherwise they would be shocked, after all, Meng Fei was still alive, and Meng Fei had beaten them...

"How is it?" Gu Liu asked Meng Fei.

Meng Fei nodded, and just uttered three words lightly, "Follow me!"

Gu Liu and the yellow dog beside him understood and followed him directly.

"Then Jiang Rufeng came to you and said that you didn't have enough money, so why did you disappear? You didn't do anything bad, did you?"

"What are you talking about? Although I don't have enough money, I used legitimate means!"

"No one is asking for trouble, so I'll believe you for the time being."

"Woof woof! In my opinion, you must be a rogue!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll burn your dog's tail!"


Amidst a burst of laughter, Meng Fei naturally ran along the remaining smoke.

The yellow dog looked a little strange and said, "Why do I feel the breath of Master Meng Fei on this road?"

"Isn't he just there?" Gu Liu said with a confused look on his face.

"No, there is another, very strong breath!" the yellow dog insisted.

Gu Liu didn't understand, but Meng Fei understood what the yellow dog meant.

The yellow dog made Meng Fei not want to talk anymore. After all, he had forgotten that he had a yellow dog. With this guy, why should he let him get the power of smelling spirits?

"Oh, it's too bad." Meng Fei complained.

But the two men and the dog did not stop, and kept running towards the direction of the breath.

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